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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. LOL. The org can decide what they think, but the player gets the last word on what he turns himself into.
  2. Objectively, his role has expanded. I suppose one could posit that the Tigers are trying inoculate themselves from potential criticism if they let him go by giving him every better chance to succeed first, but 'enigma wrapped in a riddle' kind of management by misdirection strikes me as being out of character for this org. OTOH, business is business, if the ratings for Monroe broadcasts start to show a differential, he's going to be out so I have to guess that hasn't happened yet.
  3. It's always dangerous to see your team play a team that is as much better than there are as the Rangers are than the Wings. Probably more depressing that the situation really is, but you got the sense watching that game the Rangers has so much in tank they knew they could score pretty much whenever they flipped the switch to high gear and there was nothing the Wings would be able to do about it.
  4. But a stretch 5 probably means more interior defense responsibility for Duren, which he isn't up to, so back to square one. Find the stretch 5, hope Duren brings something back when you move him. Of course if the Pistons do move him, he'll be a .380 3pt shooter in 3 yrs..
  5. We were at Stratford in Canada one weekend a couple of years ago and prior to the play at the corner of one of the parking lots there was a young girl, with her mother standing guard, and she dove into a Bach violin concerto re-arranged as a solo piece. The most impressive bit of busking I've ever heard. I'd have to guess she was there more to impress someone in the generally 'artsy' crowd hoping for a connection than for the direct financial value.
  6. Benetti seems to be making big effort to work with everyone. Monroe's problem is just that he often doesn't marshal the verbal dexterity to be concise, so his entries run into Benetti's PBP. To the extent he learned any craft, it was before the pitch clock, and I imagine he's not the only color guy around the league who has had trouble adjusting to having so much less time. With Monroe, as someone up thread noted, what bothers me most is the constant growl in his voice. Maybe as he's gotten older that's just his natural voice now, but he need sto work on softening it if he can. That and that he repeats himself too much.
  7. Hard not to be excited about what Cossa is doing, but it has to be tempered with the knowledge that it's not that unusual for less than great goalies to play great in stretches, but then revert. We hope this is all real, but and if he stays strong right to the end of the Griffin's season, I don't know how you don't plan on him breaking camp with the Wings next season.
  8. I suppose if one were being charitable, one could say they drafted in '22 not knowing if/how/when Cade was coming back, but it's almost hard to conceive of two players less a fit for Cade on the floor than Ivey and Duren.
  9. TBF, the old-guys are just place holders, someone has to play the minutes, but was is depressing is that they need to be having at least one good young player come up every season and it was nearly two full seasons from Raymond and Seider to Edvinsson.
  10. Part of why they are flagging late in the season.
  11. Gostisbehere kept backing up at the point allowing a Ranger to close on him before the puck got there and tying him up when he could have gotten to puck 1st and made a clean play. Did it more than once. Frustrating to watch.
  12. Lose 20 seconds on a failed entry, then get pretty close, but no cigar.
  13. Chiarot had a chance to clear, fumbled the puck and 10 seconds later it's in the net.
  14. There was a play just before the Rangers took the penalty, Larkin takes the rush, beats two men, went behind the net, took it wide, and as he came free there was maybe 600 sq feet of ice in the slot completely vacated by the Rangers- but not a Red Wing in sight to take a pass. And that's supposed to be our best line. Unreal.
  15. No, no they don't.. Terrible team. They really don't belong in the playoffs, but if Larking can will them there they may get there.
  16. Seems the Wings are always on their heels at the ends of periods. I guess most hockey teams see the clock get to one minute and say "there's one minute left, we've got a long rest coming - so turn it up a notch." The Red Wings say, "let's just try to kill the last minute without breaking a sweat."
  17. Exactly. Cade should play with a guard who can play on ball D, which Ivey has a long way to go on, and a big man who can pass and shoot and draws a defender again - pretty much the inverse of Duren.
  18. if he is still there on June 1st it will mean more than it does out of the gate.
  19. the wave was going strong at UM (and other college) stadium at football games well before 1984, and lots of those games were on national TV so I don't know how many people didn't know about it before it hit Tigers Stadium in the 80's. But it was a college football thing. The jump to baseball wasn't necessarily natural because not all baseball stadia are particularly good for the wave, and they often are not full enough. While Tiger Stadium did have the two decks all the way around, you still need to get the place filled up, and that didn't happen much until the team got good.
  20. Biden is the 1st Democrat since Kennedy who actually has some new ideas how to run a middle class capitalist economy. If we actually had useful public interest new programming any more, this would be big topic of discussion in intellectual circles. Instead the right's media is just in adversarial fantasy land and the left's is to busy with it's normal naval gazing self-absorption on issues of that are of peripheral importance in the real world.
  21. take a look at this: https://www.mcafee.com/support/?locale=en-US&articleId=TS102999&page=shell&shell=article-view
  22. Hinch needs to sit him down and tell him to back off and stop trying to hit everything 500ft. He may think he's 'sticking with the process' but his process has gotten distorted.
  23. yeah - Faedo throws that to him 10 more times he probably gets his bat on it once.
  24. Pretty gutty by Garrett. He got out of that with pretty much nothing in his tank.
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