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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. More like if he'd have been 28 instead of 35... 🐢
  2. Hardest hit ball was prolly the one hopper to Keith at 2nd.
  3. Team ERA must be sitting at about 1.5 about now?
  4. IDK, but if he goes 6 or more no-hit Tigers are going to look pretty silly sending him back to the minors. Not that that will stop them, but it will make for some commentary on 'Baseball Tonight'.
  5. yeah- plenty of runs go in the books as unearned, there is no logical reason runs scored by the ghostrunner don't also.
  6. He didn't make a big hit with TPTB the first time either, so that would be nothing new.
  7. I saw one analysis that I thought was spot on: Emotionally, when prices go up, you process that directly, but when you get a raise, you don't see it as because wages and prices generally go up together as part of the same macro economic effect, it's because YOU, as an individual, earned IT. So even though you are keeping up, you don't process your wage increases as inflation cancellation the way an economist would tell you they really are. I think there a kernel of truth there.
  8. The Arab world has closed its borders to Palestinians since partition. It's part of their foundational political/religious stance. The world shouldn't give them as much a pass on it as it has, but don't expect it to change.
  9. It's getting harder by the day to take the NBA seriously.
  10. WTF is "load management" for a player on a team that isn't within a moon shot of reaching the playoffs?
  11. I think sometimes when scouts call a player 'advanced' (as Madden was) it's the kiss of death - like it really means they are as far as they are going to get. Dylan Crews was generally also slotted above Langford on the basis of being more "advanced". Wyatt says "Hi" from Texas.
  12. All the above said, I still think it's odd optics at the least for the admin to be publicly castigating Netanyahu while simultaneously proposing additional arms sales to his government. And it's not like Israel needs F15s in Gaza, or would even get them in time for this conflict. The only way the timing of this make sense is if the Admim is setting up to get the GOP right wing committed to this and then turn around and tie it to Ukraine support. Other than that is does seem like a tone deaf FP move for Biden, and his FP chops are generally better than that.
  13. it would seem to me that MiLB pitcher placement is going to have two factors pushing in opposite directions depending on what the development objective is for that pitcher. If you have a guy on whom you are doing major mechanical or approach modifications, new pitches etc., I think you want to put him where he can remain competitive while he works on those things, otherwise he simply won't be able to stay in games long enough to do so or will be forced back to old approaches. OTOH, if you have a pitcher who needs to hone sequencing, general command, his "compete level" as they call it in hockey, you want to promote him to the highest level of competition he can handle - where he can't skate by on stuff, and force those "art of pitching" issues to the fore. Where do we think Madden is on that continuum today? I have to think that an org that claims development as its highest priority is being driven primarily by the balance of those considerations rather than the needs of a guy it appears they brought on to be career AAA fill. But that's not to say they don't give some consideration to keeping a competitive team on the field in Toledo, it's just not very much.
  14. This MI result is exactly the kind of thing that makes me question the polling. The GOP was stuffed in MI in the last election, the party is a mess, the Democratic state admin has been pretty flawless, unemployment is down. Political shifts don't happen in a vacuum, there is almost nothing you can point to in the last 24-48 months to argue that the plus side of Trump's ledger has picked up any new credits in this state.
  15. "Showers, a few thundershowers and gusty winds this evening will give way to steady rain overnight." 😡
  16. It's 10pm, do you know where your clearing is?
  17. Mize on the field warming up Petry doesn't think it's for this game. ...and we have a postponement announcement. ..this game goes to Thurs 1p.
  18. I have a bunch of close friends who are have gone completely nutso over this. They've been plotting how/where to get to the totality zone for months. I'm afraid they have sucked in the SO now, so I fear I'm going to the eclipse and contributing to the chaos - somewhere....
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