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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's 10pm, do you know where your clearing is?
  2. Mize on the field warming up Petry doesn't think it's for this game. ...and we have a postponement announcement. ..this game goes to Thurs 1p.
  3. I have a bunch of close friends who are have gone completely nutso over this. They've been plotting how/where to get to the totality zone for months. I'm afraid they have sucked in the SO now, so I fear I'm going to the eclipse and contributing to the chaos - somewhere....
  4. If they play a DH I wonder if the timing comes up right for Manning to take the start?
  5. twenty to nine - edge of rain is almost downtown. How much longer will they wait.
  6. if they get in 5 and somebody has managed to score (as opposed to yesterday) it could be official.
  7. The early maneuver parts were fine, it was once they got to Baghdad the real trouble started - not a perfect parallel with the IDF but in the ball park.
  8. The radar looks funny. The cloud motion makes it look like the front should be moving east, but the line of rain just keeps re-forming in place.
  9. yup - maybe a delay in the middle as another piece of the front clears, but it looks there could be a couple of openings to get it in. What would help in a situation like this would be permission to move up the start time. If they went as soon as it clears that's a better bet than waiting till 7 something.
  10. and fat parabolic snow skis!
  11. No, there isn't much energy in the schism anymore, but no other church will ever agree to the primacy of the Pope and it's hard to see Rome ever giving it up, so more peaceful co-existence is as far as any idea of re-unification will ever get.
  12. The Orthodox Church claims its legacy back to the '7 churches' in the Greek Mediterranean referred to in Revelation: Pergamon, Ephesus, Smyrna (now Izmir in Turkey), etc. which is going back about as far as you can go back. The split with the Bishop of Rome was mostly about political power. In the east, a Christian 'Roman' Emperor still existed, in the West the empire had collapsed into competing Christian and pagan nation states and the Roman Church wanted to have a unified, unquestionable ecclesiastical power to counterweight the loss of a unitary Christian political power, but Eastern bishops saw nothing special about their Roman brethren. By 1000 yrs into the history of the church there were doctrinal differences emerging between east and west, but those probably could have been papered over if not for the European church's political imperatives. Theological corruption in the service of political power in the Roman church in turn largely precipitated the Protestant reformation. The American evangelical movement has now set itself up for that same type of outcome. What goes around, comes around.
  13. Fun to watch. It's sort of like an olympic gymnastics performance. Years of preparation concentrated down to a matter of seconds to succeed or fail. He has to have already internalized the consequences of thousands of permutations to be able to move like that - assuming that he actually did know what he was doing!
  14. I thought it would be hard for any Western nation to conduct a war more stupidly than the US did in Iraq under Bush. Bibi says "Hold my beer"
  15. also with the NHL comes maybe comes some francophone influence? "celebrer" -> celé -> celly
  16. Tomorrow is supposed to be rain and gale force winds.
  17. A lot of unprecedented stuff going on. You have the close polls on one hand, then you have actual results in otherwise unlikely places like the abortion bill in Ohio going down in flames for the right wing. Maybe the single biggest issue for '24 is how much will voters segregate their opposition to abortion bans from their support of GOP candidates who propose and back them and appoint judges that uphold them. One would think one would drive the other, but never underestimate voter irrationality.
  18. For me the fundamental criteria is whether the person would be a 'tipped' employee under FLSA. So that dovetails with the owner/employee distinction which is why I said I agreed in principle. Looking for exceptions was more a Socratic diversion to the effect that most 'rules' end up less than foolproof. I'll also note the SO also follows the 'don't tip the owner at the Salon' paradigm.
  19. IDK if Kane will have any soft hearted feeling for the Wings that would translate into $$ or not. Maybe depends on how the rest of the season goes! The attraction of Stamkos of course is that he is a center. His +/- is in the tank this season though. +/- may be a crappy stat but it's still not a good sign. Probably a moot question, if TB makes a decent playoff effort I think they find a way to retain him.
  20. I wouldn't be averse, but it they could get Stamkos this off-season that might be better. But one old $$$ guy is probably enough.
  21. File under "Spring Training Stats Don't Matter": Eric Haase doesn't make Brewers roster after a 1.333 OPS Spring Training.
  22. I was worried he was going to give up a long ball because I thought his FB was down a little from a couple of his ST appearances, but the slider was exceptional.
  23. take two of three against bad teams and play 500 against good teams and you'll end up with >90 wins.
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