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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. IDK about Lalonde. When he started out, he took pretty much the same team that Blashill had and had them player faster, pressuring the puck better, etc. But the team we have seen too much of last month looks painfully like it's reverted to Blashill's last season - i.e. sloppy passing and unable to pressure the puck in the D zone. But at this point we at least believe the talent has been upgraded - so why the regression? Wings need more speed and more size - or at least more toughness, up front; more of what was hoped for in Mantha and Ras and which neither turned into. Also a combination nobody is trading away.
  2. I don't go too much for cloud backups because the cheap services tend to be slow and the fast services are more than the cost of doing it locally. So I do have a 100 gb google drive ($20/yr) that is mostly work files but to which I occasionally (~quarterly?) backup personal/financial/work type records and some pics. Anything that goes to cloud is encrypted! But no "bulk" files - i.e. music ( .wav) or video. I only keep those backed up locally. Before I bought the cloud space a kept a copy of this stuff at my lab so is was in two separate places. I'm guess I'm a bout as paranoid as Chasfh about multilevel backup. The primary set of my files are on a NAS which is raid 10 (redundant). It saves a snapshot weekly and I back it up externally monthly, but the NAS is also mirrored on my workstation and much of it on my laptop. If you have a lot of data and don't have a desktop workstation you can put raid storage in, an NAS is good solution. They are fairly cheap, you don't do any work on it so it's pretty bullet proof - it just sits there quietly serving files. And what's better is that with most of them you can access it from the 'net, so it's also personal cloud storage. Backup is also a big reason I don't run Windows as a primary OS. Linux or MacOS really shine for backup as compared to windows because they have "copy on write' file systems. In linux, BTRFS (or MacOS using APFS) can export an incremental file system 'snapshot'. Updating up a TB+ filesystem backup in BTRFS takes only seconds and each snapshot is a complete file system so recovery can be as fast as simply mounting the snapshotted file system. Plus these file systems allows for easy sub-volume divisions so one can separate things to chunks that have similar backup needs. I started using linux as my primary file storage ~2000 and haven't lost a file since. (many NAS also run linux).
  3. I think the last available option would be put the DH into the game - Keith to 2b, McK to SS. (if it were Javy going down.)
  4. Edvinssson screwed by the scorer, should have gotten an assist on the last goal, and he should have been up a month ago. Have no idea what the org was thinking on him. Larkin still doesn't look 100% to me - he's gutting it out. Veleno has played himself into Lalondes penalty box. Perron suddenly re-appears.
  5. I guess they aren't going to win their 1st four games by one run. 🥲
  6. Sometimes maybe you just have to question stuff at what I'd call the 'stupid' level. Has Lalonde either overworked or under-trained this team? They just seem to be run down compared to the game they were playing in January.
  7. It's pretty much a 4 to one ratio of throwing speed to running speed. 90 feet 3rd to home, the OF was less than 180 feet away. Runner had no chance on any kind of decent throw.
  8. Tork being too greedy, trying to put every pitch in the stands. Needs to remember Magglio - Try to do too much, you won't do too much.
  9. Yup - He's never been a good enough skater to be able to use his size. He used to get knocked down a lot. He's gotten to where he can stay up better but he still doesn't have enough balance/strength on this skates to use his size.
  10. It's the second runner he has sent that was out by more than 3 steps.
  11. yup. Terrible send. Fielder was shallow AND the fielder had the ball before the runner was at third.
  12. cheaper than google or apple. https://www.tomsguide.com/buying-guide/best-cloud-storage
  13. that's true, that option is there. Doesn't mean it still isn't harder to win such a case. And if the original complainant is not only passive but now actually hostile to the prosecution because some kind of out of court deal was reached.....(not clear that is the case here but Sutton's lawyers appear to be angling for one)
  14. and if she decides not to testify against him even the misdemeanor goes poof. In any case the odds of him playing in the NFL by say -- mid-season, just got a lot better.
  15. Holy ****. This is going to be for all the marbles. I don't see a path to a GOP win without FLA. Campaign spending in FLA may break any and all records set in CA or anywhere else. Poor stiffs, by Election Day, there probably won't be anyone left in the state who won't be ready to follow Howard Beale's advice to throw their TVs out the window.
  16. I agree completely with the distinction between owner/worker - in principle. The one caveat would be that if a self-employed contract maid publishes their prices, they are going to have to be competitive with what Molly Maid charges as a base rate. But they know you are willing to tip Molly Maid, so they are leaving money on the table value wise if they publish a fee that meets the franchise cost. But if they build in the tip they expect/know you would pay Molly Maid, they know they will lose business because that is just the reality of the way people shop. So under those conditions it's sort of a no-win situation for an owner/operator isn't it? Maybe it comes down to whether it's the owner of a multi-employee business with capital and/or brick and mortar overhead (IOW, is the owner a capitalist?), or a person is working as a single self-employed service worker - who is still basically a wage slave?
  17. Yes, I think the plan is to appeal for cap relief, but I didn't mean to be particularly precise about the release terminology - the point more simply being that they quickly decided to wash their hands of him. In lieu of the charge already being reduced to a misdemeanor however, I wonder if their case for relief has just been undercut. Then again, it may depend more on the conduct language in the CBA than what he is actually charged/convicted of under law.
  18. The only black clouds on the Tiger start so far have been Maeda and Lange. Maeda has a long enough track record and looked good enough in ST that Saturday can be written off as a blip - at least for now. It's nowhere enough to question his place in the rotation yet. But what about Lange? It's not like he was close but being squeezed by the umpire - he was as wild as during his worst stretch last season. Hope for a game out of reach one way or the other in the next couple of days to put him in? Seems like daylight madness to send him out there again in a leverage situation until he shows he can throw at least the occasional strike. This is sort of an unintended consequence of the three batter rule. You can't put him out there to start an inning and pull him if he walks the first hitter or even two.
  19. 'Truly Innocent' is sort of an ideality isn't it? There are millions of people who are not 'Truly Innocent' that can't be convicted of any crime. Since NFL deals are largely un-guaranteed, the Lions had the right to cut him before his case was resolved. That also creates a kind of momentum to assume he's as good as convicted. But you never know, it's not unusual for cases to end up being legally more complex than they appear initially.
  20. By the definition in John's letters, an 'antichrist' is someone who starts out in the church, but then falls away from it teaching false or "anti-Christ' doctrine. So I don't know if any secular world leader qualifies under a proper theological definition. Putin does wrap himself in the Orthodox church, and likewise Trump with the evangelicals, so they have that part going for them, but neither 'came out from us' in the strong sense sense implied by John. Xi seems pretty much a secular tyrant. OTOH, I suppose In the more Hollywood/Manichaean/pop-American-demons-are-everywhere/Satan-is-lord-of-this-world kind of theologies - any real baddy can be read as demonic and fit the bill. 👿
  21. and Hanifee let both runners he inherited score on consecutive doubles.
  22. First guess would be that if the UFL contracts didn't give guys rights to sign/jump to NFL deals, they'd have a hard time recruiting players.
  23. Apparently objective cases are a bridge too far even for Wisconsin grads, of whom I would have expected more.....
  24. This morning's forecast has NYC rain moving out by early afternoon. Low chance of any evening rain.
  25. We don't need no stieeenking pythagorean!
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