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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm not one of them, but I have no argument with the political strategy. Images of continuity with 30 yrs of history/tradition is a good tack if many of the people you need to sway are anxious about a society with too much change too fast.
  2. I want to know if Telly wore the glasses cockeyed as part of character if he just never get a pair of his own fitted right. 🤷‍♀️
  3. I know defending the Grey Lady may be considered antediluvean, but I think they were actually trying to write an upbeat column about the Biden campaign that would not be immediate fodder for the pitchbot, and to have focused on one disgruntled soul in the city of 12 million would have been pitchbot paydirt.
  4. Bert, you have supplied more than enough of that delight to throw thanks right back at ya'
  5. Times article today says they are bringing in a large crane and will send divers down to cut the structure into liftable pieces. Going to be very dangerous diving. I'm a little surprised they don't just place a bunch of explosive charges on it to break it up. I would hate to be a diver cutting metal that could be under enough stress to squash me like a bug if it parts the wrong way.
  6. NYT did report that there were protesters outside and inside at the rally and even talked to one of them. They did not report the incident in the tweet. Of course, who to choose to talk to is an editorial choice in itself.
  7. TBH, it probably wouldn't make any difference, but you'd think he'd feel the obligation to make the gesture just a matter of his own sense of felt moral imperative. In the end I still can't decide if it's Dubya's inner demons that have made him into the strange outcome he is, or if he is just actually dumb as a post.
  8. different topic, but that plot synopsis puts me in my 'old man shouts at cloud' disposition. Terrible.
  9. Lalonde constantly stresses 'simple game' but is there a point where 'simple' turns into "dumb"
  10. you'll have to excuse me for laughing a bit. On the Great Lakes, "highest priority" by the ACOE would mean about 8 yrs instead of 10. More seriously, I wonder what method they decide on to start moving the wreckage.
  11. maybe the state of Marlyland should seize the thousands of containers and resell the contents to defray costs.
  12. Nice OF. Not many balls going to find grass with Meadows, Vierling and Greene out there.
  13. Oh Lord - we have the interminable Johnny Kane family interview coming up. Time to go make a snack.
  14. K zone keeps getting bigger. Might not be any more runs scored by either team.
  15. Pity the modern ball player though. Back in the day the saw was "they all look like line drives in the box score", but not today, not with statcast having logged the exact trajectory of every ball. Not going to get away with any lies around the campfire 25 yrs later!
  16. I don't believe this for a minute. There is no way the hair doesn't need to be re-done before the 5pm move.
  17. TBF, maybe the MLive people are expressly looking for angles that will give them something different in their coverage than just duplicating exactly what is already being reported in the DetNews and Freep. IDK if ex-tigers is a particularly effective implementation of that kind of strategy but I can see it might be a deliberate effort to get outside what's already available elsewhere.
  18. Maybe the bookies skim less than the legal sites?
  19. yeah, it was put out the U community with a survey for comments. I wrote back that I think the prohibition as written is actually over broad.
  20. If Cade wanted to stay in Det, you'd think he'd have already put a line in the sand to Gores that the current coach and FO go or he's out at this first opportunity. if he hasn't done that, then it's hard to conclude other than that it's because he's decided Gores isn't worth bothering with and he's bailing as soon as he can, like accepting a QO to guarantee his exit.
  21. So much worse. Pistons had a winning record in 4 of 6 of Hill's seasons. Cade has yet see his team sniff .300 let alone 500
  22. Forgot about SGL! Was at the Hens game the night he tossed that huge number of K's. Fun game. Flores' recovered velo has no doubt made the org do a 180 on him - understandably!
  23. could it just be that if they leave him starting, he throws more innings and his command will develop faster than if they immediately move him to a reliever's work load? I guess it's a chicken and egg argument, but so many successful relievers did a lot of starting in the minors or even in the majors before converting.
  24. It was the Steelers that drafted Antwaan Randle El to be a receiver as well.
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