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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Morans! If it hadn't hit the bridge at the point to collapse it, it wouldn't have hit it at all. The only parts of the bridge in the water where the ship is are the points that hold it up. D'OH!
  2. Manning, Flores, Montero, Hurter, Sammons? Have no idea what they think Sammons' value is but I'd guess one of those guys will be out of that rotation soon enough that Madden can be promoted.
  3. Who hits more at Toledo: Malloy or Bigbie?
  4. Yeah - I got that, but I was thinking about the tweet's original premise. Should have replied on the earlier post to make that clear but I was lazy....😉
  5. I don't know why it not believable that the rallies are costing too much or alternatively, are no longer profitable; from what I've read he's not drawing crowds like he used to and if those still coming out are the hard core, they've already bought all the promotional schlock before they got to the rally.
  6. pretty bad though the edit on cost is probably incorrect. The issue of total money (i.e. cost to the government) and cost borne by individuals are two separate questions so if that is where Trump was going, which I would find credible, the syntax is not redundant, only badly executed.
  7. I have a recollection that somewhere I've read that was was actually a construction mistake. That the towers for the scoreboard were not located correctly but that it was too late to fix by the time it was recognized -- but I can't find a reference - so maybe just urban myth.
  8. yes but the more optimistic Dems, based at least in part on GOP special election weakness, had entertained hope of holding the House, and as you note, I suppose they might have if they had been a little more conscientious. I know the GOP talked about Red Wave based on conventional mid-term result histories, but I'm not sure anyone outside the GOP echo chamber thought that was a serious possibility coming off Trump - did they?
  9. He seems to be OK athletically but it's like he just doesn't see/think the game very well. You are spot on - Petry doesn't have the speed to recover when he takes does take a chance so can get badly out of position. So most of the time he plays soft, which is a problem in itself across the Wings D. They do not pressure the puck nearly hard enough as a team. So he plays back, and is sound, in the sense of doing the right conservative thing, but then he doesn't win enough battles at the boards or net. I'm not sure how much good it does to be in the right place if you don't change the outcome.
  10. it's weird to see LA and SD with two games played before opening day. And Yamamoto got hammered in one. 😱
  11. Wont argue any of this. I was just struck that the context of the tweet implied that the IVF decision was driving high voter engagement, but how true can that be when you had a pretty apathetic turnout in total? So drove enough to affect an election where there was general apathy. Is that enough to make the difference in a general election? Hope so. No question though that pretty much nothing in any of the special elections since 2020 has carried good news for the GOP. OTOH, 2022 wasn't the win for the Dems some had thought possible either. That base of people who just show up in generals and reflexively vote GOP remains a tough nut to crack.
  12. Gaza isn't even a really a left right issue. You have Putinistas on the right who are anti Israel, you have Evangelicals that are fervently pro Israel. The left is similarly split between SJW folks who see Israel through the lens of being an occupying power, and democracy liberals who see Israel as an outpost of western liberal political organization (at least generally) in a mostly autocratic ME. Yeah - so nobody speak for anyone but themselves on this one.
  13. Certainly a good result. Then again, I don't know how big Al districts are, but you don't want to get tooo too far over your skis about an election that only totaled 6000 voters.
  14. as a practical matter, the one thing that could be done to at least help insure against this particular kind of accident would be to require that a tug (or two?) stay on escort with any ship above a certain tonnage until it clears the last harbor bridge. The operators would scream about the expense, but if you are going to run huge ships with single point of failure engines the only ultimate safety is to have another engine with relevant power out there with them.
  15. This ship was Singapore registered, which is supposedly one of the better countries in terms of maritime standards. I don't know that kind of propulsion this ship had, but many similar container ships use a single massive low speed diesel engine - up to 14 cylinders so huge a person could easily stand inside one.
  16. My marker is when the team is good enough that Veleno and Petry can't make the roster.
  17. too many differences between the bridges and the sites to even start listing them.
  18. they are just not there yet. Two centers and 2 Dmen - maybe one of the later if Edvinsson sticks.
  19. Please just don't let the 4th line be out there with Petry and Chiarot. The Wings 'deadly five'
  20. I don't either. It's not a bad looking play. It doesn't have the speed/drama of a conventional kickoff, but if the league isn't going to have those, then it's better than coming back from commercial break for 30 seconds of a fair catch or kick sailing through the end zone before going back to break.....
  21. To me Wentz over Brieske was sub-optimal in terms of a purely talent driven decision. But no decision is ever made in that kind of ideal vacuum. If they can leverage more value in an eventual trade by having kept Wentz, the long term return on the decision could still be better than having a very marginally better starting 26 this week.
  22. you have to consider how deep the water is where the bridge towers are. If the bottom is a long way down it gets impractical pretty fast to build very large defensive islands. I was a little surprised at how narrow the span on that bridge was. A ship that size didn't have to miss by that much relatives to it's own size.
  23. yes, the weather is a big confounding factor. We were living in Minny when Target opened and there was panic because by the end of 1st summer the park was playing huge, which was not the intention. But it was all weather - it was just a bunch of really odd weather patterns for that summer - odd winds and cool temps. The park has played fine since.
  24. One thing you never heard talked about is that if the entire US pension system went private, we might well end up like China (where everyone saves because there is no SS), with a stagnant, over-invested, under consuming economy. It's actually not clear that there is enough investment potential available to absorb all the savings that privatizing SS would generate. The example of China argues it an issue that can't just be dismissed.
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