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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Ray score two runs on questionable defense.
  2. I think this is probably true, but I also think the current NIL system is not likely to remain in place for very long. The money to pay the players eventually has to start coming from the money they actually generate - i.e the game media revenue. The NIL system is fundamentally a fantasy, players are being paid out of money which is in reality donations instead of the money their sports are actually generating. That's unsustainable - not to mention stupid.
  3. Could be. But he may also have told his immediates (e.g. Mom?) that he was taking off without necessarily telling them where he was going. Still given the choice between him having some elaborate off shore escape plan vs he's just hiding out with some kind of 'local' support, I'd vote for the latter. But you have to think he figures out fairly quickly that hiding out he's got no life anyway....
  4. I will reach a heretofore unexperienced level of frustration with Yzerman if Edvinsson is sent back to GR when Walman comes back. Talent matters more than handedness.
  5. Though those two were 'banned' long after they had been elected to the HOF, neither had pursued a post playing career in managing (Mays did coach a bit), so those 'bans' didn't really have the practical effect that Rose's has.
  6. MPR may sort of a redundancy when the person is the subject of an unanswered warrant....😳 Police aren't worried, but they don't do dragnets for people who aren't armed and dangerous or are not expected to be a threat to the general population. What do we know about his "parents, siblings, and close friends." Is he a guy that normally stays in touch or it normal for him to be unaccounted for long stretches in the off season?
  7. and Petry was close but just gave Forsberg too much room on the winner. Not wild about Petry and Chiarot as a pairing anyway. TBF, not really big on Petry with anyone as a pairing.
  8. I think Hinch has been clear they do grade ABs but that that grade doesn't necessarily correspond to the game value result of the AB. So I guess you could say guys are still graded on a set of stats, but they're not the stats we see. Same kind of thing hold for the pitching.
  9. Torkelson decided it was baseball season. Single, single, triple.
  10. everyone hitting today. Tork is 2/2. 11 runs for the TIgs in the 1st 3innings of two games combined.
  11. kind of fun to go back and reread this interview with Goff's OC at Cal on the eve of his draft. Obviously he was a huge Goff fan, but looking back 8 yrs later what he said about Goff is right on the money. I especially liked this nugget though: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2606877-former-cal-offensive-coordinator-dispels-myths-regarding-qb-jared-goff
  12. I'm not sure if Torkelson is standing even straighter up than he used to or not. The Tigers are currently a big fan of that stance in terms of swing path, but the downside is it puts your head a long way away from down and away and down and away is just what Tork is not seeing right now.
  13. I think Faedo goes to Toledo because he is the better candidate to be the Tiger 7th starter behind Manning as #6. We complain about roster decisions made because of options but it is what it is, it is a powerful motivation to keep Wentz at least initially. If Wentz isn't good you can always convert Faedo to short work on the fly. I could see Diaz because he's a little more experienced and maybe adds some stability/calm out there, but they have Miller and Chafin as elder statesmen so I'd go with Brieske.
  14. This. 12 wins is not a gimme for any team at any time.
  15. There seems to be a lot of anger about the FAs not being signed so late, but what do they expect? It is the nature of the price mechanism in any market that higher priced products get rejected by buyers as part of the price setting mechanism. The players can fire who they want, it's not going to make teams roll over to give $20M to a 37 yr old DH who wasn't good two years ago and missed 50 games last yr. When JD's offer price met his perceived value, someone signed him. Tony Clark was all hot on 'a free market' in his interview the other day, but freedom does work both ways. And of course to the point above about it not working for younger guys, JD still walks away with 15X the major league minimum where half the guys are. OTOH, Snell's San Diego money not being guaranteed because of a CBA loophole is a more reasonable complaint of a prior negotiating fail.
  16. The only way anyone might get to the bottom is if the Fed's decide someone was dodging taxes. For that they will pursue it and the league's PR machine won't be able to stop it. But short of that, yeah it will get buried. Funny part is that at least according to what I thought was a fairly up to date story yesterday, the reporter could not find any jurisdiction (state/local/fed) where anyone in Ohtani's camp had actually reported that any crime had been committed, meaning that as far as he could find no-one in law enforcement even had a case to investigate yet. Hmmmmm
  17. I'm a fan of Manning. I think there is a lot upside in there - but he's got to show it. While the other guys kept building this Spring he sort of plateaued, the last two starts being pretty meh, so I'm not going to complain about the move. I'm a little surprised because the service time and experience factors would have favored sending Olson back if all things were equal, but if Olson gets to super 2 is not my money!
  18. Everyone should be armed for their own self defense. I mean, what could go wrong? innocent bystander also hit twice - unclear yet by whom. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/19/nyregion/brooklyn-police-shooting.html
  19. He's been impressive. Picked up in ST right where he left of in the minors last season with a 1.17 OPS.
  20. Kreidler is another one the window is closing on if he doesn't hit better when he gets to Toledo this yr. What's saving him for now is lack of much competition.
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