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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. conservative/low cost possibly transitional hire. Same as Moore. If we get another similar move by Manuel with a low profile/low cost basketball coach you can call it a trend.
  2. Tigers put a 4 spot up on Soto. Phillies haven't won in 9 tries.
  3. Jake gets the Tigers on the board with a solo against old buddy Soto.
  4. Vierling being exposed a little at 3B today. A couple of questionable throws.
  5. Tigers with one hit through 6 and that was a bunt single by Meadows, who is now out of the game. Ibanez almost made it two but was robbed.
  6. Tiger bats in hiding with Cam Sutton.
  7. Threw the Trailblazer into 4WD and braved it to the WestGate library branch. The SO was out of mystery novels and that pretty much trumps any concerns over life and limb.
  8. it was in Florida so going out to sea is always a possibility, but it means that he pretty much instantly decided/realized there was no way back and was able to put together an effective sailing plan quickly. That part seems unlikely. He may just have friends locally that have been willing to hide him for the time being, but that's a dead end proposition.
  9. Whole Wings team went MIA, apparently they only left their forwarding address with Larkin.
  10. I guess it's nice to know this wasn't a $$/service time decision. I thought after having Baddoo reach super 2 status and then not really take off they might be more reluctant to set another player up for super 2.
  11. apparently a few too many. I thought he was clearly ahead of Mize earlier in ST but Casey really closed the gap. Now the question is how Mize's control looks in a few starts after the lights come on.
  12. I suppose the question is how long the fans will keep coming out - and what the TV ratings are (no idea about that one). I was actually surprised to see how many they are still pulling in at LCA when I checked a few attendance numbers as I wrote that post.
  13. the other guy who knew how to fix velo even without the high tech was Jeff Jones. One of the Tiger's more under the radar talents of recent coaching staffs.
  14. I believe that as of the win last night the Wings playoff chances were still on the board at less than 50% so Roy isn't going to throw his team under the bus yet
  15. Story on the Met's MLB page said they weren't interested in JD at $20M, or then $14M but decided he was worth it when he came down to $12M. Now, can he have himself ready to hit an a week?
  16. I wonder what kind of pressure the league would or could put on Cade to try and keep him from bolting? Would Silver be willing to promise to force a change in management or even ownership? Cade is the only thing standing between this franchise collapsing into total chaos organizationally even if they already are a disaster competitively and the league can't be happy about that. OTOH, crazy Det fans keep buying tickets, so that part is not a crises so far.
  17. the other thing to be said in Avila's defense is that ownership matters. In his 1st two years Mike Ilitch's presense likely enforced the status quo. The org was not going to get a major refit while Mike was still alive and even in 2017/18 Chris' attention on the ball club was likely pretty limited getting his hands around all the roles he had inherited. That said, Al still needed to have moved faster once Chris gave him the go head to start changing things.
  18. 250K/yr LittleRock airport manager running a few guns on the side gets himself killed in shoot-out with ATF. Americans and guns. https://news.yahoo.com/airport-executive-shot-firefight-federal-135816972.html
  19. Didn't someone say "It doesn't matter where you start, it's where you finish."? How they compared to each other in any given year, especially given how different they are physically, is good forum speculation fodder but probably isn't a particularly good predictor of where either ends up. Bigger guys often take longer to master the body they've grown into.
  20. - he was on the ice for the 1st NYI goal but it was Petry that lost his man. When he goes to the boards with an opponent, he is already more likely to comes away with the puck than most Wing players.
  21. JD to the Mets a few hours too late for us to see him today.
  22. Larkin didn't even make honorable mention in a recent piece ESPN did on NHL centers. Hockey is still a sport poorly characterized by its measurements.
  23. then there is this twist reported by Petzold so what can you get back in a trade if the other team knows you have to offer the player? Tigers need to hope there are at least 2 teams interested.
  24. Edvinsson undefeated since his call up.
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