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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - that was a bad one. I wish Lalonde would just rotate guys on a more regular schedule. Neither Reimer nor Lyon is such a good goalie that trying to "ride a hot hand" for many games in a row is a good idea. Just keep everyone rested and sharp.
  2. yeah - whether Cade would be smart to sign or bolt has been kicked around before here. If I'm following the bottom line is he can make more money if he signs then demands a trade but he's got a surer path to get away if he doesn't? I would agree Cade is confident he can get himself a max contract once he's out of Detroit. If it were me that would have to be the priority - you can't really point to a single thing or person in the org that would give a good player a reason to want to be here a minute longer.
  3. Of course it takes a certain kind of chutzpah to steal someone's money and then when caught claim it was a gift....not that we haven't seen that kind of thing recently......🤔
  4. OK - that's an interesting angle. While Tony remains the friend of the proletariat....
  5. sure - I just found it unusual the boss seems to be getting a pass.
  6. IDK - would it have been a bad story for Ohtani him if the truth was that Ohtani had paid off the guys debt for past loyalty and then fired him? I mean most PR type decisions make no sense to me anyway but how is the angle better for Ohtani to say the guy was able to steal from him as compared to Ohtani bailed him out? Whatever.... I certainly get them circling the wagons to protect Ohtani if the debts were his though...
  7. Right, there are a lot different ways to formulate the basic concept, but the standard goes up for the guy who wants to be in charge. It always has, it always will, and it is the completely correct social requirement/outcome. And to be absolutely fair it's why the Dems were completely wrong (speaking purely strategically in the long term) to have supported Clinton once he had perjured himself, and that decision haunts them to this day in holding Trump accountable.
  8. One would have to suppose for this guy to have access to Ohtani's money he must be more like a personal secretary than strictly an interpreter. I suppose that difference is certainly within the range of normal inexactitude of US media reporting.
  9. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jRnDAcv86yGYl1Tq6fdXD1VoGr2Ls5PiRBNEFBXHL3Y/edit?usp=drive_link this is Edman's spreadsheet. Page one says Huira is out of options, page two says he can declare FA if outrighted.
  10. Kind of an odd story in DetNews today that the players - unhappy about the way FA has gone this year, were agitating not to replace Tony Clark, but for Clark to replace his number two guy. It's a 'who cares' issue but still an odd dynamic. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2024/03/19/tigers-player-rep-casey-mize-explains-why-union-is-trying-to-force-a-leadership-change/73032110007/
  11. I think this makes a difference in the comparison?
  12. That's just what the Twins announcer said yesterday....
  13. They should be getting (and maybe will) get a lot credit for rebuilding Casey Mize into a power pitcher - assuming he ends up as good this season as he looks now.
  14. you would think 'extended paternity suits' is a phrase technology would have made obsolete.
  15. It turns out it's been his bad arm along and a finally completely healed Carson Kelley ends up a plus bat for the Tigs.
  16. This is the Casey Mize they thought they drafted. Now, can he stay healthy? After today Olson can start looking for a place to live in Toledo. Also it was fun to hear Morneau be worried that the Tiger's have more pitching than the Twins.
  17. There is always tensions around how to deploy resources on 'acute' vs 'diffuse' crimes. Obvious physical danger to life and limb and violence and robbery against individuals has terrible direct impact on those individuals that is absent in 'white collar' crime. But there is also a case to be made that just because effects are diffuse doesn't mean they are not real. Business corruption will rot an economy - until in the end you are Putin's Russia, and then there is no question everyone has suffered big time. I think it's a reasonable case to make that Trump's abuses are much more important to pursue exactly because he did reach the pinnacle of political power. The normalization of his business abuse become exponentially more important to push back against when his office is/was the embodiment of federal business corruption law enforcement and his person is (for better or worse) a national role model so to speak.
  18. Or it might set him up as the perfect replacement for Jamie Foxx at MGM...
  19. Tangentially related: Yesterday during the game Benetti did his little game with Gibson where he asks him if he remembers the details of some event in his playing career. The incident Jason had on tap was Gibson barreling over Pat Borders at the plate. After the normal joking around, Gibson actually got a little pensive and to paraphrase said something along the lines of not being particularly proud of that person he was - "I was taught to play a violent game and it took me a long time after I left it to learn to leave that behind"
  20. TBF though, a judge will normally come down as hard as possible on *any* perp that continually refuses to recognize the validity of his prosecution. And I don't mean this in the sense of claiming innocence. What drove Engoron to hammer Trump is the same thing that would get any perp hammered, and that is to admit you did what the law clearly says is a crime and still deny you did anything wrong. IOW it's Trump's defiance of the fundamental rule of law that got him hammered, and I would argue that would be the result for pretty much any defendant taking the same approach.
  21. He'd be even more valuable playing with a center closer to his level. Compher gives it his best, but he's more like a 3rd line guy.
  22. I think they would be happy with Olson and Faedo as starters #6 and #7 stashed with the Hens. G-Long is out of contention to make the team for now because of the injury.
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