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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Of course, let's not forget the Panhandler in Chief:
  2. Aside from the issue with Williams, other than an occasional surprise look, you just should not be able to press any NBA team without getting toasted. Just another indication of how far away they are.
  3. The guy who you might be able to pick a nit with is Mize. So far he has 7BB/10K in 10.2 IP, wth 2BB in 4IP in his last outing - if he gets the walks down the rest of the way I don't see what there will be to choose between him, Manning and Olson. But if he keeps walking guys that would give them some reason to send him to Toledo to work on his command. I suppose from a PR or maybe 'sentimental' stand point Mize may be the guy the org least wants to send down, but then again, I don't have any idea how, if at all, that kind of thing plays to Harris, and the pressure is on this year to win out of the gate.
  4. This popular trope goes back at least to 19th century London. A C Doyle wrote a Sherlock Holmes episode about Holmes being asked to investigate the disappearance of a middle class clerk (with a talent for disguise) who it turned out was living a double life, making a fine living panhandling as 'The Man with the Twisted Lip" Since the world is a big place, it's one of those things that is almost certainty true when reported as a singular anecdote, but that tells you nothing useful about your actual likelihood of meeting a panhandler running a con versus a destitute person.
  5. I went to HS in downtown Detroit and the bus stop was a walk across Cass Park. There were always a few down and outers there, and you knew anything you gave them was only going to drink, or worse, but sometimes those guys were so sad, knowing that didn't matter. OTOH, I find myself unmoved by energetic folk at the freeway ramp with the 'will work' sign and the day's kit piled neatly at the base of the nearby light pole when there is at least one help wanted sign in a window within a 100 yards of where they are standing.
  6. If the situation arises (which we hope will not), I'll be sure to write your epitaph in less than 160 characters.... 😉
  7. Find a family service charity working the local problem, make one significant contribution and then stop feeling guilty about ignoring panhandling where in any American city, the actual disposition of anything offered is almost always a crapshoot.
  8. LOL - Kenesiology was a known thing even when I was an undergrad - which may have been around that same time!
  9. It tough for a hockey team. You're playing pretty much your whole roster so it's not like you can bench a bunch of guys for other guys currently sitting - maybe one forward and one d-man. That's not going to get anyone's attention. So what's left it to call up new guys, and the wing's best prospects are mostly still just a little bit too far away - other than maybe Edvinsson and they have some kind of idee fixe about keeping him in GR all this season.
  10. He's probably always going to give up more than average numbers of HRs, but if can keep his K/BB ratio high that won't hurt him too much. We had another young guy like that once (high HR, high k/BB) and he ended up doing OK.
  11. He laid the foundation for getting the team off the FA boom and bust cycle and into a sustainable development system. He upgraded the draft evaluation system to bring more promising players into the system. He got the Tigers off Dombrowski's 'old washed up expensive relief pitcher' merry-go-round and toward building better bullpens. He understood the team had to embrace the tech. He made a couple of critical hires. Those were the plusses. The minuses were that they didn't always understand what their tech was telling them (e.g. it's more important for a pitcher to have more life on his FB than more cut on their breaking ball. This misunderstanding led them to Mize, who this regime has had to rebuild into a pitcher with a more effective fastball because in the majors neither the split or the slider could make up for his flat fastball), most of his signings were busts and they spent too much time in denial about it, he was pretty much a zero in terms of being able to pull together complex deals like his predecessor, got way too little back for the assets he had when it came time to cash them in, and in general lacked sufficient urgency to move things faster, though in fairness we don't know how much of the go-slow may have been coming from Ilitch, and despite the tech they had, they had no apparent clue on how to use it to coach hitting and finally, pretty much failed at international signings. So on the whole, he did some things that were critical in terms of re-orienting the operation, but also failed at a lot of the portfolio. And he had his share of just plain bad luck with Zimmerman and Austin Meadows.
  12. It's ironic to me that the one guy who has blamed the new money system for his walking away (at least in part) was Saban. Not the quarter I expected to hear that from.
  13. It's not just the admit, you still have graduation rates and progress toward degree issues that will slam them if they just drop all pretense, and that's a different set of issues. I doubt that a tacit agreement to pass athletes through their classes is part of any hiring criteria for UM faculty and the athletic dept doesn't really have any leverage over the larger faculty. This is where the the historical academic culture in the larger institution does start to matter in terms of making things easier or harder. There are advisories that come down from the admin requiring that athletes be given accommodation on scheduling, but that's about as far as it can go. And of course there is an underground system which identifies instructors who are above average sympathetic, but I imagine that everything is just going to keep getting crazier Maybe a new system where as long as you do promise to leave in a year we'll let you roll over 30 credit hours of incompletes......
  14. The metaphor might be that MAGA is a balloon that is more likely to be gradually deflated than be popped. And of course a good question is what happens when Trump eventually assumes room temperature. (a nod there to a another MAGA who has done the same and not really been replaced.). Is the discontent broad and deep enough that the movement will simply force another leader to the fore, or does Trump have rarer gifts that glue the movement together?
  15. submariners in general do not reach the Velos that overhanders do, and stress correlates to arm speed.
  16. Part of it is also statistical noise. For instance the number breakaways stopped is a small sample - there is always an element of guessing for the shooter and the goalie. A goalie might stop 8 or 10 breakaways out of 15 in two weeks and it was really nothing more coin flip luck because he made the right guess on where the shot would come and two weeks later he might let in 10 of 15 and he's the same goalie the whole time but his outcomes look a lot different. A sharp analyst will pick up if a guy is getting sloppy with his angles or maybe is just getting beat up and not moving as well. Or it;s just fatigue and loss of reaction time. IDK which if any of that kind of thing is an issue with Lyon. But even during the hot streak they were giving up too many wide open transitions and no goalie is going to keep up with that long term.
  17. Don't disagree. I didn't mean to say it was expected, I was commenting on who I think Pence's constituency is, where I think he would have the most leverage should he ever use it. I've said before I'm a firm believer that the American Republican has so much of their identity construct tied up in the affiliation with that label that "refuse to endorse" is as far as they can ever get. Politically that means at best a non-voter, most likely only a non-presidential voter who still pulls the red level down the rest of the ticket. That would be enough to stop Trump, but means it's still a big lift for the Dems to get both houses and put an end to the current Congressional nihilism.
  18. Actually the people Pence could reach are not the ones who care about democracy. Pence's cred is greatest with the religious right. If he repudiated Trump on religious grounds using an evangelical theological approach, attacked the 'Trump as Cyrus' trope as wrong/heretical, etc., tells his listeners that Jesus has told him the movement has made a bad turn, then some heads *might* be more likely to explode. Maybe.
  19. IDK that he's exactly 'out' of Basketball. He has a title with the Pistons - unclear to me what it entails/how involved he stays.
  20. It's a thought, but I'll be surprised if an old school guy like JB has much desire to step back into the the one and done merry-go-round system let alone one and done plus NIL. And even if he did it doesn't play to his strengths.
  21. Once they abandon their own political ambitions, people get a lot saner.
  22. That's always the bottom line - who's going to take his place? If Kreider can go down to Toledo and OPS 800 for a month, then you start looking for Javy to get benched. Otherwise what's the point?
  23. I get that Willis should face any proper consequences of unprofessional conduct, but not that there is any reason any of that should accrue to the benefit Trump's case- because they are in the final analysis separate issues.
  24. the judge and the jury need to be unbiased, you can't claim 'bias' for the prosecutor - it's his role to be biased, that's whose bringing the case. Its an advocacy system. The prosecutor tries to win case, the defense to stop them. Neither is 'unbiased' in the trial. If you are hired to prosecute the case how does your professional interest in winning get any higher than it already is just because you get it on with another member of the office? There is no bias here that is inherent to the defendant, which is what would matter. Again, it I agree it sounds bad superficially, and it's certainly unprofessional, but justice wise there is really no there there.
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