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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. but on what grounds actually relevant to the administration of justice? Propriety may be violated here, and as I said, there may be policy issues inside the office, but where is the line of logic that gets you to an impingement on any defendent's rights?
  2. It's just noise generated by politics. It's a sloppy kind of logical attribution: "Prosecutorial misconduct must be prejudicial to the defense." - well, not really. The prosecutor can have 10 yrs of unpaid tickets for not feeding the parking meters at the courthouse parking lot. Unacceptable conduct - still has nothing to do with any cases. If there are relationship rules in the office, then fine - they should be followed.
  3. I don't think Trump is going to get any changes of venue when he works the media to a higher volume than any direct news reporting about his cases, and it hard to see how a relationship between two members of the prosecution team has anything to do with the procedural soundness of a trial, but the state of American jurisprudence is such that logic is pretty immaterial anymore.
  4. Warde getting a little testy? "*I* have decided....." No institutional passive voice or corporate "we have decided"
  5. among whom unemployment is at the lowest level since the '70s. We know economic data no longer trumps cultural issues to the degree it once did, but it ain't hurting either.
  6. I can understand that the system has to sanction poor behavior in a prosecutor and the way to do that is to hammer their cases, but this a case where any line to fairness for the defendant is purely incidental. If anything, the DA making a sub optimal hire out of personnel preference is an advantage to the defense because a non-deserving hire by definition is likely be less competent. There is nothing in that for the defense to argue makes their defense more difficult.
  7. I think in the wake of the civil unrest following Floyd's murder, and all the 'defund the police' talk, plus the general minority skepticism about the medical establishment re-juiced by the pandemic, you had a bit of a perfect storm for driving more socially conservative AA voters away from 'the party of AOC.' But consider the last 4 yrs. Society has calmed down, crime is down (and no segment of the society feels that more immediately than the black community), *nobody* in the Biden admin gets anywhere near anything but law and order rhetoric, the Press has put himself front and center into the Union movement, and the VP is an ex-prosecutor at whom progressives have aimed a lot of criticism in the past. IOW, this admin has pretty well inoculated itself against most of the trends that were alienating socially conservative blacks.
  8. Yeah - I think this is probably spot on. They need "process" as justification for doing the obvious because the fiction must be maintained that winning is not the only value in big time sports. So I imagine if you put any group of twenty 18-20 old kids' lives under a microscope you can dig up enough going on to come to any conclusion you want so they will get what they want. The truth is probably closer to this: Juwan may have arrested development juvenile anger issues that make him an untenable presence in the modern world, but that is not why his team lost (anyone remember Bobby Knight?) They lost because of talent: Dickerson walked and then they lost more talent to injury and academics. His recruiting probably fell off because you don't exactly overflow with energy when you have coronary disease, and energy is sine qua non for a recruiter. I'd also note Dickerson didn't leave mad, he just left for money, and that goes to more doorsteps than just Juwan's. For Juwan, bringing his kids to his own program was a mistake, but he's only the zillionth coach to have done that. In the end, it's NBD. Coaches come and go. Not everyone is cut out to succeed. It's just that I think it's not going to be as easy as folks think to find the guy who fits into all the pieces of the puzzle it takes to win at basketball in Ann Arbor.
  9. And not to state the obvious - Danielson might eventually be an all-star but right now the Hronek trade is killing us.
  10. I'm not going to speak for anyone else but for me it's not outrage, it's just frustration for the M fan that college revenue sports are moving into a future that most people at Michigan believe is one that is more favorable to OSU culturally and institutionally. And I'm not saying that in a pejorative way. I've done academic work over the years with OSU folks and worked with lots of students that have gone back and forth between the two places. Sport is all faux rivalry. OSU is a great institution, but it is a different one from Ann Arbor, different history, different alumni cohort and more generally, Michigan is not Ohio when it comes to football at all levels (other than the NFL - for now - 😉)
  11. LOL - At one time I played a lot of straight pool and and it's exactly the same thing. Guys that make a lot of shots give themselves a lot of easy shots to make. The other weird thing with the Wings is how when they bring in a player he always seems to start out making a nice impact and then by the time half a season goes by they disappear - I'm thinking Perron, Sprong, Walman. Even DeBrincat's 1st month was his best. Is it just a general hockey thing where guys come to a new team really feeling up against it or is there something about the Wings system that is crushing guys that come into it?
  12. And with the addition of more money and the player mobility the background tension levels on college sports teams only increase. This ain't John Beilein's NCAA anymore.
  13. one assumes they were prepared for the latter outcome but there seems to be enough legal incompetence in the US anywhere you look, and why would anyone think there wouldn't be in a profession where Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are two of the Nation's top exemplars?
  14. Both teams are replacing their QB, that's a big injection of randomizing noise for both programs.
  15. If Sherrone Moore can put together a team this year that defeats OSU, heads will be exploding in more places than just Columbus. 😱
  16. So irony is alive and well. Jon Sanderson has just taken a gig at Illinois. Sanderson's son has an offer to play basketball there.... https://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/university-michigan/wolverines/2024/03/14/michigan-basketball-former-strength-coach-jon-sanderson-illinois/72980205007/
  17. could be. I'd lean a little more to the likelihood that if we are getting strong rotation results in Det and Tol in a couple months somebody gets moved. Tigers 1st opening offer would be Maeda but the ask from the other side will be someone younger.
  18. Doesn't say much for the team but it does say that Larkin is probably a better player than he is ever given credit for either around the league or even in Detroit.
  19. great competition going between Mize, Manning and Olson. Manning with the worst ERA but that mostly from the HRs given up in a gale one start - he has the best WHIP and K/BB of the three. Olson and Mize look neck and neck with Mize's weakness being too many walks. 2 in 4 IP today was better but still not great. This is expected after the layoff of course and may be why he gets the nod over Olson in the end. And Alex Faedo looking like the guy they drafted for the 1st time since. He would be quite the bonus out of nowhere if he keeps pitching this well.
  20. How much will it cost to fire/buy out Lalonde?
  21. Kostin scores a goal tonight - of course.
  22. And the unfortunate fact is that who the coach is isn't going to matter much if the program cannot compete $$ wise for players. The player who would have been their #1 this season walked away for more money.
  23. Speaking of conservative. The more I think about it, the more their use of Seider frustrates me. Here you have a player that can dominate the ice and you task him to be the guy standing in front of your own net most of the time. Total waste of skill. Sure it's great if he adds that to his overall repertoire but if that's their career plan for him someone in the FO may need to take a BC twohander upside the head to figure out that's a stupid strategy. Turn him loose.
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