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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm a fan of Jansen's concept: draft a high ceiling tackle, play him at guard until Decker is done then slot him into Sewell's RT spot as Sewell replaces Decker at LT.
  2. more pressure to keep the pocket moving inward from the center leaves the QB less room to step up which gives your DEs a straighter, shorter path.
  3. Wings call up Czarnik, sit Sprong. Deck chairs on the Titanic.
  4. Yup - its the NFL, you can take the under on a 12 win season for pretty much any team any time.
  5. I would never count on UM raising the same amount of money exclusively for sports that OSU does, and that will probably insure that OSU is able to stay at the top of the recruiting heap.
  6. I think the way this is going to work is that they are going to go to Howard and ask him exactly what he does to make next yr different that this year, and his chance to stay is make a compelling enough case that everything is going to change. The situation is analogous to where they were with Harbaugh after 2020. If all Juwan has is "we're going to work harder and do better, he's gone. If he has a remediation plan that checks all the boxes -assistants, portal management, recruiting, academic management etc., and it's impressive enough - maybe they given him year to try.
  7. It's always and everywhere major human endeavor on the part of some people to control other people and those forces can and will take advantage of and/or bend any vector to that end. I don't think that actually says all that much about the vectors per se.
  8. I believe Hinch has said not to pay too much attention to his ST batting orders as there are various sorts of ST only considerations that go into them that will be gone once the season starts.
  9. maybe - but the most likely predictor for what a guy is going to do tomorrow is what he did today. You don't want to have to depend on 4 or 5 guys all suddenly being able to discover their missing timing on March 28!
  10. I don't doubt that for the overall numbers that is true, because none of the early performances mean anything, but the nearer to the end of ST when the regular players are starting to see real pitchers, the more significant it becomes if a hitter still isn't finding a groove.
  11. I was hoping they would move a Dman just so we could get to see Edvinsson.
  12. Hindsight is 20/20 but objectively, we knew/should have know that Lyon was too big a part of the surge after the 1st of the year and that it was not sustainable, in which case I wish Yzerman had done some selling to obtain more future assets. Maybe he tried, no way to know. Stevie is a tight lipped as any GM in the history of major sports.
  13. LOL - I get it, but I have a certain amount of sympathy in that almost nothing is safe anymore. if they had said 'underage female' there are quarters from which flak would come. As noted 'underage girl' is redundant. "girl" by itself would be criticized as too unspecific. So any number of land minds. 😥. But sure - why not just say "a 13 yr old" because for that matter, the sex isn't even relevant to the criminality.
  14. Turnabout for Mattison. TBH, I imagine only one in 10 coaches has any special bond to the school where he is working. For most of them the school loyalty is just part of the job uniform. It gets left in the old locker room when they move on.
  15. We know that despite the Avila regime beginning to make initial foray's into getting some kinesiology expertise and force analysis equipment at lakeland, they still didn't seem to have any concrete ideas on how to use it all to help hitters - or at least none that ever showed. I wonder if the group there today has reached a point of analytical ability to have flagged Javy before the trade as likely to have been so close to a downward spiral? That said, whatever expertise they have gained has still not apparently been enough to help Javy now that he is here. But who knows if there is/was anything that could? Too many unknowns. I guess that's why sometimes coaching just comes down to hitting a personality fit where some particular person is able to teach someone things no-one else can.
  16. Deivi is one of those guys who prolly wishes he was born a couple of decades later when they likely could have fixed his ankle to get all his mobility back. He wasn't a bad stick for a SS if he could have remained a good SS.
  17. I am going to guess he gets ~ 100 regular season AB no matter what happens. Maybe the exception being if they lose 7 or 8 of the their first ten where they don't score enough I could imagine the pressure building sooner. It would be nice if he would at least hit LHP but for as much focus as there has been on his trouble with the slider away, he only OPS'd 659 against LHP last season. So the slider away is just the most easy to see example of a problem that extends to difficulty pitch tracking in general.
  18. LOL Dollar General has probably built at least one new store for every one Family Dollar is going to close. Well, they say in economics that all 'Dollars' are fungible......
  19. From Tom Friedman's column today:
  20. The entire design process leading up the Max should become the case study for every engineering school about how to do things wrong and how mistakes at the front only drive more mistakes at the back end. But in the final analysis, what it really came down to was another American company that was too busy taking profits instead of doing adequate re-investment in itself. Boeing was caught short without a competitive design to compete with Airbus because they hadn't bothered to design a new small air frame in 20-30 yrs. Did they think Airbus was just going to sit on their rear all that time? Did they not even have enough industrial intelligence work going to know they were getting behind? And so the MAX remains a substandard air frame which only flies safely with proper computer assistance instead of being intrinsically stable like any other commercial airplane.
  21. I guess "Malice at the Palace" has receded out of view in the league's rear view mirror.
  22. The putsch at the RNC and this reality that Trump always and everywhere diverts all resources to himself is going to hurt GOP fundraising with a lot of traditional non-MAGA contributors. But who knows how big the effect will be? Lets hope for 'huge'
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