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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. They brought Harbaugh back under a 'process improvement plan' with a positive (if short term) outcome, I can see there being support in some quarters to do the same with Howard, though he doesn't have the coaching track record Harbaugh had to support offering the option. Could also depend a lot on on the budgetary condition of the basketball program (about which I haven't a clue)
  2. Carvey's 'Church Lady'? The Carvey/Meyers cast was probably about the most recently we watched SNL.....
  3. Then agains, $30M is getting to be chump change in today's NFL!
  4. Or Lalonde had them playing over their talent level to begin with and they have come back to reality. I question some of his line decisions, but that's a lot like questioning Jim Leyland's bullpen management. Hard to be critical when he never had one to manage. This team is woefully short of players that can drive possession on both ends. For a while it looked like Ras might turn into one, but his level of play isn't high enough over all. Veleno is also a bust in that regard. Maybe the best thing the team could have done would have been to get Seider a stud stay at home defender to play with and turn him loose to play a full 200 ft game - but they went in exactly the opposite direction this year -making him the stay at home guy. His skating and puck handling skill may be being wasted with that strategy.
  5. is there a rebuttal in there that I missed? ...didn't think so.
  6. I believe that was the fear two weeks ago. It's come home to roost.
  7. We are seeing that the pitching could be very good and they can catch the ball well enough but with all the young hitters the run scoring could be anything from terrible to average. If they get average, they can be a good team, but so far this spring it's hard to have a lot of confidence that are going to get close to average. Several regulars that haven't shown much so far have 2 more weeks to get their act together.
  8. I just watched the Tigers game. Am not going to lose the buzz from Jackson Jobe's debut to flip over to the rest of this one. 2nd year in a row the team has collapsed at about this time of year. Very different circumstances but same result.
  9. It does work. The knock has been that for some folks, it not only reduces the enjoyment of eating, it reduces the enjoyment of everything else as well.
  10. Bergman didn't play against LHP, but Evans actually had 111 PA against them in '84. TBH, Evans didn't do all that much in '84, '85-'87 were his better years for the Tigs. But in '84 his OPS was 10 pts higher against LHP than RHP. Only one HR off a lefty though....
  11. well, command for one inning is not proof of starting level command, but OTOH, if he's not walking people after half a dozen starts in Toledo there would be no point to keeping him there other than that a trade to move a starter hadn't been completed.
  12. Ditto. When the original LOTTO game came out, I would buy a $1 ticket if the pot got over a certain value - $7M or something, because the stats said the odds had actually moved the game into the player's favor. But that didn't go on too long before they increased the complexity of the game enough to remove that possibility.
  13. I'm generally not a fan of the libertarian concept that we don't need regulation, we only need liability because with most types of products the damage is long since done before anyone gets to court and monetary damages don't help the victim much. But ironically, I think media is a place where simply increasing liability and letting juries make decisions about when claims are reasonably supported is at least a step in the right direction. A court that was moving left overreacted in the Civil Rights era out of fear that MSM media would be afraid to expose racism, but in this era the unintended consequence of protecting scurrilous/irresponsible media I believe is the more pressing problem.
  14. The recent layout design for the Web version if WaPo seems to be set up to force you to scroll by blocking a lot of primary coverages well down the page. I'm guessing these layouts are more marketing dept driven than editorial choices. The concept of 'front page' may be getting somewhat obsolete for a web publication
  15. Note that Greg Sargent just left WaPo. Maybe dissatisfaction with their stance or their dissatisfaction with his views being part of the reason?
  16. NYT is screwed up editorial wise, but it's more than that I think. Part of it is the way the economics works. Putting stories about Trump on page one doesn't really help them sell more copies of the NYT because there are few NYT readers you can tell anything about Trump worse than they already know. 'We' (in the general society sense) may want the NYT - being the closest thing in the US to a 'Newspaper of Record' to be leading the charge, but the economic model for newspapers today is that they get diddly squat economically for being quoted in secondary and esp internet sources. If they were getting paid better for being the voice we'd like them to be, that might give them some concrete motivation to get past some of the stupidity they apply to their political coverage. The wider left may want the NYT to carry the water as the standard bearer, but how many are actually paying for a subscription? In the end those are the only people that can matter to the Times - or any any other commercial media outlet. Another symptom of Americans wanting things for free that are not free.
  17. I think society has been slow to recognize how completely the landscape has changed. Our traditional understanding of needing a 1st amendment to protect the ability of people to speak needs updating to a recognition that in the current world, the greater problem is not being denied access to add to the infosphere, is the need to protect it from a level of pollution so deep that the public cannot becoming accurate informed by it. I'm not sure how you get there, but it's an issue the US needs to start thinking about more seriously. I think dumping the 'actual malice' requirements for public figures (which is actually everyone in a viral internet age) to enforce slander/libel would be one place to start. The rest of world seems to function without that level of (over)protection for public falsehoods.
  18. Dingell's recent update says the vote was to require that the service reorganize with US ownership of the US service as opposed to banning the type of service per se.
  19. the video is reversed Left/Right (mirrored). Is that part of her shtick or just an accident?
  20. Well, we hope so, but it's continually depressing to see how willing most of the MSM remains to normalize his behavior.
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