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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I guess we knew Debrincat and Kane are not the kind of two way players that Larkin is, but you would still have thought that the infusion of talent just on an overall basis would have made more difference in their dependence on him. I guess not.
  2. That's part of the system. Trump talks to his own people through channels the mainstream largely ignores, so he can be as inflammatory/crazy uncle as he want to be to keep them charged up and it flies under the radar to the larger public he'd just as soon only holds the image of him from 'the Apprentice'. There is almost a parallel to the way that ME leaders have one public stance pronounced in English for consumption of the West and quite another in Arabic to their own masses.
  3. good point. This franchise needs a rescue team like Sheila's. But Sheila was smart enough to know that - Gores? Prolly not so much.
  4. We have been talking about how people who don't follow politics view Trump - the Dems just got a freebie they couldn't have bought for $100M. DJT showing himself to be churlish and childish and dismissed as another perp waiting for sentencing in front an audience of tens of millions would who no more likely ever see one of Trump's posts than the man in the moon.
  5. Could be fundraising for sure. None of us see the details of what the ath dept is putting together for NIL for the future. What kind of planning is going on for the end of NCAA football conference organization as we know it? Maybe the admin loves all he is doing there. (or maybe not - but we don't know) So you have financial management, facilities construction and management (which there is and has been a lot of under Manuel. So there could be any number of check boxes on his performance review. If you take a long view, coaches come and go, do well and not so well, rise spectacularly and fall just as badly at all programs. You just aren't going to hire that many Red Berensons in one lifetime who show up, do nothing but win, and get to retirement with everyone still loving them. Harbaugh's tenure was a roller coaster, Howard looked like the real deal for a while, now not so much - so they will likely move on. It would have been poor form to fire a guy convalescing from major health issues when he was busting his butt to get back to this program to try to run it. The fans get wrapped up in the day to day and season by season results, but it's a long term operation. If they had had a short leash on Harbaugh he'd have been fired after 2020 and they likely miss the Natty. Heck if Harbaugh had played his NFL Hamlet act when Bo was the AD, Bo certainly would have fired him and we'd be in year 3 of rebuilding with a PJ Fleck. So sure, too much deliberation is bad, fast decisions aren't guaranteed either.
  6. NYT finally got around to the story today. This was the strongest headline they could come up with "Britt Tells Misleading Border Story in State of the Union Response" and their story pretty much dropped Britt as a topic 1/3 or so of the way, pivoting to pick up Jacinto-Romero's story, which would have been fine in a stand alone companion piece but as it stood simply amounted to more glossing over/ignoring GOP lying. Journalism wise, give the Times a point for actually tracking down and interviewing J-R for their story. They also did cite "independent journalist" Katz as original source.
  7. 2-0 now and the shots are 16-3. Looks like freefall. They gave up both both goals with the same five on the ice - Seider, Chairot, Veleno, Raymond and Berggren. Might consider not sending that combination out there again.
  8. Randy Smith over-ruling his staff on the basis of a personally observed SSS. Figures. And Larry Parrish throwing Smith under the bus. Was that also around when L Parrish left the org?
  9. To people who don't like Trump, when he's not in office he's probably like Hillary was to conservatives in all the years between the WH and 2016. Someone you don't like and only hear things about that make you like them less.
  10. Manning getting ahead but but having trouble putting guys away.
  11. Monroe calm today working with Dickerson. Better.
  12. it is mostly an issue in older urban areas, and you-know-who lives there.
  13. one would like to be surprised at something like this....
  14. In Moses' case he was eminently qualified, he grew up in Pharoah's household. "Isaiah" was probably at least 2 different people we don't really know much about. I'll give you Peter.
  15. It's good to fear, complacency kills. But this election is not too much like 2016. Clinton and Trump were unknowns as leaders. More people thought Hillary would be worse than the she probably would have been, and many, many more people had no idea Trump could be anywhere near as bad as he was/is/could be again. Biden has the advantage that he doesn't need to change anyone's mind, he only has to remind people that have already voted for him that they need to do it again. Things can always to wrong (See Tigers, 2022). The Dems should not lose this election unless they can't get out of their own way. That risk is always real enough.
  16. They aren't as good as they looked on the hot streak, they do need more leadership in the room than just Larkin. Yzerman has done a good job of raising the general talent level to where the team is much more competitive, but he's got to do something in the way of swinging for the fences to increase the number of players on the team with top level will to win, which right now is pretty much just Larkin and Seider. I don't know if Kane was a player that used to supply some of that for the Hawks, if so maybe his role in the regard will grow.
  17. The public health impact of removing lead pipes from well operated systems where it was properly deployed in the 1st place may be speculative. There is a reason those lead pipes are mostly over 100 yrs old, in proper service they never corrode, meaning the lead is staying put, thus no-one is being poisoned. The problem is that you do get situations like Flint where a system was under invested, undermaintained and then terribly mis-managed and when that happens there is no speculation about the impact and once out of control it's very hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. So you can take a reasonable green-eye shade arg and say there are better places to spend the marginal public health dollar than removing every lead pipe regardless of its engineering context. But given the generally poor approach to infrastructure care in the US, I think it's just something you do to eliminate an unnecessy overhanging risk.
  18. Not to mention a checking line like the Grind. Yzerman probably gets it from Scotty, who generally hated young defensemen. Wings did always bring in a lot of older Dmen back in the day, they could just get better ones - Murphy, Fetisov, Samuelson, Schneider, Coffey.....
  19. This is where I part a bit with the conventional wisdom about voter motivation. Just my read based on nothing but my own intuition, but I don't see that anyone who was motivated to get Trump out of office is going to be any less motivated to keep hm out of office. To me the difference is that people are quieter about it so maybe it seems the energy is lower, but I think that is the way it works in life. Once you are really resolved about something, when it becomes one of your bottom lines in life, you don't have to talk about it any more, you don't care about justifying yourselves to others, but you aren't walking away from it either. And in this particular time, people who oppose Trump have largely given up trying to persuade the other side anymore. So for me I don't read the lower apparent energy as necessarily indicating any less resolve to keep Trump out of the WH.
  20. TTBDNS getting a work out early today. Team is rounding into mid-season form!
  21. The bigger (to me) surprise is that once he decided he wasn't buying he didn't sell either.
  22. 5 months since I've had to say "I hate the contact play"
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