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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The tweeter is of course wrong. mRNA tech was originally intended as a possible cancer treatment vector and that work has progressed.
  2. This is one worth the time to do a little digging into how this plays in Israeli media.
  3. She figured she'd talk you into it. The recruiter knew that plenty of people are nutty enough to regularly commute hrs each way. Heck - I did an hour each way for a number of years - but that was about my limit, but I was working with a guy that was doing >1 1/2 everyday, and it didn't seem to bother him....
  4. only one thing really mattered tonight - Biden was able to stand there and talk, and in fact shout at us, even with the regular Biden syntax assaults, until the rest of us were past being tired. It was political speech as treadmill cardiac stress test, and it was meant to attack his single biggest political liability in the most indirect, almost subliminally designed way
  5. Carlos has already vaulted himself into a solid #2 behind Dirks in the whole list of people that have been through the role.
  6. ESPN did a piece on NHL centers, he didn't even get a mention, but he drives this team every bit as much as McDavid drives his. It goes to the difference between a player's personal achievements (stats etc) and his importance to his team.
  7. I already like Carlos Pena. Calm, unhurried rhythm with Benetti..
  8. I'll await a second look on this before I get too excited. A lot of sophisticated and expensive equipment like this has communication equipment built in to notify operators or owners, or even the manufacturer's tech service dept if the on board diagnostics detects something while the equipment is unattended. It might be a little ambiguous where the line really is between service ware and spy ware and probably has as much to do with the SW on board as the hardware installed.
  9. Yup. Porter's problem was just that there was a *much* stronger candidate in the race. Nothing was going to change that. You go up against a heavy weight, it's not the corner men that are going to determine the outcome.
  10. and yet....managers have always believed this at one level - because almost all managers prefer to alternate L and R hand batters. Why does that work? Specifically to keep the pitcher having to change approaches. If it works on batter at a time why wouldn't it work a game at a time?
  11. Even if errors were potentially a useful measure, the fact is that scoring in the game has become so bad and so inconsistent in the last 15-20 yrs that errors as scored are meaningless today even if they might have some intrinsic value if they were measured with any kind of integrity. Introduce yourself to statcast, have a cookie, you'll feel right as rain.
  12. No I think I still held what he said was goofy, just a little more nuanced goofy than the responses on twix would have it.
  13. in the full quote he's not actually against suffrage, but it's still a terrible statement in toto. He's basically saying the GOP was better when they were fighting for people's rights (e.g suffrage) in the days before people had them. Thus go back to the GOP that existed before people had rights but he didn't say go back that party, he said go back to that time, which was probably just sloppy formulation, but still ended up a bizarre statement of an argument. And it's completely divorced from current reality because there is no way Trump's GOP is going there (becoming the party of expanding rights) regardless of what this guys wants to believe..
  14. Yup. Well noted. That is exactly what makes you wonder. Hinch will tell you that the results are getting worse because as he gets older his approach is getting less tenable=more reason to change. The Tigers are paying the bill, they get the choice about which to believe.
  15. If you want to go back to the comparison with Malone - in his first two years in the league he was a worse FT shooter than Duren, but Basketball reference doesn't have shooting % by distance breakdowns for the 1st several years of Malone's career. He was about 50% on long twos by the time BR has the records, but that was about 10yrs in for him.
  16. This is true, but I think that given the direction they are pushing Javy coaching wise, if the coaching is successful it's more likely to appear as OBP, in which case it will have to be a significant upgrade if it is not accompanied by more power. Of course we've talked about it before, the nightmare fail scenario is that under Tiger coaching Javy just continues to spiral down and he get released, only to land with another team that leaves him alone and he ends up back as the old low OBP but useful power guy he was before he came to Det all while being being paid by us. Note I'm not saying the Tigers are wrong to try to 'fix' Javy, just that 'fixing' batters is a crapshoot that always has some possibility of blowing up in your face. You probably have to try though.
  17. Fielding % is almost as bad a stat as pitcher wins, but that said, no doubt Javy's attention did wander too many times last year - he remains capable of elite play with the glove. What amuses me about Javy's career is that as good as he is with the glove, he is one of the consistently worst throwers to 1st I have ever watched. He's got a canon but zero accuracy. What he has had is the almost magical luck to have spent most of his career throwing to Rizzo, one of the best ever, spending the year at 2B after he lost Rizzo, and then lucking into Torkelson, who graded either tops or maybe it was #2 league wide at saving throws. If he had normal luck of the draw in 1Bs I absolutely believe he'd have been forced to 2B long ago.
  18. Maduro didn't have Chavez's charisma either. Once you break the system it doesn't matter.
  19. 'lack of' is putting it mildly. In 113 professional games Duran has not made a basket >16ft.
  20. Maybe the disconnect is mostly because my field is engineering, but I don't think I've ever been through any kind of in depth interview process where anything in the process had anything to do with my competence or likely success level in the job. I always got the impression the processes were mostly designed to justify the employment levels in the personnel depth. The only things I want when I hire someone is detail on what they have already actually done, and to talk to the people who have working with them in the past. Never saw much value in anything else. We have this conceit in the US about talk - it extends in all kind of areas - employment interviews, politic decision making, you name it. We put far too much stock in what people say when we should simply be looking at what they have done. Talk is cheap, and never cheaper than when money or jobs are on the line. The idea is to hire the best person to DO the job, not the one who can tell the best stories about doing it.
  21. I'm not optimistic. Oil is still huge in Tx and only gets more politically desperate with each EV sold.
  22. I'm more than willing to cut them slack for while Willie was there, but the problem extended through the whole broadcast when they didn't have a good excuse. To keep it simple. Craig is talking too much, both on the radio and tv.
  23. The only thing you can count on with NFL rule making is that they never admit they made a mistake by just changing a rule back, they will change some other rule to try and get back to where they were while leaving the change it turned out they didn't really like in place.
  24. Mormon's are under conflicting forces. The are generally on the side of the cultural conservatism of the GOP, but being a minority sect that has been considered heretical by other Christian groups in the past, they are also uniquely sensitive to 1st amendment establishment issues and should also be/are concerned about the threat of evangelical Christian nationalism.
  25. I also wonder how the unavoidably obvious shrinkage of the GS Lake intersects with GOP climate denialism.
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