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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and you'd think that's a name with plenty of motivation to forget!
  2. Something off about this story though. What Bacon has were apparently Sanderson's emails, and not the University's internal report? There are a couple of alternate possible scenarios - could be Sanderson had violated any number of his own conduct policies with Jace before Juwan got there and so had put his own gig in the crapper quite independently from what happened with Juwan as things progressed. Possibly the players would not corroborate Sanderson's version of the events - either because it wasn't true or because they just wanted to support their coach more than their trainer. Regardless of which, from the U's standpoint you now have a contradicted narrative. It just seems that if Sanderson had such a cut and dried case, he wouldn't have slunk away in the night with it, he would have wanted public vindication. Or maybe the U just wrote him a big enough check the make him go away. In any case, . just another example of big money high pressure sports generating crap you don't really need on a college campus.
  3. It was depressing to here Monroe talk about him today. Not that what Greg says ever carries all that much weight, but we know he is sunshine and roses about almost any kind of positive point he can find about a Tiger player and he was downright depressive watching Javy's ABs today. Of course FWIW, in another example of Monroe's crystal ball, Vierling came up with the bases loaded and Greg immediately started in about how he had work on getting his average up against RHP by going the other way - Matt promptly pulled the ball to left against the RHP for 2 RBI.
  4. That distinction probably should have gone to Jeane Kirkpatrick. Missed opportunity there.
  5. He's forgotten her name, hasn't he?
  6. LOL - Maybe horrible, but that's what they decided they wanted to do! IDK, after dealing with Harbaugh it's not hard to understand if they they were reluctant get behind the eight ball contractually with the next coach. It's maybe a poor play program wise but it's understandable human nature wise.
  7. Oil prices are always a wild card no doubt. Another one I wonder about is if the media coverage of Trump the candidate is going to be any different from Trump the President running for re-election.
  8. 31 is on the young side for a hitter to be finished, but it does happen. That is the worst case scenario - that the pitch recognition apparatus has just aged out and he's done as an MLB hitter. Otherwise he has to get on the Schenck system - be fully loaded up before the pitcher releases the ball. It's the answer for being late and Javy is late.
  9. The public perception always lags, but the survey data (like UM) has now started to move. Barring some reversal (always possible) the GOP is going to have a hard time running on any economy args by the time the GE campaign heats up.
  10. And with Moore, giving him the shot is possible high reward and pretty low risk. He may be the next great young coach. if he isn't, it will be easy to move on, they aren't going to owe him $90M.
  11. but it's not like they are going to forget all that, not to mention that unless the Dems run a totally incompetent campaign they are going to remind people. What I come down to is that Trump is a much worse candidate right now than he was in Nov of 2020 because of 1/6/2021 and Dobbs. Plus Biden has a much improved economy. Any normal political analysis would say that a losing candidate that has hurt himself since he last run and is facing an incumbent with a good economy would simply have no chance. Sure you can throw out most the rules with Trump when it comes to the MAGA, but party membership is only 20-25% the electorate. The earth hasn't flipped on its axis either, there are still political realities that don't change.
  12. I will absolutely admit that where I live is not any indication of the country as a whole, yet even given the skewness of the my sample experience, adding it to everything I see and hear from the wider media, I just don't get the impression that the Democratic energy that brought 82M to the polls for Biden 4 years ago has faded at all. If anything it has morphed into a quiet but steely "never again" resolve. I don't know why it doesn't show in the polls but I tend to doubt the polls more than public on this one. I guess we find out in 8 months.
  13. So we did a week in Alaska all the way out to Denali last year and everyone is looking for moose. "They're bound to be there", "We always see them over here".....No moose. We are on the road back to Anchorage on the tour bus and are basically all the way back into the suburbs, and Momma and 2 calves are sauntering across the road....🤷‍♀️ But if you are a fan of Moose, just go to Isle Royale. We've had several close encounters with Moose in the evenings just on the path from the docks to the bathrooms at Windago.
  14. I've posted here before that the idea that SS is a pension plan you pay into and get your own money back is a fallacy, yet even given that I've said that, I'm not sure I like means testing for the benefit. It may be a fiction, but I think it's a socially useful fiction that if you put some money in, you get some money out - no matter who you are or how rich you get. High income people are still paying income tax so the Treasury does gets a big chunk or maybe all of the value of the SSI payments to the rich back - it just doesn't go to the SSA's ledger, but in the end that's just book keeping. I'd much rather see the contribution cap lifted. That never made that much sense to me in the 1st place.
  15. You have to wonder if Hinch and Harris have already started thinking about what the lines are for pulling the plug. Of course such a decision never happens in a vacuum; someone else - Kreisler, Leonard, McKinstry - whoever, has to show they are likely put up better numbers than whatever Javy is doing.
  16. If you want to talk about 'arrogance' at UM, this is the kind of place where it's probably most a factor. They feel anyone should want to come here so they shouldn't have to do a lot of spade work to prep the ground for a hire. All regular order: Put out the listing, hire the search firm and wait for an XS of top names to just roll in. And TBF, at the time there was conventional wisdom that Howard was very much in demand and that prying him away from the NBA was a bit of big deal.
  17. Lange works an inning - didn't walk anyone. Baby steps.
  18. It was always one possible outcome but since no-one knew the virus would attenuate by itself, there was no point talking about it. But it's always been true that a vaccine is only one way to reach herd immunity, the other is that everyone just catches the mild version!
  19. Mize throwing hard. 96-97. I don't think he has thrown that hard consistently since early in '21
  20. Tigers finally with an RBI hit. O has been in the tank yesterday and today up until then.
  21. 80% of US households have income less than $150K so given the proportion of 2 income households, maybe 10% or less of individual wage earners hit the cap? It's not a big chuck of $ to raise the cap, more if you eliminate it completely - which would be fine with me. Maybe you give high wage earners some break on AMT for putting more into their FICA. Anyway - lots of potential solutions. Nothing like the difficulty of fixing medical costs in the US.
  22. Manning with 3 solid against a few real hitters.
  23. Per gameday it was low enough but in the middle. Dangerous place to be against a hitter who can adjust to make that golf style swing. I think for most hitters if you throw them high you can get away with leaving it in the middle, but if you pitch down you better keep it out of the middle.
  24. Right. In short, Social Security is a political problem, not an economic one.
  25. Manning with 2K's and HR in the 1st.
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