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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. True - they were not going undefeated the rest of the way, though losing the next one to the Panthers might have been the better choice standings wise, but not that big a deal.
  2. But to be fair, what Bernie describes as Democratic Socialism is a more limited concept that the broader concept of Socialism as understood say - 75yrs ago. Bernie is interested in redistribution of resources and much greater regulation of private interests. Maybe I've missed it but don't remember him talking much about the public ownership of production resources and nationalization of industries (other than maybe healthcare, which is a very unique 'industry') as was seen in post war England. Many countries, like those in Europe that Bernie cites, do perfectly well with the social welfare aspects of 'Socialism' that Bernie is describing here, but they by and large do not practice socialization of the means of production on the model of post war British coal. It's the latter that inevitably leads to economic malaise more than any expansion of social welfare programs in a regulated capitalist economy. This ambiguity/evolution of the practical meaning of 'socialism' leads to a lot of silly politics. People like Bernie like to give themselves the charisma of wrapping themselves in terminology that makes them seem more chicly radical than they are, while the right wing sells horror stories of the economics of the Soviet Union and pre-Thatcher England that Scandinavians can only laugh at.
  3. They came sort of close to multi-party socialism in England and that didn't even work.
  4. Nice semantic overlap that the original connotation of supporting those who used tanks aligns with the modern idiom of 'being in the tank for.'
  5. I haven't checked it out as I don't have any dead batteries right now to compare, but even if there is something to it it's going to be very inexact. But on the other hand, if you just want to know if a battery that you find in a drawer is worth getting the meter out for maybe.....
  6. I don't know which is worse, his bigotry or his ignorance, but they do run neck and neck.
  7. this is going to depend on the type of battery. An old style carbon-zinc battery will actually stop bouncing as it discharges because the can is dissolving as part of the reaction and so getting softer. But I assume these are alkaline batteries. The effect here is not due to the case because an alkaline battery is wrapped in a steel can that is not part of the reaction. I'd guess what is happening is that as an alkaline battery discharges the electrolyte, which in a fresh battery is pretty well immobilized, eventually turns more liquid and if there is free liquid inside the battery that will suppress the bounce - or the opposite - but affect it one way of the other (just like raw egg won't spin but a hard boiled one will). I'd guess it may still depend on manufacturing details that may vary by manufacturer though..... Guess I'll have to get out the voltmeter and check this out......
  8. After getting 30 games with the DBacks in 22 (mostly at 2B) and not hitting much, Kennedy started out last season with a lot of promise at AAA putting up a 925 OPS though mostly OBP and little power. In August the Diamondbacks called him up for 3B but after he had only 4 hits in 10 games they pulled the plug and sent him off to Oakland, who sent him to AAA but at that point he played only 11 more games and didn't do much. Has played 2B and 3B recently. Compared to Lipcius probably more bat upside.
  9. 😢 Another of my AAT's bites the dust. (maybe)
  10. When will they have to re-up Raymond and Seider?
  11. and whether Patrick Kane is a RedWing next season is a good question. Kane is probably loving playing with DeBrincat and sometimes Larkin (the three of them on the rush for DeBrincat's goal against the Caps was a thing of beauty) but if he finishes healthy he's going to want to get paid and I'll be surprised if the Wings offer him as much as some other team will.
  12. Any good GM should make a move that makes sense even if it departs from his usual philosophy, my point initially wasn't so much that Holmes would never do something as that from what both he and Campbell have said since they have been here, they value depth seriously. That seems so obvious for the NFL and yet previous Lion FOs absolutely did not build depth and it seems one of the most SOL things of all was Lions seasons crashed by injuries.
  13. The sane ones keep trying to salvage their old party. It's a co-dependency we all keep hoping they'll free themselves from.
  14. You could get there from Barenboim - as in the conductor Daniel. I've looked at Ellis Island records for people in my family that came in the 1910-1920 era - the approximations of the names can get pretty funny - especially first names where they were even less concerned with accuracy.
  15. we've had this debate before. The gov and purpose you serve is bigger than the particular pols running it at the time. If you are SecDef and you disagree with a war your resignation means something. If you are miles down the food chain it means nothing. Whether she supported the policy mistakes of the Iraq war is certainly fair game, but that arg needs more to support it than that she wanted to serve her country. If your intelligence work is saving the lives of the grunts on the ground you shouldn't keep doing it because they shouldn't be there?
  16. have never heard that one before either.
  17. Exactly. All that matters are the ones that make it. You can draft a lot of high floor guys and look good in the system evaluations and never build an MLB team. I think in the baseball draft you mostly have to swing for the fences, ceilings are all that matters, but even then there is a fine line between doing that too much and coming up with nobody at all as cellings can be hard to know. For instance Carpenter and Bigbie have probably already exceeded what theirs were assumed to be at draft time. Workman maybe a case of guy with a potential high ceiling who couldn't get there. Do you call him a failed pick or the kind of chance you want to be taking?
  18. Tigers were starting to figure out pitcher development under Avila, they didn't seem to have a clue about hitters till the end though.
  19. This week reminds us: If Chelios could come to the Wings, anything is possible!
  20. also note what Campbell said in his presser "in this league, everybody gets hurt." I think we will consistently find that when given the option, Holmes/Campbell will opt to have two good players instead of one great one because your depth is going to play as much as your starter. And esp if they can get the two for less than the price of one and have more to spend on another spot.
  21. Counter arg is that as part of their development, Cade and Ivy should both learn how to optimize their own and each other's game both together and apart since if they both stay each should be on the floor when the other isn't but also mostly together - QED.
  22. This, but also there is real economic loss which is more than a matter of superstition. The fact that the Arab world decided to fight the Partition by not admitting Palestinian refugees, means you have millions of displaced families who have not been given a chance to rebuild lives and 'get on with it' somewhere new on a permanent basis, as the victims of displacement in most conflicts do. Even if you always have a certain number of 'dead-enders' the pressure in most displacement situations dissipates in a generation or so because people do move on - a Palestinian in Egypt eventually becomes an Egyptian of Palestinian origin and if not true for him at least for his children. That process has been frozen here and it is another piece immobilizing the conflict. Every potential deal between Israel and the Palestinians in the past had foundered over "Right of Return." ROR won't die as an issue for Palestinians because since Partition they have had no-where to go, and of course "Right of Return" is a non-starter for Israel as it is fundamentally a reversal of Partition.
  23. Millennials and Gen Z seem to be turning out to be better voters than young boomers or Gen X were. Hopefully that continues. Maybe they understand the system has shortchanged them and they need to change it. It seems ironic that since the boomers the young haven't been good voters when it was the boomers that grew up wanting to change the world. But I think the answer is they wanted more to change the culture, they didn't want to change the US government per se. We were cold war children, our system still was the good one. There were people in the government we didn't like (Nixon!) but the idea that the US constitutional order itself had problems wasn't so much on the radar outside the still active communist left. And of course we came of age when the 'fairness doctrine' was still in effect and before billion dollar political campaigns. There was a lot less perceived risk that not voting might be a prelude to collapse.
  24. LOL - I was thinking the same thing. Especially below the waist. We saw him live on the field at a Hens game last summer and 'low center of gravity' is the thought I had then also.
  25. Just to be accurate, the claim of 'first to inhabit' isn't even made in the Torah. The covenant with Abraham explicitly gave him possession of land that was already inhabited by other people. He was an emigre into the area from the East. (and in fairness, the current Arab claim to the land itself only goes back to the Islamic conquest of the people already living there before the 8th Century) Bringing forward ancient historical arguments about current national boundaries is in the end an exercise than can only lead to futility and very pointless wars (I see you V. Putin). All we can say that matters is the state of Israel exists were is does because the UN put it there in present day history and that its borders are the result of that and the practical outcomes of continued military clashes with its neighbors. I suppose one can easily say that it was just another example of European imperialism for the Western powers to take chunk of real estate from the collapsed Ottoman empire rather than offer up one of their own (the South of France maybe?) to Jews in expiation of their Holocaust guilt. Everyone is some kind of victim of history?
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