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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Two periods for Lyon, one for Larkin and Kane. When Veleno's group went out there in OT you knew it would be touch and go to survive until the next shift and Lyon saved it for them again.
  2. A good part of that was that the teams in the East were better than our divisional rivals, so the differential in results was just another marker for the team's talent level.
  3. a blue parking permit for UM lots would only cost you $781/season, if they would sell you one, which they won't.
  4. Boras is playing a long game on his big 4 this year and I guess I don't blame any mid-market team for not wanting to get into the middle of it just to be a stalking horse adding to the ultimate cost for the high $$ team that will eventually outbid them. I don't know how much I'd like being a Boras client knowing I might be a guy that gets sacrificed even if he succeeds in driving up net salaries for his clients collectively. I sometimes wonder if the Boras agency makes guarantees to players to keep them on-board and actually pays off and we never hear about it when one of his clients ends up out in the cold.
  5. I think the Ilitch record is a mixed bag. They have definitely been a catalyst for the area around the ballpark and they have put in as big a share or more of their own money as sports ownership anywhere else. What they are guilty of is overpromising on secondary development projects they never had any particular interest in but signed up for to oil the political skids on the projects they wanted. The other big knock is that that don't want to see the parking lots developed. Well, d'OH! If I had direct interest in filling 3,500,000 seats downtown every 12months in a city where everyone has to drive to my venues, because public transit is non-existent and the population is all over 3 counties, I think I'd want to be forgiven for wanting to keep a lot of parking available. That just the reality of operating those venues in Detroit. It's not NYC with a subway line or even Minneapolis with trolley busses and light rail all around the park.
  6. '22 WS was salary #4 vs #8, '23 WS was #4 vs #21. Mets and the Yankees spent a combined $600M to both miss the playoffs last season. Spending done well certainly improves your odds, but spending per se is no guarantee of anything.
  7. I think this is certainly a possibility. IMO McKinstry was not good there, tho maybe he's better with a better knee, Ibanez I don't think has the arm, I thought Vierling had looked decent there but maybe they don't agree. If whoever is there is just a place-holder for Jung at the ASB, then you might as well play a real 3B whose cost you don't mind and who you might even move at the deadline if he does hit some.
  8. I'm not sure now is the time that is the test for how much the team is willing to spend - the test comes if the young core start having success and the team either has to pay to tie them up or face letting them walk. You can argue they shouldn't be committing much in the way of long term dollars on FA (ie.typical older) players when they have large payroll liabilities looming before FA contracts proffered today would be off the books.
  9. I'd guess part of this is McHenry's way of saying, "You could have had me and I would know what I was doing.:
  10. True enough, all we have is what he is saying now, how ever colored by time that has become. I just think it's interesting that he doesn't remember his coaching from any team as having been good. A lot of players will have at least one coach that leaves a positive impression.
  11. did you see Alito's latest complaint about a decision where counsel pretty much challenged anyone in a jury pool who had a religious belief that the defendent was sinful? He thought that amounted to society labeling the religious as bigots. Well, Jeez Louise, he only has it completely backwards. If you are going to tell me that you think legal behavior of a defendant is sinful - then your *are* a prejudiced juror! The man can't reason his way out of a paper bag without invoking half a dozen logical fallacies. No-one's religion deserves or can or should be given special status. That just frosts the hell out of *bigots* like Alito (yes it is a *bigot* you see in the mirror every morning Sam) that people challenge their bigotry in the name of the very freedom and constitutional order they want to wrap themselves in while maintaining those prejudices.
  12. Turner pretty much said that no-one on any of this teams worked with him on mechanics. His hindsight might be colored at this point, but certainly none of the teams he played for impressed him enough to him to bother noting that they were ever helpful.
  13. I'll put this here because Turner used to be a Tiger cub... Henning tracked down Jacob Turner to write a story about his 'recovery' from his baseball career, which has gone fine for him and if you are interested the story is here. But what I though was interesting wasn't the focus of the story. It was how Turner found and lost his fastball without ever knowing how or why. Turner had been a low 90s guy in high school and then his junior year he suddenly had 98. That got everyone excited, including the Tigers, who drafted him. But then the 98 just disappeared and pretty much never came back, even under the coaching of the 4 different teams he played for (I'd note he wasn't impressed with the state of pitching management at any of his career stops. Apparently the Tigers weren't the only team that didn't even have video of their pitchers). So you wonder (as it appears Jacob does a little even now), if he played today would all the biomechanics analysis and tech available today gotten that FB fastball back and turned a marginal career into the one closer to the one that was projected for him when he was drafted? I suppose the other possibility with a <20 yr old that it was just bad luck on the genes. That a player might be blessed/cursed with a body that reaches a point in physical development where muscle tone, bone geometry and ligature elasticity just happen to combine to create arm with the right balance of speed, strength and whip to produce that 98 but then all those growth process push right past that sweet spot in less favorable directions and a year or two later it's a different enough body that 98 is no longer in there.
  14. GOP lawyers are stuck in a sepia toned 1950's world where everything looks sort of brown?
  15. they also had to produce more show per episode as there were only ~8-10 minutes of commercials in a 1960's hour compared to ~16 or more now.
  16. they may be crazy but I would not be at all surprised if the Karamo side doesn't have the greater numbers.
  17. The other question is how much credit is Andy Reid getting as a play caller for Mahomes freelancing failed plays into 1st downs? You could say Johnson has a much tougher task because his calls have to work as called to a higher degree than Andy Reid's do!
  18. Somebody here already mentioned changing foul rules so that you can't be awarded a foul on offensive player initiated contact. Might be a tricky rule to write but would like to see that tried.
  19. I have a related recent stat peeve though, which is the fixation with batter swing rates - exactly because I think they are pretty meaningless without breaking them down by count. For instance Tork is criticized for having too high a swing rate, but without benefit of the data on his count breakdown, by impression from watching the games is that he is actually TOO selective on the 1st pitch. Taking that strike puts him down in the count and then he ends up swinging a lot in defense on 2 strike counts. I might be wrong about Torks 1st pitch rate, but I think the argument holds that swing rates apart form count analysis doesn't mean much.
  20. this is weird. The site has started throwing away my post at random. Well - I'll try this one again. I (and probably Cas) couldn't figure out the post because once at Twitter, if you had to click on the right link to get to the story instead of just going in circles back the same tweet.
  21. And he should save that for the season. I would not call throwing max effort the 1st week of ST a mature level of training decision making.
  22. I can believe he sees himself as persecuted in exactly the same way Navalny was....well, maybe except for the poisoning, the beatings, the jailings, the months of isolation, and the murder. But other than those petty details, *exactly* the same.
  23. Taking US citizenship probably increased her risk for being in or visiting Russia.
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