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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yup. Some people just don't think very clearly. If the Griner case wasn't a big enough warning for you, hard to know what could be.
  2. a few generations ago Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi Christians made up a good chuck of ME emigres to the US. Their politics don't necessarily align with Muslin emigres. I don't imagine there are many Christian emigres coming from the ME today because there aren't many left, most having left in those previous waves.
  3. TBF, being poor at the relational aspects of player management doesn't necessarily mean your talent as a tactical in game manager isn't good. I guess it depends on how narrow/wide the criteria for this ranking is.
  4. I know Ras is a center, but I still think the obvious best match for the Wings is for him to be playing next to Larkin. Put Debrincat with his buddy Kane (and Compher) and play the other main line as Ras, Larkin and Raymond. The latter would give you combination of guile, playmaking, speed, shooting and *physicality* that would optimize all three of those talents. Larkin and Raymond both need to be out there with a big body to manage the chronic head hunting they otherwise are faced with and Ras is going to be be able to leverage his ability to command space better with playing with a great passer. It's not exactly Messier/Gretsky but that's a sound concept that has held in the NHL for a long time.
  5. I think I heard Ken Rosenthal say that Sacramento is outside the market definition of their local TV contract so they lose $67M going that far away. So they'd need to put together a new TV deal to make that move. Not impossible but another complication certainly.
  6. I don't think the Freep has carried DB in a while. We got to know long time Freep editor Joe Stroud and his family pretty well. Joe would be rolling over in his grave about his old paper.
  7. this one was all Lyon, the Wings really had no business being in a position to take points in this one with the number of defensive breakdowns. They didn't just give up shots today, but grade A scoring chances by the boat load. Broken record here but Yzerman still needs to do something to improve the D corps before the deadline.
  8. I'd say Perez is likely the most on the radar of the under-the-radar guys.
  9. Curiously, I actually ran into something a related a long time ago when I had ripped a bunch of CD's in linux, then copied them over to a windows computer and the player kept tripping over certain tracks, and it was because of colons and semi-colons in the file names that the ripping SW and linux weren't bothered by, but Windows wouldn't process.
  10. Mitch Landrieu needs to move to a blue state so he can get elected to something. Too much talent going to waste.
  11. Gostisbehere seems most likely to give them the return value Yzerman would be looking for. But he might cross us up and move a forward then bring up Berggren
  12. Well to be honest, I'm not sure we ever had it. Orville Hubbard had already confiscated it first.
  13. I had to post the above as an image from a screen cap. Weird.
  14. I tried to post to this thread yesterday to followup and for some reason it kept throwing them away. So if this post goes I will try again.....
  15. And there is a historical cultural confluence that also fuels the issue. It's not just a group of people who have been dispossessed by war keeping things alive, that has happened in a lot of places without them turning into the ME; it's also a basic tenet of fundamentalist Islam that territory gained to Muslim conversion/conquest may never be lost. So Israel's existence is also anathema to any radical Islamist. It's a match of interests that compounds it all. And conversely and perversely, the existence of Israel is an argument Islamic radicals make that the people need to be more devout (read as "support us"), because if they were, Allah would never have allowed them to fall from power in their previously won lands.
  16. this is the trick isn't it. Terrorism will not take permanent root or grow in a population that doesn't support it. Too many eyes and ears to hide arms, training or tunnels etc. So the problem will be what the problem always has been, that enough of the the Gaza population, despite Hamas's barbarity and despite the ruin they have brought, will in the future still shelter Hamas to the point that any occupation that tries to be relatively benevolent will find itself facing continued asymmetric warfare. To be clear, I'm not suggesting it, but the sad reality is that the only way to crush a terrorist movement in a population that supports it is ruthless (i.e. tyrannical) suppression. Though a lot closer than they used to be, I don't think (though I may well be wrong!) Israel is ready to operate that way long term, and they would get tremendous pressure from the US and Europe if they tried. Not many good answers, which is I suppose why it's been 75 yrs since partition and the area is still a mess.
  17. incompetent. One more triple and they've have gotten to 400.
  18. I don't know if it's accurate to say he didn't want to be president. He didn't think he would win when he started out so I agree he had no plan, and he certainly didn't want to 'be' a proper national CEO in the sense of ever doing all the work that entails to do well, but he sure as heII desperately wants to 'be' the 'biggest boss' there is, and that's POTUS. And now he not only wants it but no doubt feels he needs to get it back because he probably sees correctly that it is his be best route to hold his courtroom losses at bay.
  19. Paraphrasing Gerson reminds me, has there ever been an ex-president more AWOL from the national public discourse than GW? Well maybe AWOL is the wrong term, he probably has 'leave' as far as many people are concerned. Is he really so small a man that he has to spend the rest of is life licking his wounds in seclusion, or was/is he so bereft of insight/unimaginative in having nothing to add that he was never fit for the job in the first place?
  20. People in civilized societies have trouble not projecting their own civility onto people who go out of their way to make it pretty clear in both word and deed that they don't share it. I think there may be reasonable debate about how to destroy Hamas' hold in Gaza, but not that Israel has no choice but try to accomplish that somehow. I don't see many of Israel's international critics coming up with practical alternatives for Israel to pursue that are likely to accomplish the task by means other than those Israel is employing, i.e. military force.
  21. Lipcius and Kreidler both pretty much at their "hit or go home" year I would think. IDK, Kreidler's glove may be good enough to keep him for some years as minor league regular if he wants it.
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