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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm going to guess It won't matter how poor polling accuracy gets (and I think will just get worse), the media will continue to buy polls and lead with them in their reporting - they don't know how else to do it.
  2. 5000 total votes cast? The GOP may be broken but so is the American voter. House district in OK is about 37K which is pretty small but 5K is still not much.
  3. this one's off to a fine start. Down two goals and one goalie in less than 20 min.
  4. Really, I'd have been glad to to have him take the Joe Louis Fist instead. Probably more metal to harvest too..... ?????
  5. In the years before West Nile hit, we had a group of crows that would work their way from west to east down our street every morning and evening just like clockwork. West Nile apparently killed them and even years later we only have occasional crows in the neighborhood, and no organized groups like that one was.
  6. Hopefully working with a better #1 all the sub-par Tigers analysts will be required to contribute less.
  7. Fair question. One problem is control, which the schools won't want to give up. I think if it ever gets to a real professional minor league, a lot of schools would as soon walk away but will find they can't because they have huge investments in stadiums and facilities they may still be paying notes on. I think the more interesting question is whether a true NFL minor league would continue to generate income the way college football does. It could end up a different animal in terms of it's revenue generating potential. Look across all sports and where is there an example of a high income generating minor league? Could be football will be unique because of the small number of games that can be played in a week, but think about the contrast between interest in the NBA G-league vs current college basketball. A G-league like outcome for football is a worst case scenario of course, but it should make people a little cautious to realize how catastrophic outcomes could be if they aren't careful.
  8. One would think they would do something. Then again, look how long it's taken to do anything about 'one and done' in basketball (and it's still not a sure thing it changes) with the next NBA CBA, despite it having been pretty much reviled by every coach and school from the beginning.
  9. You could try clicking on the security tab, then 'Edit', pick your user from the list and then in the bottom dialog give yourself 'full control' and click apply, then see if you can delete it.
  10. If one assumes that the Assistance Coach budget has remained, and given the money saved on Moore's deal compared to Harbaugh why shouldn't it have, then Michigan remains a pretty good gig for an assistant coach. I don't know what's next - Publicly 'M' says they don't want to play the buying players game. Maybe that's just be PR, or it may be an opinion of some but not all internal constituencies, or it could be PR of necessity to cover that they can't raise the NIL to compete, or it could be real sentiment and maybe we see a few years of retrenchment until some order returns - whether that be collective bargaining, Congressional action, or something. I'm sure there are a few schools perfectly happy to see it turn into the wild west - the OSUs and Alabama's; but I find it hard to believe aren't enough schools, even in the power 5, that want to see unregulated purchase of players end quickly that that isn't what is going to happen - it's a matter of finding the "how."
  11. they gave her and Kelce a lot of camera in the post game - too much IMO - How long can you watch one hug? You could have been there for the Beatles. Maybe one difference in the feel of it was that they had such strong positions, or attitudes - often publicly negative, about their fame and influence -esp John, and then they started more or less hiding out which amped the mystique. But millions of kids trying to play records backward to glean possible messages of cosmic importance? Pretty over the top. Pop star mania and QAnon all rolled into one. Another big difference though is that Lennon (again) in particular courted opposition by being overtly political, getting arrested, etc., so between the Generation gap and War/Antiwar politics divisions the Beatles always had a big core of detractors that at least had rational political arguments about whey they didn't like them. The situation with Swift is made ridiculous mostly by the ridiculousness of the complaints about her and the people making them.
  12. Another reason get that militia well regulated: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/09/hearing-loss-republicans/
  13. I think the interpersonal part remains the biggest part right up to the point when the $ figure is big enough to replace it. That point if probably an individual matter for every recruit but I imagine working rules of thumb will emerge that reflect the real world probabilities, something like maybe if you are more than $500k short of the competing offer, you don't bother elevating a contact.
  14. And can we guess where the PAC got the money?
  15. Obvious by definition they are, but an Interesting question is whether moderated sites are even in the same conceptual space as 'social media' as it's commonly understood since they function so much differently. We had moderated message boards all the back to Compuserve in the 1980's and no-one felt they needed to have congressional hearings about it. 😉
  16. NYT has really lost it's way with Trump. Possibly the one thing to say it its defense is that the editors know that a)their readers already hate Trump b)no Trump voters reads, or if they do believes, anything in the NYT anyway. Still, you have a responsibility to put that on the front page just as a matter of being a news source that is archived for history.
  17. I loved the 1st, but Herbert lost me somewhere around 'Children' in the sequels. And not that I follow Hollywood all that closely, but has Lucas ever officially recognized how much he cribbed from Dune?
  18. I can imagine some Smother's Brotheresque ribbing in the locker room of Raymond by Larkin "The officials must love you best"
  19. From the time I knew her in her middle 50s, my grandmother always ran through the whole list of her children and grandchildren when she hollered at one of us. She lived to 94 and never had any dementia. I think that kind of thing is much more a matter of 'auto-pilot.' Almost the inverse of confusion - there are conceptual/emotional frameworks that you know so well you just pull them up from memory whole without having to think about them once they register as applicable, but since they may attach to multiple people, the specific subject doesn't come up with it.
  20. QFT you know, Franbk Herbert - author of DUNE, makes reference in the book's themes about Humans needing 'Jihad' (note he was using the word in a literary way, years before Sunni fundamentalism came into public consciousness) , periods of war and chaos to mix up the gene pool and drive the race in new directions, which is basically what the story line in Dune is. I always thought conceptually that while it made for an interesting novel, the idea of their being a sense of species stagnation leading to eventual collapse and chaos was still a very odd idea. All these years later, I'm wondering if he was on to something.
  21. not even a deranged mad *man*, but a deranged two year old in a man's body. He is the most infantile excuse for an adult I may ever have seen on the pubic stage going back 6 decades and as Sue says, our idiot populace laps it up. You have to wonder what these people's children look like if they indulge them in a level of childishness like Trump's.
  22. It was a funny contrast because for as many hard hits and scrums out on the ice, I thought both teams were unusually disciplined about leaving out the typical amount of pointless pushing and shoving you get after every goalie save in a crowd.
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