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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Maybe Vierling, but they never gave him any kind of opportunity to play it consistently and settle in at all so who knows? There certainly are guys out there who can move around the field without it being a detriment to their fielding, but it runs against every rule of skill development to ignore that for *most* guys, consistent reps will improve play. And the fact is that *utility* players are usually in that role because their bats are deficient from at least one side, not because they have demonstrated more than marginal capability to move around the field with particularly great success.
  2. Pretty good description of McKinstry playing 3B
  3. It may be traditional and Biden may be trying to be a traditional politician but there I see zero upside for him getting on the same stage with Trump. Trump never abides by any rules of the game, so you are a fool if you offer to play. OTOH, if given that Trump has ducked GOP debates, he may well be bluffing, in which case to accept and have Trump back out is the best of both worlds...
  4. The Tigers can be excused for doing a little "can this guy play there or not" trialing, but it's time that kind of thing should be coming to an end. We may still have young players come up and not perform but we should be about done experimenting with trying to stretch waiver wire utility guys in to out of position regulars.
  5. I've said before that Trump, in his strategic brilliance (otherwise know as shortsightedness) is driving the GOP into an overplay of their hand on this, but we'll see if the Dems have the cajones to now go hard against the GOP on their own #1 issue. They need to hammer that if you think the government doesn't work, these are the guys that are the reason why. With the public mode on the economy turning up it's the GOPs last issue and if the Dems can take it away, even in part, it's going to dim the GOP's chance. Problem for the Dems is that too many of them would rather not talk about it all.
  6. I thought when Carlos came to Detroit he was about the most fun ball player to watch we had had in a long time - seemed he could do anything on a baseball diamond. Sadly, then he got old really fast.
  7. Another sign post. Judge rules Dartmouth basketball team are university employees and can uniionize..... https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/02/05/dartmouth-basketball-union/
  8. exactly - you can't have any kind of sane discussion on legal immigration levels until you can get to where immigration is mostly legals.
  9. There is a pretty universal consensus that the law around asylum is broken. These people are not legally immediately deportable - i.e. they are 'legal' as far it goes, because the current law allows them to make asylum claims that in all probability will ultimately be rejected, but the system is too overburdened to ever adjudicate. That works well enough for them because if they can stay in the US and make some money for any number of years then the crossing was a success. There is no single step that will do more to stop the attraction of crossing the border illegally than for economic immigrants to know they will not be allowed to stay while an asylum claim is processed. That is something that the current addresses.
  10. That's just a redescription rather than an explanation however. The interesting question is what drives a particular change? Since the rise of the printing press, the dictionary, and recorded media, language has gotten much stiffer - almost immobile today. In the ~225 years from Chaucer to Shakespeare English practically turned into a different language, but we can read Shakespeare or a King James Bible 400 years later with relative ease by comparison and most rhymes still work, or watch a film that is almost 100 years old and not hear much difference at all.
  11. Just hope the new one doesn't start pining for the fiords.
  12. Yeah - but remembrances of Freehan are always in order.
  13. CPD doing anything differently? More cops? New gang units? or is it just improving overall economics?
  14. Don't agree with the premises of the 1st part of this but to plan on Boras taking him to free agency is definitely advisable.
  15. IDK what the prescription is for Tork. He can make decent plays for 1b, it's not his catching ability per se so much as either his concentration lapses or he just gets ahead of himself before he completes a catch. At any rate I think it's more mental than physical with him.
  16. LOL - I was just coming back from the store and heard Caputo on the radio extolling how strong the Wings goaltending was going to be down the stretch because Husso was coming back. OK Pat.
  17. the other recent one is "Im.`pord.ent" for "im.por.tant" It 's been common for the 1st 't' to be weakly tongued, but now it's completely missing. Hear this from lots of even the most erudite Gen Z's.
  18. Husso will have to play better down the stretch for anyone to be interested in a $5M goalie. Hopefully he does.
  19. They are probably open to him playing 3rd in theory only as far as his arm health stabilizes - so it could be some but likely none - depending.
  20. But the two most likely outcomes are too depressing to talk about - which are: 1) nothing happens. Boring. 'nuf said about that. 2) Yzerman is a major seller again and possibly bye-bye playoffs. Granted it doesn't seem like after working so hard toward making the playoff that Yzerman would pull the plug when they are so close - but if he really wants Stanley Cups, just making the playoffs may not be enough for him to be willing to stand pat with this team.
  21. then again, they've had their best streak of the season without him. And without Chiarot. A few different ways to read that combination!
  22. Of course they've denied that Kane's injury had anything to do with the hip, but any injury coming only 19 games after his return might have left GMs skeptical about his availability, and If there is anything you need in a deadline deal player it's availability. Buddha almost talked me into them being able to keep him, but that's down the road.
  23. which is why it's better to be on the selling side than the buying side. So will Yzerman will driven more by the shot at this years playoffs or to sell something to buy more future? Best case: move Gostisbehere for a pick, bring up Edvinsson and still be better and make the playoff. Well, make that 'dream' case.
  24. This also appears to be the beginning of one phase of what Friedman reported, that the Admin has decided to hit Iran hard enough to get their attention and change their risk calculations. The tricky part is that at least in Iraq, degrading Iranian forces to a degree beyond where the Iraqi government can pick up the security slack could open the door for more Isis oriented Sunni Radicals. There is more that a little irony in the fact that overlaid on the hostility between Iran and the US is the fact that as a practical matter we are in alliance against Sunni Radicals.
  25. The analogy would be to something like the Miranda rule or a warrantless search - fruit of a poison tree etc. Except that it's a lot longer stretch from the need to punish a prosecution for process misconduct by excluding evidence to why private personal conduct would require any kind of similar response. How would you argue that such a relationship actually put the defendant at any greater or unjust risk of conviction? It was both their jobs regardless of their relationship. Which is not to say we may not see some novel arguments in that direction anyway.
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