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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. tried to throw the same pitch to Parker too many times in a row.
  2. are we trying out another attempt to replace Shannon Hogan tonight?
  3. I don't know if I believe it but some polling I saw recently identified about 10% of Trump's support as "grudging" supporters. These are folks that don't like Trump but say he is their default choice because they don't know anything about Harris. So if they exist, those would be the people at play.
  4. Missouri Supreme Court rules that abortion initiative stays on the ballot for November election. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/09/10/missouri-abortion-amendment-november-ballot-court/
  5. Willi's OPS peaked at 820 on June 27. Since then 249 PA at 587.
  6. because he hasn't done enough with the bat *yet* to look like a regular. Sure he may, but the proper presumption for any garden variety MiLB player called to the majors is failure until they prove otherwise.
  7. So the most recent cable/stream corporate snit is between Disney and DirectTV, so for the time being I have no ABC/ESPN/Disney. Heaven forbid, may have to record it from Fox! 😱
  8. IDK, If I'm managing him I just keep him on his schedule - don't do anything that might cross him up physically or mentally.
  9. I also think that until they were at the goal line the Rams still didn't really believe the Lions would try to run it the whole way.
  10. The US has intervened in the Dominican several times, with uneven results, but overall has been more of a backstop for stability, even if was the right wing suppressed stability of Trujillo. Nobody seems to have gotten things right in Haiti.
  11. would that that ever still happens. It's probably one of those things that can't be generalized. If you have a highly militarized outlook PD and you put a hard ass member in a school who never interacts in any other manner that's not a recipe for police-community relations success. The issue of the militarization of policing is bigger and broader than SROs. It's in large part a direct and I believe inevitable consequence of US gun culture.
  12. Guys from either side with small platoon splits have always been the holy grail.
  13. They have talked about liking LHH because there is more RHP, but I will grant they probably didn't anticipate getting this LH heavy. Maybe Dingler will eventually hit. People have hope for Malloy but I'm a skeptic there. There isn't a lot on the horizon in the way of RHH hitters in the system - Lee, and Liranzo is a SH who appears stronger as RHH, Campos?
  14. LOL - a more tactful repost as well..... but good question. I'm not optimistic. In the absence of a solution you can give them right now, I think people under stress too often just prefer to be lied to.
  15. Right. They brought Canha in last season but as more of a hedge - there was no expectation he would be an everyday player. He didn't produce much power and probably wouldn't have played as much as he did if Carpenter had been healthy. You could carry Malloy just to DH against LHP, but that seems poor use of roster spot. I wouldn't. And Malloy's nice platoon split is based on way too small a sample to plan anything on anyway. Also with Malloy it's too much based on walks. Your RHH in a LH heavy lineup have to hit for power to be useful because it's harder for a LH heavy line up to string hits together against LHP. No team is going to be perfect, but to me they are going overboard with the left-handedness. They think it's a winning strategy. I like LH bats but I also believe you can have too much of a good thing. Balance is better.
  16. She doesn't look at all like one but this is common trait in sled dogs/nordics. They may go get a ball once, after that it's "I brought it back for you once, why did you lose it again?" or they go get it and just keep it so you can't lose it again.
  17. but which part is questionable? I was only interested in AAV calc. In Ohtani's case the payment structure has been pretty widely publicized. The other notable thing is that as huge as Ohtani's deal seems, if you took them both all back to 2008 dollars we probably paid Cabrera almost as much. IF Ohtani can return to the mound he's a bargain.
  18. this is the interesting question. Assume you have a RHH at 1b whether it's Torkelson or a replacement - then what? You are playing Keith, Greene, Meadows pretty much full time and you hope you are playing Jung full time, and Carpenter is playing against RHP. So that leaves C and SS and those are about the hardest spots to find a power bat and a good RH OF is not going to want to come here to take the short side of a platoon with Carpenter. The hardheaded thing to do is trade Carpenter and find an everyday RH power OF.
  19. Here is Ohtani's Spotrac page. Sportrac says the AAV for the playing years is found by taking the Net Present Value of the total contract and dividing it by the playing years (the first ten in this case). The NPV of the $700M over 20yrs is $461M so the AAV is $46M/yr. I'm not sure what the luxury tax numbers in the deferred part the chart are supposed to mean. They don't say what interest rate is used and I haven't bothered to try and back it out but $461M seems like a reasonable NPV for that deal. (EDIT: the int rate for the NPV calc is just a hair over 3.0% or more likely exactly 3% and there is some fee or adjustment not in my calc) https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/player/_/id/24661/shohei-ohtani NPV Table for Ohtani contract: intRate 3.00% Year Yearly Payout NPV 1 2,000,000 2,000,000 2 2,000,000 1,941,748 3 2,000,000 1,885,192 4 2,000,000 1,830,283 5 2,000,000 1,776,974 6 2,000,000 1,725,218 7 2,000,000 1,674,969 8 2,000,000 1,626,183 9 2,000,000 1,578,818 10 2,000,000 1,532,833 11 68,000,000 50,598,386 12 68,000,000 49,124,647 13 68,000,000 47,693,832 14 68,000,000 46,304,691 15 68,000,000 44,956,011 16 68,000,000 43,646,612 17 68,000,000 42,375,352 18 68,000,000 41,141,118 19 68,000,000 39,942,833 20 68,000,000 38,779,450 total 700,000,000 462,135,150
  20. the other question is whether the Yankees even care how far over the threshold they are - the franchise has money to burn.
  21. I suppose, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes to me to go big with a young player than go half way with an older one. I just think you are more likely to get burned in the latter case. To many guys don't really hit at all after 31/32. You might get burned worse if the young guy comes down with some career ender, but you are so much more more likely to get a good number of good years I think the total value vs dollars risk is going to be lower overall. Seems counter intuitive to spend more to get less risk, but that's how I would go. Plus given a steady 2.5% inflation, the last year on a 10yr deal for an unproductive player comes at a 28% discount, that time discount at 6 yrs is only 16%.
  22. Really don't like the college setup. I'll take the current NFL scheme any time. Sudden death after each team has had the ball once makes sense to me and if you get steam rolled for a TD on the opening drive, that's a decent justification to lose as well.
  23. Tracy Smith. His prior stop was ASU. Spenser Torkelson comes to us courtesy of Tracy Smith.
  24. Bregman will be 31 next season. I don't want to go more than 2yrs - 3 max for guy at 31 and that almost certainly won't land him. Soto is a pipe dream, but coming up on his age 26 season he's only one year older than when they took on Cabrera and Cabrera's 1st contract value was fine. You might get 8+ good years from Soto. By the end of a deal that long it won't seem so bad even if he's fallen off.
  25. there are all kinds of questions there. Harbaugh was strange, but was that part of what worked for him or was it really just that any ex-NFL QB/NFL Superbowl Head coach is going to have so much cred with young players that his eccentricities aren't going to hurt him? So does Moore need to communicate differently - you betcha. But at the same time there is nothing he can do to have Harbaugh's NFL resume, so it's about as apples and oranges as it can be.
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