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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. But one other question does merit being raised - why at this point in history? Power has swung back and forth between liberal and conservative forces before (and at least since 1863) without either side deciding they had to take their ball and go home. I can only conclude that the problem this time is the people on the other side look less alike than they used to. When one group of white fraternity bros from Yale was losing to another maybe from State U, that was all in the family. But when the folks on the other side don't like your churches, tell you your ideas about human sexuality are anchored in ancient prejudices and on top of it all, they are so many different skin colors, then it all becomes too much.
  2. But it's not because they think an election was stolen, it's exactly because they do know after all that is wasn't. The US actually does need a new Constitutional convention because the existing setup one has produced a government that has become strongly unbalanced in an anti-democratic direction - but it's to the advantage of the Reds. So for them reform toward more democracy is a losing proposition and they know it. That's why the specter of Strong Man/Fascist government doesn't move them to fear, they know if that figure comes in the name of protecting their prerogatives they will not be worse off than if the proper voting power were actually to flow the majority of people, who don't share their politics, and they lose their position of minority control or at least outsized minority leverage. It's actually rational behavior not based on a false premise but the real situation. The false premise is just the cover - a way to justify refusing to keep playing the democracy game if it means they will be the ones losing elections.
  3. Nope. But I don't even want another forward - I want an upgrade on D. They are already scoring plenty of goals and Kane has only played in 19.
  4. Pretty terrible defensive effort the whole game. Sens should have scored about 5.
  5. On a related note I hadn't seen until the Lions played SF that old friend Brian Griese had gone into coaching and was now Brock Purdy's quarterback whisperer.
  6. Just looked at the 1st round of the 2018 draft. Pretty terrible year. Mize won't have to do a lot to still end up the best player taken.
  7. Well, QB is certainly up there, but even a great QB won't help you if your GM can't draft. Have to have both. Our very own Lions have proven that with the coaching carousel Stafford played for when he was here.
  8. Exactly. Lindsay has plenty of talent and more than enough smarts, just zero courage.
  9. Harris did leave the door slightly ajar for the future - I took that to mean that if down the road (as in maybe next year) Keith's shoulder health proves out the fact that he can play 3B comes back into the mix. But my take would be that if can manage 2b at all reasonably, they want to protect his arm for at least this season.
  10. A GM would have to be as bad as Weaver to even think about trading for Hayes. That's a high bar.
  11. He'd not only not run a program, he had no college coaching (read recruiting) experience of any kind. No less In the era of 'one and done' when you need to rebuild the team virtually every year.
  12. ..and she has bigger hands than Trump.
  13. There are guys who are sort of born fielders - and I don't mean in the sense of necessarily being all-stars but just in the sense that they have the instincts to make the right play the right way and for them moving from one position to another doesn't really phase them - then there are the guys that have to work at it - who have to learn what they have to do at each spot on the field. When Keith talks about fielding he sounds like he's in the second group. When Jung talks about it it sounds like he's in the 1st.
  14. Sportrac says we have him through next year. https://www.spotrac.com/nhl/detroit-red-wings/alex-lyon-18903/
  15. No doubt. And it's too bad because I think he could be more of an offensive force if allowed, but right now the Wings don't need that from him. Yzerman is being more patient that I could be in his shoes. I want to see if Edvinsson can cut it now and if not get a deal made to bring in another top half Dman. Other than the goal tending that's what can cement their playoff chances.
  16. And then still didn't do the right thing. I think it was obvious from pretty much day one that Willi wasn't a MLB middle IF. If they had sent him straight to LF they might have gotten more of the production out him the Twins did last year.
  17. There is more in the Freep story today about a labrum taking 'years' to heal completely.
  18. To me they are both still big question marks; Lyon because he hasn't done it long enough to start believing he's improved that much from his career norm, Husso because he wasn't playing that well before he went down.
  19. I've felt pretty good about Meadows so far, just because I haven't thought he reached a point where he looked over matched at the plate. Of course, hitters can and do go from looking good to looking bad for no obvious reason all the time......
  20. I don't have any hard info, but I get the impression that they think the shoulder injury has left him with a permanent deficit.
  21. I think it would take a major move to see Jung at 2B. It would mean something like: -Keith to 1b and Tork traded, -Meadows doesn't make the team making it possible for another LHH (Keith) to move to the OF in his place. (Seems unlikely Hinch would like an all LLH OF on any regular basis.) -Keith is a washout and the Tigers just burned ~$30M
  22. Interesting that in his fangraphs story on the signing, Szymborski talks about Keith being stiff/too bulked up for IF while in the Freep the story highlights that his training emphasis has shifted to flexibility/range of motion. from the freep: As they say, the proof will be in the pudding - maybe in this case the put-outs.
  23. True, but I was looking at it more from the angle that they moved a fairly valuable asset without doing anything to help the holes left in their rotation. DeSclafani is rather a long shot to do much.
  24. Dems need to talk about the deal the GOP is refusing at every opportunity. Trump and the GOP have overplayed their hand in refusing the deal and the Dems have a great opportunity to flip the scrip. Biden can't let his left flank try to bury the issue instead.
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