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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Twins continuing to take themselves out of contention, move Jorge Polanco for a prospect and a questionable older pitcher. The division is there for the Tigers to seize https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/39418695/sources-twins-sending-2b-jorge-polanco-mariners
  2. Projected 70's for Clark's contact and Keith's power. Do I have to question his conclusions? 😉
  3. Mize will be a high interest story, but not so much a critical one as they have a lot of candidates to fill his spot if he falters.
  4. Clearly they believe Keith is a can't miss. So the position questions hinge around Jung/3B and Meadows. Can Meadows hit, can Jung get to the majors fast, and if not can Vierling play above replacement 3B? Beyond those questions ST will be about starters 4 & 5, Lange, and the last spots in the pen. A less wide open ST than in recent seasons. So I hope we see a lot more playing time by the players who are actually going to be playing so they will be ready and fewer ABs for minor league players who may be interesting but are of only future interest than the last couple of STs.
  5. I've been following the gallery on the web site since they started it. It's quite the thing, but I think they got the pyramids built faster.
  6. If it happens again the outcome will start arguing that there is a systemic reason. If it's random it's getting about time we get thrown the upside of the distribution!
  7. Not so much... https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/college/university-michigan/wolverines/2024/01/29/michigan-strength-coach-ben-herbert-joining-harbaughs-chargers-staff/72394172007/
  8. All the secure communication technology in the world at their disposal and US forces don't have functional FOF (friend of foe) ID capability? Not to mention that in the a case of drone, when in doubt the rule should be just kill it; they are the most replaceable thing on the battlefield.
  9. LOL - I have your link somewhere but fangraghs came up at the top of search.
  10. Ok - now you have me confused. How does that relate to everyone having to come off the long term DL in Nov? (and as I look at his transaction log it doesn't shows him DL'd at all(?) but we know he had he knee worked on.....)
  11. Apparently 2 remaining. He's been in Detroit in '22 and '23, so's he's been sent back twice I but guess he's not to 5 yrs yet either so he could still have two - which agrees with what fangraphs says (almost to bottom of page): ttps://www.fangraphs.com/roster-resource/depth-charts/tigers
  12. Since it's Trump, appearance is paramount, so as long as they stay in the closet...
  13. LOL - Pistons are 3/9 with Cade on the bench (.333) vs 3/37 with him playing (.081). That's what $13M coaching can get you.
  14. No doubt both. Trump is both a germophobe and a textbook case of masculine insecurity so how could he not.
  15. a fair point, but lets see how long he can sustain it. We've seen a few guys come through here recently that give us a good 1/2 season or so and then turned back into to pumpkins. 🎃
  16. and there is nothing wrong with voters giving consideration to his accomplishments in Japan. We consider the US to be the World center of baseball, Ichiro's accomplishment in another part of the world can validly contribute to his status as a great player. If had come to the US at 24 he probably generates another 15 WAR in the US which would be ~75 - which is Lou's total, and we know he should be in.
  17. all the above said, I do expect Yzerman to make significant deals before the deadline.
  18. I don't know if it's good strategy or not, but I think you are correct about the 1st part. I think Yzerman is always willing to pick up high picks because I believe he believes he can out scout other teams and make those picks more valuable. But for the same reason, whether he would then deal high picks is a little more questionable. He'd rather collect then move lower picks in trade. I think if you listen to Yzerman - he understands that it's really hard to get top players by any means, so I think he basically has a two track build strategy - do all the incremental things you can, draft as well as you can, and try to maximize high 1st round picks where you have a shot at a star. I could definitely see him trading a player he thinks he can replace for a 1st if he could swing it.
  19. He doesn't have the chips that would bring the kind of players that get his team to the next level. I'm talking about a player someone else actually wants badly enough to give something good up. Danielson or Pellika have value but I don't see Yzerman trading either. Edvinsson is the only name there and he isn't really being blocked by talent, rather by a front office not doing the obvious (calling him up already) for reasons that are not. Walman and Gostibehere don't count because they aren't excess -- the team is still woefully short of competent Dmen. if you move them you just create worse holes to fill, which goes back to Edvinsson. But I don't want to trade a decent Dman to bring Edvinsson up. I don't think that gets you anywhere. To improve you need to bring Edvinsson up and dump one of the bottom Dmen but they have no trade value - so there we are. If some of the guys on the way up do more to prove themselves, then they will have something. IOW, draft well and it eventually takes care of most things.
  20. I go back to what I've always believed about team building - which is that you generally cannot build team value by trade, because except in the rare instance of having an incompetent GM across the table, you will have to give up to get. The value of trading come when you have already developed value you can't use because of position overload. At that point trading can make you better, but much like the Tigers, the Wings are not in that position yet. So what a GM can control comes down to smart drafting, good contract management (i.e. no overpays), and strong instructional coaching that increases player value. I wonder about the last one with the Wings. A lot of players seem to have their careers die in GR. Obviously it's probably just guys hitting their ceilings, but it would be nice to see few more guys get there and accelerate.
  21. Not today, but we inherit deep cultural habits that we may sense only subliminally and for ages in the preliterate past, statuary and iconagraphy were part of how a culture passed down and recorded it's history. That is probably part of why we have such a cultural habit of making statues. They are after all, at one level just a representational form that predates almost all others - in that sense no different than a photograph in a history book. But that's just it - for some reason statues take on much more baggage than that. Partly because they are no longer needed as memory store objects, partly because the effort to make one represents an investment in the object's significance, and also I suppose because sculpture in the hands of an artist can communicate far more than simple representation. And I guess that's where the reverence part gets generated.
  22. Sure, but they still should understand that it was Jefferson's language in the DOI that set up the contradiction of principles with the early Constitution that was finally rectified by war and amendments. Or to pull it closer to home - I never cared much for Jim Harbaugh the man, I'm still celebrating the UM victory. So what we are left with is what is the proper mode of remembrance? Is there something inherent in statuary that necessarily puts it over the top into idolatry? Maybe - the Hebrews thought so a couple thousand years ago. 🤔 And of course we definitely don't need the statue of Bo Schembechler in Ann Arbor.
  23. Russell Wilson had a 158 QB rating in that game on only 17 attempts.
  24. Whatever the number it still pales in comparison with his public political impact. A person may do a great thing or even things, they may or not be a 'great' person. There is no necessary connection and to make one simply leads to pointless manufacturversy like this stuff.
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