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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Quote from Dr Andrews: "These kids are throwing 90 mph their junior year of high school,” he says. “The ligament itself can’t withstand that kind of force. We’ve learned in our research lab that baseball is a developmental sport. The Tommy John ligament matures at about age 26. In high school, the red line where the forces go beyond the tensile properties of the ligament is about 80 mph." Pretty much blows everything in the world of youth and minor league pitching out of the water right there.
  2. the mistake is lionizing persons in history in the 1st place. We over personalize history. A lot of the finest people never do anything that makes the history books but they are probably the people that should be looked to as role models. People that do things that move history are often flawed - it's often part of what drives them to extraordinary lives. What they did should be celebrated, not who they may have been. That Jefferson may have be been a jerk in private life affected a few people in his immediate circle. What he *did* in public life has changed the lives of probably billions. There is no need to conflate the different values of the two things. Celebrate the deeds, not the man, and all these problems around the 'valuing' of historical figures largely go away.
  3. LOL - Michigan has learned its lesson. Moore with a $5M walkaway charge in his 1st year. $5.5M base. Base totals something around $30M over 5 yrs, plus incentives.
  4. yeah - and he probably plagiarized John Locke.....
  5. The speed is something. That has to be all Ono. Every previous UM president in my lifetime would been 'let the process in place play out.' Nothing at UM happens this fast. Interesting. Ono didn't have any particular reputation for a glass breaker in any of the reporting when he took the job, but I think he just left a bunch of people in Athletic Dept and probably the legal department, somewhat..... shattered.
  6. Serious question - what leverage do they (i.e. NCAA) have now to get Harbaugh to show up at a hearing if one is scheduled? What possible consequences to the the 'U' if he just refuses?
  7. according to Sportrac, Mahomes has void years of $60M *each* in '32 and '33!
  8. or the opposite. The Lions are a young team with cap space now - you might want to front load a contract to Goff. But the point holds either way, contract value and cap hit can be managed not to be one to one.
  9. We can always hope that Goff would rather be Brady (most rings) than Burrow (most $) 😇
  10. Resigning Kane seems doubtful to me. I don't think Yzerman is interested in commitment to any older players. I think Kane came here as a short term marriage of convenience. The Wings have few enough highly talented players he would be able to get into the lineup here even at less than 100% and from the Wings side the cost of the upside potential of some short term production was low. I suppose if the Wings think any offensive help in the minors is further than they had hoped, I could see another one year offer, but if Kane stays healthy the rest of the way I can't see him accepting a one yr deal.
  11. IDK - Flashes, but I haven't yet seen Kane be pre-injury Kane consistently. Maybe he'll get there.
  12. I thought Walman was better last night also. Maybe just getting back to 100%
  13. Point WRT searching if they do not pre-decide on Moore: "Ease" isn't much of a factor in the looking, they hire it out. They will get as much search work as they will pay for and $$ they have. Lanning is the ideal get, but as noted, why would he leave a good gig in the same conference to walk in to NCAA issues? Don't see what moving to UM offers him.
  14. Now, if Lalonde can get Kane to buy in to the the new found defensive intensity....
  15. Courtesy of MotownBombers in the Lions thread
  16. Apparently bangs and legs sell well.
  17. 285/25. So you're saying without the HR's he could be Ichero? 😉
  18. It's a lot easier to win a hockey game when you are the faster team on the ice.
  19. As Ras decided to carry the puck I was thinking it was great to see the Wings playing the higher level game - don't just take an easy clear when you have some space - and bingo - instant payoff.
  20. If he had come through any US system they'd have turned him into a 280/20hr guy. 🫤
  21. Bally is carrying the game. So the stream doesn't have all the games that Bally has on 'linear' service? Poor.
  22. yeah - I would agree. By the plainest reading if you turn 35 on inauguration day that should suffice. However it has never been litigated so a sufficiently loose cannon SCOTUS might foist any non-sequitur logic upon us courtesy of the Federalist Society.
  23. It should be a fun posting to read on the University job board. Be even more fun if they note "there are internal candidates for this position", which I think is something they do, or at least used to do.
  24. This for certain. Interviews with CC were always good listening.
  25. Moore supposedly has the recruiting chops - has proven his offensive mind, and stood the test of managing the sideline in the two biggest regular season games, so he can stack up his credentials against other applicants without any embarrassment. What Moore lacks is the historical connection to the generation with money that Harbaugh had so he won't have the leg up on NIL/fundraising Harbaugh's name gave them, but there's probably no other candidate out there with that anyway.
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