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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Juwan came in with a huge natural advantage because he was NBA and he could sell recruits on being able to get them there. But that could only get him so far. He also had to be a good coach because if he didn't actually keep his program where the NBA would be looking at his players, that head start would fade away. And so here we are.
  2. Well for certain Moore is not going to get the offer than was on the table to Harbaugh. He's making 900K now. Smith just hired in up the road at 6M, I doubt they offer a promoted assistant quite that.
  3. All serious politics is a balancing act. In general, I think history shows Biden is willing to suffer short term bad PR if he thinks he can get a bigger payoff in the end. The public and esp the media always want instant reaction and high public profile on every issue, but anyone who has ever been effective at negotiating in a complex organization know that keeping your powder dry is often way to win the war. Now of course Biden may miscalculate the balance in the end and end up in a less than optimal position, and anyone can have an opinion that he should be doing it differently and produce arguments to that effect. But I think an observer would be mistaken to think the issue isn't being worked, even if they think a given strategy is a bad one. I also think Biden understands that his best game is to control the amount of video of himself in the daily news cycle and that comes into play as well.
  4. Interesting if true but Iran would never confirm it, esp since they apparently failed to act effectively on whatever they were told.
  5. They are not exactly hands-off, the admin has actually continued many of the policies they criticized Trump for. But more generally Biden's problem is that immigration is to the Democratic party what Social Security is the GOP, a third rail topic. There are significant factions in the democratic party, factions that bring a lot of the necessary energy to the party, who believe in an open or nearly open border. It's concept where as a liberal i can applaud the sentiment intellectually but understand that it's insanity in practice. Somehow the sane part of the Democratic party has to *quietly* bring the uber-immigration-progressive part of the party into line with the public, whose position in big majorities across both parties is that immigration chaos in untenable. The other part of the dance is that Biden knows he needs to make a deal with the GOP on immigration and the GOP knows it as well and both sides are strategizing how to avoid the other side getting more credit with the voters.
  6. RIght. Whether Deebo plays, whether he's effective if he does, ditto for Ragnow. All factors. How is LaPorta after stressing the knee last week etc., etc. A lot of guys will be playing who may not be near 100%. It's not a fun part of the game to talk about so I think it tends to get more lost than it should in all the talk about match-ups and strategy, but 22 football games in one year is as much a battle of attrition across your whole line-up as anything else.
  7. CC managed to play for a very long time, and the long time part is part of the equation - how many fans saw you play - how big a piece of the total memory of baseball you are. I think those are valid secondary criteria for the Hall. But the good part of CC's career was actually pretty short, and the years he played when was only an average player make him a little questionable to me even though that big counting stat: wins, is an impressive number. I suppose if Morris is in adding CC doesn't break any ground. 🤔
  8. The one caveat is that at this point seasonal records don't mean nearly as much as the relative health of each team. The Lions are pretty banged up, I'm sure that's true of the Niners as well, but which team can field the most guys closest to 100% can easily be the deciding factor.
  9. Unless you talk Saban or Meyer out of retirement, almost any hire carries a lot of downside risk. I think in today's college football the far and away top skill is to find and recruit and develop top level QBs. It's what propelled Harbaugh to success both times he found it and held him back when he didn't. It's been the formula at OSU/Ala/Georgia etc. An NFL level - even mediocre NFL level (e.g Fields) QB immediately puts any college offense a giant step ahead of it's competition.
  10. I don't even think the formulation in this tweet captures it. It isn't necessarily even that the law isn't *clear*, it's that regulatory legislation usually establishes a framework and objectives and the Executive branch formulates the rules in detail. That is the only way it can work in practice because the Congress has no technical expertise to get into the weeds.. The Right wants gut even this aspect.
  11. People are mad because they are being told the petty prejudices they used to think they enjoyed 'harmlessly' are no longer allowed, that things they grew up believing were wrong, and thus that they are wrong. So they don't like it. There is no one out there in society they have permission to laugh at now and so the suspicion is that it's them being laughed at by others. I suspect it may not be a lot more complicated than that.
  12. Upside or downside surprise? I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been unanimous.
  13. I don't know what you are arguing. You've never been in one job looking for another? You are looking for the best deal overall - period, wherever it is. He's been negotiating management personnel with the Chargers, he can do that now because he has more leverage because his stock is up, because he stayed at M and won and there is/was a fat offer on the table there. He didn't have that level of leverage with the Vikes and so what he was asking was too much for them and they went elsewhere. Strip away the romance of football rhetoric, and he's acted just like any other free agent employee looking out for #1. If *all* he wanted to do was get back the NFL, he could have done it years ago. He only wanted back on his terms, just like he only wanted to stay at M on his terms. More power to him. I don't think that makes him a moth in an NFL streetlamp.
  14. Seider already plays a fair amount on the PP, so you still need an add there, but otherwise, absolutely, we are playing guys that aren't very good and the question is whether it's really because they don't think Edvinsson could replace one of them or because they are working some other angle. The only problem with moving someone who actually has trade value - like Gostisbehere, is now you have another hole to fill. I seem to recall they pretty much collapsed after moving Hronek last season.
  15. I don't deny it, I've posted at least 2ce that he wants to win a SB and one-up big brother in the worst way. But it is in a sense immaterial to the immediate situation. He's been playing one employer off the other effectively only because he was willing to stay where he was or leave depending on who would make him a better offer, so there was no reason a priori to know he would jump this particular time. I would grant that given he'd just won big at M this was a more likely jump off, but his leverage each way always depended on his willingness to go either way, and I don't that that changed here. He just got closer to what he wanted. He is as much mercenary as romantic, which I might argue you don't recognize. He talks a lot of inspiration but he also follows the $$ as much as any coach ever has.
  16. Stop what ? He was hedging his bets negotiating with his current employer if he didn’t get an offer he liked enough. If he hadn’t liked the Charger offer he would have come back and we’d have gone through it all again next year. It where we’ve been pretty much since he beat OSU the first time and he knew he had added leverage. But I will bet you an internet beer that he’s with the Chargers < 5 yrs
  17. I think it was Karch this AM reporting that the U wanted a clawback on his salary if he was suspended. If he hadn’t already made up his mind that probably would have done it!
  18. We may get lucky with Moore, you never know.
  19. He's the prototypical inside man. His nemesis has moved on and he is still standing.
  20. And this one is probably relieved.....
  21. Lucky for the Chargers he won't be able to play footsie with other teams every year trying to work a bigger raise, since in the NFL they call that tampering. 🤷‍♂️
  22. It's been a silly reporting day - with different media outlets having him in two different places at once. We know one guy who's prolly happy...
  23. I'm fine with it, but I think he gives himself too much credit. How many Trump voters were watching the Daily Show in 2016, how many will be now?
  24. I think this may have been mentioned already but I would note again that the final pre-election polls were running Trump +18-20% and more - many at nearly 30%, while his actual margin was 11%. A 7-9% miss in a population as small as NH is a very poor result, which goes to my contention that traditional political polling is becoming progressively more useless. Sample self-selection in the cell phone era is a hard problem. When you have the Grey Lady's (NYT) etiquette column now telling people that answering live phone calls should *never* be more than 2nd priority to what you are doing and that even voice mail is passe, rather than the previous 100 yrs of "excuse me I *have* to answer the phone - it might be important!" there is no way for pollsters to put the toothpaste back in the tube in terms of obtaining samples.
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