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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. well, we have maybe a 1 in 20 chance that Moore is just waiting to show he is the next Nick Saban.....
  2. Jack/Jacques/John/Jean = all the same between the French and the English!
  3. It's not even so much regularly as you have to be able to hit the ground running when you come up. Tyler got into 10 out of a 14 game stretch in April, didn't do anything with it. He was pretty much behind the 8 ball from then on. And TBF, he got 111 PA in Sept and was doing pretty well - 857 OPS, but I'd guess what did him in was that the power he flashed in Toledo never showed in Detroit - only 1 HR in that Sept run.
  4. If he comes back it will just be rinse and repeat next year. I'd also guess that one of the things that frosts Harbaugh about Manuel is that Warde wants to up Harbaugh's reverse buyout in any new deal to something pretty painful, (it was $2.5M to start in the last one, dropping to $1.5M this year) which might be one of the things beside the arbitration panel that is a sticking point. A goofy idea, but with Harbaugh I think it's a possible one, is that I would not be surprised if Jim Harbaugh want's to wait to see if Jack Harbaugh gets to another SB and what the outcome is, while his suitors in the NFL might be demanding he decide before then..
  5. If the refs were in the tank for KC, the obvious place would have been on the fumble out of bounds in the end zone. It was close to a 50/50 and it went touch back Buffalo, and was a 7pt swing as it would have been KC 1st and goal at the 2. IIRC, the network's pet ex-official did agree with the call -- after it was made. And it was an overturn so it would have been easy to say the evidence was not clear and convincing enough.
  6. I don't think it's going to happen, but who knows. What the heck is the state elections commission supposed to do when the two factions of the state GOP don't even agree on whose party it is and who is running it?
  7. Harbaugh 2nd interview with Chargers expected https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39363244/jim-harbaugh-chargers-meeting-second-interview-week
  8. It has gone on long cycles. Scoring increased all through the early days of the league - peaking in the early 1960's at 118 ppg, which is a bit higher than even now (and with no 3pt shot!). Then it started going down - falling to 91.6 in 1999. Then it started back upward to where it is today. I don't think I want to go back to hammer and tongs D like the bad boys - so I don't know where the ideal point is. If it were me I'd widen the court a couple of feet so the 3pt line could be moved out. I think that would open up the mid-range game and add more variety to offenses, but changing the court is probably the one thing that has zero chance of happening.
  9. yeah - it's not enough to deny Trump votes, if your objective is to stop him you have to vote positively for someone who has a chance to defeat him or you don't accomplish anything with your vote, unless you are trying to legitimize a future 3rd party, and even if you are this is probably not the cycle when that is most important. if there were a primary in MI this cycle I would absolutely register just to vote against Trump.
  10. NFL not doing a very good job for Taylor on the touchback call....😎
  11. How are the Wings not up by 4 in this game?
  12. Turnovers. They made them against the Bears, had none today and only 17 penalty yards. It's hard to beat any team in the NFL that doesn't make mistakes, and the Lions aren't making many.
  13. Yup. OLine has to start moving some people. Of course Jackson and Ragnow don't return that's a bigger climb.
  14. with any luck DeSantis' endorsement will hurt Trump more than help.......
  15. 9 times out of 10, a guy like Nevin has just hit the limit of the pitching he can handle, but once in a while I think a guy who has toiled a long time in the minors just puts himself under so much pressure on a call up that he ends up unable to hit and Nevin sort of gave me that vibe.
  16. With McNeill on the field the Lions will be a tough go for the Niner's inside running game.
  17. +2 on turnovers cancelled out the two DB fall downs I guess.
  18. OK by me. I'd rather not have them go against GB again.
  19. Dan Campbell goes for two here to put the game out of reach and the Lions would pull it off.
  20. Shanahan has to not out smart himself and concentrate on getting the score here and let the clock fall where it falls.
  21. he's looking pretty pedestrian right now for sure.
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