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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. he's looking pretty pedestrian right now for sure.
  2. SF can't manage their footing on their own field.
  3. interesting clock management by SF. Shanahan so worried about giving GB the ball back he played himself right out of the chance to get points when his O was moving the ball. Play scared = lose.
  4. And it's all so stupid. It's sports for freaking sakes and Kelly is on some other planet. You are supposed to have fun with playing the bad guy in enemy territory - if you can't do that stay the hell at home. And again - family and children on the field after the game is the celebration for the winners. That's part of what you earn by winning between the lines. If you lose the game best to just vacate the field. Airhead.
  5. Yeah - no matter how you get there it will be a lot of work put in for the chance to get spanked by the Ravens.....🤔
  6. Yup, Biden wants the fighting over before the campaign starts in earnest. The problem is that despite what the West thinks, Netanyahu is right about a Palestinian state. As long as the West demands that Israel agree to some new political entity on its border that is going to hold elections, the truth is that sooner or later that entity will vote Hamas or another movement like Hamas back into power, and so the Israeli public, who also know this, will support Netanyahu in opposing that answer. As terrible as Bibi has been and is, after 2 decades he and Likud have succeeded in creating the exact reality on the other side that he needs/wants to justify his intransigence. Not that I have any clue as to what an actual solution might look like either. 100 years ago the Western powers might have set up a protectorate and ruled it with a benign but iron hand to keep the radicals suppressed until they all died out, but no western nations have the stomach for that now - either to act with the harshness required or take the inevitable casualties if they didn't.
  7. For the first couple of decades - mostly when Russ Thomas ran the team - they were never good but they mostly weren't horrible either - they were around 500 most seasons with some up and down around that. As bad as Thomas was it was after he retired that WCF brought in a lot of even more incompetent people and things got generally worse, culminating with Millen. maybe Sheila will have them trade WCF for MFF when Martha passes.
  8. Another Michigan QB to the Pat's rescue!
  9. I don't see getting particularly hung up on the semantics. it's just a piece of jargon and its use as policy shorthand doesn't bind any FO to do anything they do or don't want to in any particular case.
  10. In general yes, but in our case the Tigers settled up front with 4 out of 5 guys, so I don't think that supports a conclusion they are a team consistently playing hardball. You will always have some players making unrealistic demands, I don't think any FO should feel obligated to cave to any number a player comes up just for the sake of keeping up the appearance of never going to arbitration. The other side of the coin is that building a winning team requires being at least a little hard headed with personnel decisions (as Chasfh notes) and if players know their FO can't do that, will they believe they are playing for an org than can win?
  11. well it's good to hear you didn't spend you vacation in somebody's pants. (well, maybe that does depend......)
  12. I will take credit (or criticism if you like) for saying at the time that the Dems were making a huge mistake in not throwing Clinton overboard - both because of the behavior but mostly because excusing Clinton was a huge step in the relativization of truth/normalization of lying, even in the most formal settings (like under oath!) in the US, and that is something that has come home to roost in spades at this point. It's just the fact on the ground that progressives always lead the larger culture, and the Dems need to understand that for every nose they allow in the tent, the conservatives will later invite in the whole Camel. They forgot that with Clinton - to all of our detriment.
  13. similar result. I remember those Devil's teams being bruising to play against - this team just beat the Wings to every loose puck.
  14. Well, whatever. The best we can hope for is that the bad back was holding Mize back even before the UCL flared and we see get to see something more like the guy we thought we were drafting in 2018.
  15. Even Moritz looked out of it tonight. Can't win 'em all for sure. Come home, take a day off and play better on Sunday.
  16. Getting to where I hate to see Petry come onto the ice. Shots on goal for the opposition to follow.
  17. Wings look like they are skating in Molasses. Two steps behind the Canes at every turn.
  18. So the Tigers are 'File and Trial'....until they are not. Very convenient for reporting.
  19. Trump looks to be very fair skinned (which no-doubt motivates the resort to the tanning solution) and given how many hours he has spent on golf courses in warm climes, by this age he is a prime candidate for skin cancer on his head, neck, ears etc. Squamous cell skin cancers are pretty much a nothing burger. But even melanoma has a decent prognosis if caught early.
  20. So this made me wonder what the practice squad limits are and they turn out to be relatively narrow. The practice squad minimum and max for a 2 yr vet are $16,100/wk and $20,600/wk. That drops to 12k/wk for rookies. From there the jump to minimum roster salary is to $40k/wk ($750K season). So a vet elevated to a roster contract at least doubles his salary.
  21. Comerica wants its $500K from the MI GOP. Karamo's GOP claiming imperfections in the loan documents mean they don't have to pay it back. The perfectly Trumpian position. I wouldn't bet against the tenacity of an $80B bank's lawyers on this one.
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