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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. there is no parallel though - Harbaugh has taken an NFL team to a superbowl.
  2. It's also not like he didn't already have a contract that he is only half way through.... Situations are fluid. if M had lost to PSU and OSU there would be no offer on the table at all.
  3. I don't know the details on how they get around whatever constitutes admissions 'standards', and these kids would be transfers anyway. What I think does matter is that regardless of how they came to college, most B1G teams do want kids who will put in the work to try to graduate because programs do get pressure and bad press when graduation rates go down.
  4. This doesn't really parse. If Warde thought Harbaugh was so much a loose cannon threatening the long term health of the program that he was willing to deliberately rat him out because the Admin was intent on keeping him over Warde's objections, then I can't see Warde not walking when the admin decided to make the extension offer to Harbaugh. Warde doesn't need Michigan any more than Harbaugh does - it wouldn't take him more than 10 minutes to get another AD offer.
  5. Yeah - this is where he's just being greedy. He's wants the U to leave his offer on the table so he can wait out the NFL decision process, that's a bad deal for the U if he walks anyway and Moore (or whoever) is left with no time to put next year's team together. If Buddha is right and his mind is made up to go the U at least gets their $1.5M back if they stand pat without sweetening the current offer.
  6. If this works out I might be able to dump directTV...Yay!
  7. Maybe - or he just wants the best deal he can get in either place. I think he wants a lot of things - not all of which he can have at the same time. If there is one thing we ought to know about Harbaugh by now it's that that 'single minded laser focus' talk is his own self deflection for the fact that his mind is never quite clear about what he wants.
  8. Today it was Atlanta. At least Harbaughs camp isn't trying to keep it a secret this time around. All the charades with Minnesota last time was pretty ridiculous. So the A2news reports that what Harbaugh wants from UM is a guarantee they won't fire him no matter how the NCAA hammers him and that whatever decision is made can't be Manuel's. I can see the top admin taking the coach's side versus the AD & NCAA easily enough, what's a little trickier is that something like half the regents are lawyers - trial/liability lawyers even. Even if they want Harbaugh for every other (as in $$$$) reason, I could see them having more bias than some other board might against writing anyone a blank check against unknown future liability. Seems like an unlawyerly kind of thing to do......🤷‍♂️
  9. I think the two failures that led to the accidents were quite different from an engineering perspective though. The thermal tiles were a bleeding edge technology and the risks they carried were the 'normal' kind of 'we're doing something way out at the edge that we know is dangerous and this is the best thing we can come up with to even make it possible. OTOH, launching when it was cold enough that the o-rings were going to be stiff enough to leak was bad safety culture creating a risk where none needed to be. The tech and it's safety parameters were well known and easily understood. There was no 'accepted developmental risk' associated with Challenger. That was a man made disaster.
  10. right. Matt is not so dumb as to say anything about his old fans that his new fans will then be on his case for, which would have been just about anything remotely positive. "Happy for the Players" who are his ex-mates is the answer that cannot be criticized by anyone. If you are dealing with a media person whose primary interest is to create controversy, you have to play defense the best you can. What you might actually be interested in communicating to any serious listener has to take second place to that new imperative.
  11. I don't think the goal tending can hold at this level, but maybe Yzerman comes up with another Dman to lower the pressure a little.
  12. LOL - don't give them time to think about what they have to do!
  13. The whole thing is sort of garbage. it's massively poor taste to grill a guy with questions like that after he's just lost a game that was important to him. Just as bad as the questions they kept at Goff with about LA.
  14. Oddly enough my experience with middle managers hasn't been bad. The SO defintely suffered through years of bad middle management though
  15. I thought they were toast at the end of the 2nd but they played a good 3rd. Good to see Raymond get the ENG, he put in some good work tonight.
  16. I watched one Fortune500 go down the tubes because they didn't have a cost accounting system that actually captured their cost and they weren't interested in learning why. I was with another where the marketing guys took a successful horizontally integrated firm down the tubes because they were too fool to maintain the good will of their long standing specialty divisions and thought they could more successfully sell their new mothership marketing efforts. Customers didn't know the mothership from Adam - didn't care about it. Company ended up in the hands of GE, then the venture guys, then finally re-leveraged as a shadow of its former self. Watched the numbers guy spike maintenance for so long that one of the oldest and most integrated refiners in the country ended up out of business because of serial devastating operational failures So yeah -- I seen some 'creative destruction' where the creative came up more than a little short.
  17. My compliant isn't as much about the finance people in operating companies - as you note - managers in operating companies can be either good or bad no matter what their history, but the US has a huge standalone financial industry that spends too much time and effort raiding/derivatizing/privatizing gains and socializing losses (and lobbying to protect it all). If you want to say it's all the stock markets fault i'll come back with an arg that different tax policies would make for different incentives in the stock market. But direct stock value is only a part of the story in how the value is often squeezed out of otherwise stable operating businesses and competition stifled by M&A activity.
  18. Here is the engineers basic lament: It's not that the finance guys aren't good at what they do, it's that too much of what they they do is not useful to the larger society (maximize the extraction profit from other productive activity regardless of the impact to that productive capacity) . And TBF, that is mostly the Federal government's fault for making the kind of activity that the finance guys do more profitable in proportion to it's overall economic utility. There is obvious a necessary place for finance in the economy - it's just vastly outsized in our version. No-one in the 99% would have any reason to shed a tear if a company like Bain Capitol had never existed.
  19. If they made MBA/Finance degrees illegal US productivity would probably go up an order of magnitude.
  20. Cade looked like progress when he showed up but that was only by comparison with how bad the position had been. His ceiling became evident pretty quickly. We wasn't bad, but M was unlikely to get over the hump with him.
  21. that's fair enough - but he could cut the BS about 'feeling wanted'.
  22. One could almost imagine them both getting a laugh out of how close the submissions were.
  23. I think what probably did more to ruin CJ's relationship with the Tigers was that he wasn't very good.
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