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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. wow. Wing goal comes after 3 min of solid Oiler pressure.
  2. This would make sense - the depth of a draft pretty much has to match the size of rosters+minor league assignments. You can go more rounds if teams begin to have numbers of contracted players in the G league.
  3. yeah - this whole exercise has been strange because as you note, Engoron has already decided guilt - this whole show is about the penalty.
  4. Seider also playing huge. He and Walman both. They need to upgrade at least one more of the defense in the worst way.
  5. Once they jumped to the lead I think it was a conscious decision to keep it as close to the vest as they could for as long as they could. Once it started looking like the likelihood of UW tying it up was growing, they opened it up just enough with JJ. He may not have been 100% but he was moving well and throwing the ball fine so I don't buy that they needed to have gone quite so turtle. Maybe they were worried he would be mistake prone because of whatever, but in the end you have to let you best players play and let the chips fall where they will because you sure won't win without them.
  6. after Cade, Duren and Ivey have some talent, but.... Duren should be playing on a team where there are always 4 shooters out there with him - Pistons can't provide that. Ivey has some offensive talent, but he is just a phenomenally bad defender - every one just blows by him off the dribble. What do you do with that? If you took Hayes and Ivey and combined their best attributes in one player you'd almost have an NBA starting guard.
  7. Seems likely at this point. I don't think I've ever seen a less competitive pro team. They are so far away.
  8. It is sad how slowly Ivey reacts when the man in front of him cuts. It's almost like he's his gaze is looking up or past the defender so he doesn't see his feet start to move. Didn't there used to be an old saw about if you want to know where someone is going don't watch the head - watch the hips/feet...?
  9. I thought he seemed sort of resigned after the loss to M, didn't seem like his normal self.
  10. So Engoron gave Trump's legal team an ultimatum that if Trump were to speak he would have to stay on topic and when they would not provide that assurance by the specified deadline today, he denied Trump's request to speak. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/10/trump-closing-argument-new-york-fraud-trial/
  11. Because Gores hired a man to build an NBA basketball team who has no idea what an NBA basketball should look like.
  12. I can guess at two factors that impact this - Well the first is not a guess, and that is increase in the % of college players. They almost always lose a year or two of career because they get to the majors a couple of years later than all-star level players that come directly from prep and obviously shorter career = lower counting stat totals. The one that is more a guess is that I wonder whether higher training intensities and fewer players allowing themselves any real physical off-season downtime in their training cycle, results in higher injury rates over careers and thus more difficulty getting to high career counting totals. That must be balanced by better medical repair tech but which effect is larger overall?
  13. Right. It's not a jury trial and it's not being televised so any value Trump is looking for in this is can only be in the announcement and not in the actual doing. ABC says Engoron will let him talk if he wants to though.
  14. another point on JH is that his reverse buy-out to leave UM drops on 1/11 from $2.25M to $1.5M. With the Natty he has earned about $2M in bonuses so if he does bolt now (i.e. after tomorrow) he can walk away and still have more $ coming back in bonus than the amount it will cost him to walk. Or at least in the ballpark after taxes. https://www.mlive.com/wolverines/2024/01/jim-harbaugh-contract-more-bonus-money-buyout-set-to-drop-more.html
  15. City Council too busy with important stuff like banning leaf blowers. I don't even know where you could do a parade in A^2 anymore, they've made all the roads in the central city virtually impassable. And if it means closing a bike lane - forget it. 🤣
  16. Piston's now trailing by 17. Monty takes time-out to delay the inevitable.
  17. Diamond has nothing to offer anyone. I would agree with what appears to be the MLB position that any future deal should be directly with the league and not a third party like Diamond.
  18. It's fitting and a little bittersweet for M to end up as the 1st and last great team of anything resembling the old B10 - which the B1G East does still carry some feel of. That's going away now - and whatever and whoever emerges as a powerhouse in the thing which starts coming into being next year, and whether it's M or not, it's going to be a different thing.
  19. Has anyone tried using UV cure epoxy to stabilize cracks on the back glass of an iPhone?
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