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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. from the beginning of the 2nd quarter Michigan has been playing not to lose instead of playing to win and that generally fails.
  2. the play to Johnson was there - just run the damn thing again and let him catch it this time.
  3. I'm not knocking Harbaugh's coaching career. He did have trouble getting his feet back on the ground coming back to the college game, not the least because he had not been able to recruit a top level QB to lead his teams - some of which probably had enough talent to get to and maybe win the playoff if their offense had had an NFL draft quality QB. But he has now brought the program back to a level as high as it has ever been. But now he has to decide whether the joy is in the chase or in the keeping, and since his success at most of his stops has been closely tied to his QB it would be hard to believe an opportunity like the possibility of coaching Williams at Chicago wasn't something that would at least pique Harbaugh's interest. He's clearly a person whose motivations have an internal logic which is not evident to the external observer, so who knows what is really most important to him. At different times it has appeared to be his school, a superbowl win, more money. Maybe all three at once depending on the day of the week.
  4. Most people who are uninterested in politics just want peace and calm. By the end of Trump's term we were having impeachment hearings, riots in the City that is supposed to be nice and people smashing up the Capitol. It would seem reasonable to expect that the real silent majority are people who will think about the last 4 yrs and realize things are a lot calmer than the previous 4 and with the economy chugging along nicely that will be enough for them to vote incumbent.
  5. Ono has been very big on 'futuring' since he got to Michigan. He has all kind of short and long term teams working on positioning issues across the 'U'. Given his history particularly at Cincinnati, it's probably a safe bet he has tasked someone with crystal ball gazing around athletics. I don't know if they will be caught unaware as much as in situations where they can't control events for the outcomes they want. But just because we don't hear about it, I don't think we should assume there hasn't been a lot of informal planning among the old line Big Ten schools - the stronger AAU institutions in particular - maybe Wisconsin, UM esp. about ways to get what they want when all is said and done.
  6. I don't know why your focus is on whether I like him or not. It has nothing to do with the subject of the post, which was about whether he stays or goes, or whether he sees the opportunity to coach a potential all-star QB to a SB as attractive as opposed to trying to find another winner in the morass that is now college football recruiting. It's not like he hasn't been playing footsie with taking another NFL gig ever since he came to Ann Arbor. Those are just plain facts on the ground.
  7. You would think that when a high ranking command officer does anything involving anesthesia or even could result in their loss of ability to communicate either physically or mentally, (basically anytime they walk into a hospital) that they should be assigned a patient advocate to let the chain of command know something unexpected happened. If that procedure didn't exist it soon should.....
  8. I suppose it's not that uncommon for people to migrate to Chicago from Columbus....
  9. When is Husso due back? Lyon playing well but the Wings D likely to burn him out if he has to keep playing this much.
  10. I'm sure Jack finds Jim's record really intimidating when they gather around the Thanksgiving dinner table....🤣 If I had wanted to take a slap at Harbaugh it would be that he's not even the best FB coach in the family. A) let's see if he wins the big one B) let's see if he sticks around either way.
  11. not sure what that post has to do with anyone hating Harbaugh but whatever. Vince Lombardi wouldn't like to be sitting about to lose his #1 asset and having just heard that a potential replacement has stiffed him.
  12. Well, considering how long it took him to come up with a QB like JJ as a recruiter, it might be tempting to have Williams served up to you on a platter.
  13. It did take a pretty outstanding performance in net but you have to have those sometimes.
  14. Nice win, buy Lyon had to save their bacon way too many times. Team still playing disgusting transition defense.
  15. OTOH he's also missed the net a lot tonight
  16. Good time for the period to end, LA the faster team the last few minutes. They really don't think that even with a left stick Simon would be an upgrade on Petry or Holl?
  17. Wings taking too many penalties. Kill a 90 sec 5 on 3 and promptly take another minor....
  18. Red Wings give up a goal in the 1st 30 seconds, go ten minutes without a shot on goal, then tie it up on the Ducks 1st penalty.
  19. Voter turnout in the US took a jump after (and probably because of) the civil right legislation post WWII and it's been on an upward trend again since about Obama - but it's still barely to 50% of the population. Given the US insistence on maintaining a relatively high level of inconvenience to vote, probably 25% of people who have some interest in voting end up failing to, so that plus the people who do vote gets you in the ballpark of 2/3 of the pop. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections
  20. Intuitively you have to believe it's true because today you have at least as many relievers coming into games 'on schedule' as opposed to 'at need', but exactly how much would be interesting.
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