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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't know who is going to win except one case - which is if SCOTUS upholds Texas' right to ban abortion to save the mother at some point before the voting, then Trump simply cannot win.
  2. a lot of problems with the pistons come down to this. Players do become better shooters, and it's important to have effective coaching to that end (apparently not Williams) and important to be able to realize when a player isn't going to get there (Hayes).
  3. Yeah, it has traditionally been the case that Dems always had votes to win but not the turnout. The thing to watch however is that as the shift of the more educated suburban class from old style Main Street GOP identity to the ‘soccer mom’ Dems side goes to completion, Dem turnout has a fair probability of becoming more reliable. Turnout issues do remain in big blue cites though.
  4. It doesn't seem to be in the cards based on early polling, but that's the other thing I wonder about: Is the value and accuracy of political polling sustainable as personal land line phone usage finally fades away completely?
  5. TL,DR version: Tall guys that can shoot, yes; great 1990 5's, no.
  6. Maybe it's just a weird thing with the Wings but it seem RH shots keep getting harder to find.
  7. Very odd. Seems likely another shoe has yet to drop on this story but I can't imagine what it might be.
  8. I only saw the one game he played but he looked at least top half of the Dman corp that's playing.
  9. They do look more like an NBA team when they play this line-up.
  10. Lee always argues not to take pitchers in the Baseball draft because of the wastage rate, but in the end you still have to have them, and you have to have goalies. Since good goalies don't get traded, it really doesn't matter if the probability of finding one in the draft is lousy, you still need to look for them. Copper ore is harder to find than iron ore, doesn't mean you can stop looking for copper because iron won't replace copper. Position players can't replace your goalie, you still need draft them. You can try to trade for them, but since they are harder to find than skaters, they will cost you more in trade-so the value prop ends up the same. That's what a market does. The only draft round rule I would ever take as a good hard rule is don't look for QBs outside the top of the draft
  11. yup. It keeps coming down to this. You can take each of the Piston's misfit toys and make a case in vacuo that they could be useful (except maybe Wiseman - 🤣), but not all or even more than one on the same team. It's the roster construction that is the even bigger fail than any of the individual players, and the that goes straight to Weaver's incompetence as a GM.
  12. Do teams have any CBA obligation to support a player (rehab facilities etc) who was injured while under contract whose contract has run out?
  13. They still gave up a ton of odd man rushes even after the 1st. They just don't get back very well and when they do, they invariably lose the trailer in the slot. Their 5 on 5 D in their own zone isn't half but their transition D is pretty terrible right now. Lyon may not be a long term answer but since he came back he's helping, 6 points in his last 4 starts and the loss was on ENGs.
  14. Lyon made up for the weak goal by stoning the Kings in the shootout.
  15. The first LA goal is typical. Either Ras or Holl could have stayed in front of the man but they both let him go by, so Maata is forced to leave the net to pick him up and Veleno doesn't pick the man in front when Maata vacates. Kings didn't have an odd man rush but the Wings effectively played it into one.
  16. IDK. They play a much different game under Lalonde - potentially a better style IMO, but they seem to be getting sloppier whereas Blashill's team's mostly just seemed outclassed all over the ice.
  17. Isis/Iran. Two scorpions in a bottle.
  18. is that W column pitcher wins or team wins in a pitcher's start? I guess it has to be the former.... if Skubal only ends up with 11 wins the Tigers are toast....again. 😥
  19. Following probabilities in drafting would imply your org has no advantage in talent eval. But if you assume that you can likely also assume your team isn't going very far anyway. I think 84 has it right - what we are seeing is that Yzerman knows championship teams need great goaltending to he's covering as many options to find one as he can.
  20. I didn't say dead - I said probably had fallen behind Georgia and losing to a B10 ten team isn't an everyday occurrence for Saban either. Is M better, is Alabama worse? Take your pick. Sure all those things you mention matter, but doesn't money also drive them all? That was your premise wasn't it? Won't most of the best coaches and the best athletes end up at the best resourced schools? Don't they now? All I was saying is that resourcing is likely going to go through big shifts if television rights money starts flowing to athletes (which is pretty much Harbaugh's prescription isn't it?) because television $$ dwarf the sources the athletes used to have direct access to, and how that shakes out is going to matter to winners and losers. That's hardly a stretch to speculate on. I don't see as cast in stone that the schools at the top of food chain now stay there if/as the funding models change - sure they will try like hell to keep things as they are. The people that have the $$ ultimately ultimately control the outcome, and for now that's the broadcasters. I suppose to insure they get what they want the future super conferences can move (or threaten to move) all their rights into their own in-house networks then they maintain control everything.
  21. There will always be solo and small group musicians that just record what they play. But I don't begrudge modern musicians the use of the studio either. It's the modern equivalent of the 100 piece orchestra a Beethoven had or even the 30-40 that a Glenn Miller or Tommy Dorsey had that is just too expensive to have or tour with in today's economics. It just means some music stands on it's own as recorded first rather than as the recording of something that was first live performance.
  22. the one weakness of projections is that they favor established players who are more likely to be past the peak of their careers and underestimate the guys coming up who don't yet have track records. I mean, Kershaw is a huge asset for the Dodgers, but at this point he also has a higher probability of fall off or injury.
  23. Page's drug of choice was generally heroin. IDK, I expected to be somewhat disappointed because Page was a studio specialist/perfectionist and not a particularly inspiring improvisationalist (even assuming he was sober - as noted!). They couldn't perform a lot of their signature work very close to their recordings -especially given the tech available at the time. Bonham always got an extended drum solo in a live set but that only gets you so far. 🤣 I once heard Pat Metheny talking about how much work (and cost) it was to produce a live performance that could capture the quality of the studio work that PMG did. Takes a lot of skill and planning and extra musicians. Stevie Ray Vaughn would have been the guitar player to have seen live, but I never did.
  24. Money certainly drives a lot of recruits and right now its a fast moving target. Along that line my guess would have to be that as the money moves from under the table to above, those places like Chicago and Silicon Valley, that have more powerful economic and marketing bases to draw from, will begin to eclipse exactly those places like Alabama and LSU that have depended on relatively finite booster resources. (NYC is a weird outlier with no NCAA FB tradition) One could argue you already see some degradation in the Alabama program in comparison to the one in the more economically vibrant state of Georgia that sits nearly as close the big Atlanta market as Ann Arbor is to Detroit. Is that why, or is it just Nick getting old and slowing down?? I think a lot depends long term on what model the TV money, which ultimately has to be become the source of player funding, ends up distributed by. If it's like a baseball model where school revenue it tied initially to their current market power, the rich can remain rich or get richer, so traditional powers will be able to play on that. The future would likely be different than if it ends up like the NFL, where all the schools in the top tier get equal dollars. I think the Alabama types could suffer under the latter system compared to the former exactly because non-$$$ factors could then swing player decisions.
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