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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. LOL - have you spent any time there? TBF - I was marooned on the industrial end of town on a project, but definitely reminded me of the John Denver tune about spending a week in Toledo one day. But also to TBF, you are selling your own area short - Northwestern may not be a great FB power - but all things considered they occasionally manage to punch well above their weight football wise.
  2. It needs to be, Baton Rouge isn't much of a where, even if it's not too far from NOLA.
  3. I saw them earlier in the 70's but it wasn't in Pontiac. Had to have been Cobo I guess. The only thing I can still picture from that show was the absolutely huge gong on the stage.
  4. right. Bill Ford Jr tried running the company for a while, decided profits would be better if someone else did. The bit that a lot of people don't realize since Henry II's family has a low profile, is that those magic 'B' shares that control FoMoCo are held by all of Henry I's heirs, both Henry II's and WCF's, while the Lions are/will be fully owned only by WCF and Martha's heirs. Henry II's side of the family has no financial stake in the Lions.
  5. Bag bombs. Sort of indiscriminant to be Mossad, but maybe internal opposition with Mossad's help.
  6. I think in retrospect the Lions just ran the whole set-up too well. The way they choreographed Skipper running onto the field while it was Decker and Sewell actually checking in was set up so well it sucked in the official even though he had every reason and responsibility not to be. He heard Decker but he *saw* Skipper and his brain just went to autopilot. He wasn't concentrating on his job at a point where the Lions made the 'mistake' of assuming he would - because after, that is his job.
  7. This is the key to play more than any pre-snap knowledge for the D. The LB or corner only has so much time to decide where he's most needed. If Decker is able to make a serious block and still release, and the Lions present a coverage need in the other direction, odds are still very good the rest of the D moves on and the play works. Plus just with his size on a good throw away from any defender he's not an exactly an easy cover even if someone tries to pick him up. Plays to receivers or RBs that are based on making a block 1st and then releasing once coverage has moved off work all the time even with regular skill position players that are always known eligible.
  8. Napoleon is a tough cast because he had to have had a level of charisma that today's natural acting style doesn't favor in bankable leading men. He was sort of a Trump in his day - magnetic and with that total ability to pull off shamelessness. It is hard to imagine Joaquin being believable as a guy with that ability to pull people into his wake (whereas he was the perfect fit for Commodus, who we knew never would have come to power by his own talents of power/persuasion). When I saw the trailer I tried to think of who I would have cast and didn't come up with anyone.
  9. True. It would be hard to make a serious journalistic argument that TikTok is any less valuable as a news source than most AM radio or cable 'news' programming. It would be hard to top the basic ignorance of most of what they are talking about of 90% of the talking heads in US media. The imperative to cover everything practically before it even happens leads to a kind of complete 'know-nothing' level of reporting anyway. It might as well be a teenager with an iphone. An example struck me this AM when the SO has a network news report going about the Earthquakes in Japan and there was a very breathless report about the potential for a 4ft Tsunami. So yes - this could possibly be a fairly damaging event or a total nothing burger depending on the whether it's happening at low or high tide. But a know-nothing blow-dried on scene reporter doesn't have even enough basic knowledge of the ocean or time to have checked out that very basic fact that would have actually informed what he was talking about. Almost none-of it is worth listening to.
  10. In 2000 US military spending had fallen to 3% of GDP and it probably wasn't going to stay there anyway. By 2009 it was up to 5% but fell back to 4% under Obama which is probably about the rough equilibrium value though we are again a bit below it. So maybe 1% of GDP for 3-4 yrs tops - which is close to the 1 trillion rough number you often hear quoted. In retrospect it *might* yet turn out to have some lasting + impact in Iraq, hard to see any at all in Afghanistan and I wouldn't venture a guess at how the costs divided between the two. Unless Trump gets re-elected I would guess we will end up spending as much for Ukraine in the end- that's a war which is burning through material in a way Iraq and Afghanistan didn't. I don't think we increased the size of the armed forces in any big way under Bush and given the asymmetry of the opponent we didn't build out any expensive new weapons systems expressly for those conflicts. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS?locations=US
  11. good to win but the team D is just deteriorating by the night. Lalonde needs to start singing them a new song or something. I hope these guys realize they are playing themselves itself into another big deadline firesale by Yzerman.
  12. and then Larkin takes a stupid penalty
  13. Wings wake up a little on the PP and get one back
  14. 3-2 Sharks. You could see that coming for the last 3-4 minutes. Sharks were way over pressing and the Wings couldn't make them pay at all.
  15. Wings D needs to be rebuilt again starting with Seider. None of the rest of them are worth Zamboni spit.
  16. Gostisbehere with Chariot not working.
  17. Ozzie hard to listen too tonight. Jet-lagged?
  18. Almost had the lead as Matta gets his jock handed to him by Hoffman but the shot doesn't quite trickle in.
  19. Given the current national profile and the years of credibility that Michigan has as an O-Line school, they will get their pick of +23yr old grad students from the portal. I don't think they will have trouble keeping up a strong O-Line.
  20. In my lifetime I think the JFK assassination and the Vietnam War had the biggest impact on the national psyche. And maybe JFK the most. Before Dallas there was a kind of confidence/optimism the we were in control of events - of the future. That ended that day and we've never gotten it back to anywhere near the level it was in that era. Then Vietnam shattered the last illusions that good intentions were all you needed to get good results. Maybe I'm an exception - but I didn't feel the same kind of psychic shift after 9/11. There were a lot of changes made in our lives after it - so there was huge practical impact - but I've never felt the US was particularly a different place psychologically after 9/11 beyond that it was a place living with a lot more security measures.
  21. Is the speed still there? He hasn't shown much this season. Could also be slow decision making I suppose but just haven't seen much burst from Edwards this season.
  22. some guys grow up, fill out and lose their speed. Can only guess that is what has happened to Donovan.
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