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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Vierling had no platoon split last season and his OPS when at 3rd was >800. If he could sustain that it's definitely your answer. But SSS applies. It was only 111 PA
  2. It's just amazing how ignorant people can be and how deep their lack of basic curiosity can be. Motivated to go to rallies but not enough to even read the document they claim to hold so dear.
  3. it will limit the opt outs for the playoff bowls, not for the garbage...I mean non-playoff bowls.
  4. so he had a 140 OPB points in walks (110 in 600 PA). I don't know if I'd call it 'worst case' but I wouldn't be surprised to see that cut roughly in half against MLB pitchers. If his average drops from 280 to 250 on promotion and he loses half the walks, that will pull his OBP down to 320. Not bad but a player you are less willing to work around position issues for. Granted this reading may be on the pessimistic side, but most years less than half a dozen of the league's best hitters reach 90 BB. Maybe more than 55 BB for Malloy but more than 80 would be a lot to ask.
  5. i was going to say Hinch should be used to having a single DH but it's easy to forget that Cabrera was only playing every other day last season.
  6. Winning puck battles is a skill that has been in short supply on this team for a long time, but the breakaways they are giving up is just poor discipline: making bad passes and/or letting letting the opposition get up ice from them and that should be fixable. All they can do on the goaltending is hope Lyon or Husso start playing better. Maybe time to look for a goalie-whisperer to add to the staff.
  7. Cade and Ivey with 19 points at the line. They have to play that game more.
  8. Norvell looks like someone attempted a clone of Urban Meyer.
  9. Yeah - most of us could work really hard - still shouldn't get us on an NBA court either!
  10. Boban would give you size.... The Piston FO problem in a nutshell. Would be nice if someone in the org would start looking at players for what they can actually do instead of what kind of wishcasting you can do based on their body conformation.
  11. 👻Ghost bowls. These games mean so close to nothing with all the guys sitting out. They put up a graphic of the FSU defensive players sitting out and it was 6 or 7 starters. Not sure why FSU bothered to show up at all (well, yes I am: $$$) Add those guys to Travis and you've got maybe a MAC team?
  12. Possible, but I don't think it's the most likely outcome!
  13. Yeah - I retain a lot of built in "B1G doesn't play the same brand of football" bias, but objectively I have to admit that M under Harbaugh has turned a kind of corner recently - they do play bigger and better than they used to. Is it enough to close the gap, esp without an adequate replacement for Zinter? Does seem doubtful.
  14. It wasn't just a rumor. Henry II didn't trust his brother to do anything serious. IIRC his job at FoMoCo was 'Treasurer', which is a non-policy job (and probably no direct reports) in the average org.
  15. Yeah. Half the Dmen are decent to good against a forecheck but the other half not so much. It's borderline tragic that Edvinsson isn't a RH shot. I'd love to drop Petry and/or Holl off the roster.
  16. I only saw the 4th - Kienholz made a couple of nice throws but he was running for his life and the OSU D pretty much collapsed on the last two Mizzou drives. I don't even think the late hit foul made much difference - it was on 1st down and Mizzou wasn't having much trouble making 1sts. Still am waiting for the story on McCord going to Syracuse. Was it about OSU/Day or Did Fran Brown just bring a big pot of NIL money to Syracuse?
  17. Dumb stuff. Guys not looking - recognizing. O-zone pass to a covered point leads to breakaway, 2nd Dman goes behind the net with no forwards back yet. Lyon left Nyquist a ton of room on his right on the 1st goal but Gustav got the shot up enough it probably would have gotten over Lyons pad even if he had closed it on the post.
  18. Canha is your RF. Malloy and Carpenter will be mostly DH with some OF time. Baddoo will be pushed back to Toledo to work on getting the OBP up. Riley and Meadows both hit LHP so they are going to be there 90% of the time unless Meadows doesn't hit and ends up back in Toledo. Those AB then get added to Malloy and Carpenter. If Jung makes the team, Vierling will have no regular place to play unless Riley starts the season at less than full time. That's assuming 3b is Vierlings to lose if Jung is in the minors. We are finally getting to where some guys are going to have to perform to get their PAs.
  19. The only thing you can say in terms of this year's point total vs last year's is that they are scoring goals. Defense can be improved with scheme and discipline, but lack of goal scoring means your personnel isn't cutting it. So from that standpoint the situation has more potential upside than last year. Also pretty unimpressed with Petry tonight. Looked slow, uninterested and gave the puck away a lot.
  20. It's one thing to lose, but 3 pts? Even with the 3rd string QB that won't go over well in Columbus. But Day has the #1 ranked class in the conference coming in - he'll probably manage.
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