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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's one thing to lose, but 3 pts? Even with the 3rd string QB that won't go over well in Columbus. But Day has the #1 ranked class in the conference coming in - he'll probably manage.
  2. No position discipline lately. They are getting beaten down the ice on breakaways with disgusting frequency.
  3. Chapman is a better 3B however and I'm tired of watching balls go down the 3b line unaccosted.... Chapman is good get if he has to settle for less than what he wants. If he finds himself in a "Correa goes to Minny for one year" situation because no-one bites on his demands after an off year, I want the Tigers to be there for him. Tigs can afford a large AAV in the short term no sweat. After Prince and Cabrera and Zimmermann I don't think we need to worry about Chris Ilitch giving away big dollars long term - I doubt that will be on the Tiger radar anytime soon.
  4. Three is probably all you get, you'll have to go at least 4 to get the 3. If someone gives him 5 or 6 you offer more AAV up front or pass. The price of keeping the core together won't start going up for a couple years so the Tigers can afford to make a front loaded offer. That might appeal - you never know until you offer.
  5. Scouts let go in 2020 suing the Tigers. Given the system's output during their tenure that's a pretty bold move.....🫠 https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2023/12/29/fired-baseball-scouts-sue-detroit-tigers-age-discrimination/72048652007/
  6. you left out Vierling - Steamer projection 1.1 WAR. Can he handle 3b on any regular basis? We've seen him make some good plays there, and some not so good.... They didn't seem to want to play him there much so I assume they don't think he can. Or maybe he doesn't want to.
  7. We can hope SF is more worried about SS and OF and leaves Chapman be. Meanwhile with Keith at 2B, 3B is the perfect signing for the Tigers.
  8. that's saying a lot since a good many NBA players have no trouble running past either Cade or Bogan......
  9. yeah - same with Schofield. According the transaction log, they elevated him at the end of Nov, waived him after his three games and now are putting him back on the practice squad. Probably too risky to waive Badgley so they have to sign him.
  10. Let LA have their 100 wins. Just get to the last playoff spot and hope your pitchers are peaking!
  11. I think a thing in basketball is that once you are really bad, the game scores stop getting worse because the other team plays down to maintaining a 10-15 pt lead. So it's hard to know how bad a team is. You look at the last half last season, and you think, "Cade is back so they will be better", and here he is but they aren't. But maybe they actually are a little better but still so bad the game scores don't look any different. Of course you would have hoped that Cade would have made so much difference that it would have to show up, and maybe he could if not for Williams who, as impossible as it seems, appears to be an even worse fit for this team than Casey was.
  12. The Giant have no shot at beating the Dodgers at their own game. Better to pour all your resources into development like the Tigers and hope to be ready for when LA implodes - and then hope they do!
  13. We may find out what encumbrances there are when Martha passes. They say Bill Ford does do an effective job riding herd on the family - I'd be surprised if they don't have it figured out. Loose canons were more the risk in the Ilitch family, which I suppose is why Mike put the Tigers into trust.
  14. Up until the last couple of weeks I'd have cited Harden as a cautionary tale, but suddenly not so much! As a fan I'd still rather see him stay but use his leverage to get the FO canned. Doesn't Gores have a history of liking to make up to players. Cade could use that.....🦊
  15. depends how much he want to win I guess. You can demand a trade, doesn't mean you get it. No doubt the rules favor the home team.
  16. what player would sign a deal from a team lead by Weaver? Of all people the players, and Cade in particular, must understand what a mess their line-up has been constructed to be. If I were Cade I'd be studying/talking to LeBron and Magic. "You put in people I approve - then I will stay" Heck, that might be the best hope for the franchise.
  17. Well that's the thing. If he isn't going to stay at least get future pick for him.
  18. only because we don't know what kind of internal financial/legal obligations the family members may have to each other that don't show up in something like the team ownership statements. She is clearly in charge of the team operations and from the team's perspective that is all that matters. Interesting how the generational gender bias worked out in the family. It would appear the old man just assumed his *son* would take over the team, while his son didn't really care about it but Mom knew that daughter did.
  19. Agree. I don't think you want to block Keith, but he's a 2B now so 3B is still wide open. Jung has not played above AA. You don't fill out MLB rosters based on guys in AA. I don't want to see Malloy at 3b, ever. Chapman would give us a measurable team ERA reduction compared to last season's play at 3B. Maybe he is asking for the moon, but I hope they are least talking.
  20. Yup - it's hard to see anything in his hitting results that indicated a skill drop off. About the only shift in his plate discipline or batted ball results is that he pulled the ball less last year than in the previous couple, though not less than he had at other times earlier in his career. That probably contributed to the reduction in HR/FB but that was in spite of no reduction in barrel rate. But the other weird thing with Chapman is the huge home/away splits. Some years he's better at home, some on the road, but a big split 4 of the last 5 yrs.
  21. That's the thing. The piston team is full of the same guy that you can only have one of on a team.
  22. The thing that is notable is that the Civil War did fundamentally change the political compact that created the US. The is nothing that happened prior to 1792 that would suggest that the Union couldn't dissolve as peaceably as it had formed. That 'decision' only came in 1861 when Lincoln and the north decided they would not tolerate an independent slave nation on the southern border. It was only that decision - to prosecute the war rather than let the South secede, that turned the US into the unitary state it is today and established the absolute primacy of the Federal government. So in a way, the Civil War was fought over state's rights, but not in the way it's framed in the South. The more accurate reading is that it was the exact intention of *north* to establish that states did not have the right to defy the federal government or leave the union. The South was fighting for Slavery, the North was fighting to establish the ultimate authority of the federal government over any state's right as the vehicle to end slavery, i.e. against State's rights.
  23. Weaver's thought process in assembling this team.....no wait, there couldn't possibly have been one.
  24. is that the 20% who doesn't actually know who he was? I only ask that half in jest.
  25. As bad as the Pistons shoot, if they just take care of the ball they could give themselves a chance...... Lost by 6, with 6 more TO than the Celtics
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