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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. As bad as the Pistons shoot, if they just take care of the ball they could give themselves a chance...... Lost by 6, with 6 more TO than the Celtics
  2. Cade has to do something about the handle. Just too too sloppy with the ball.
  3. Can we give them one point in the standings before they lose in OT?
  4. Unfortunately the Pistons can miss at least one open shot for every one the opposition does.
  5. If the Piston's keep this up Johnny Kane may have a stroke before he makes it to the end of the game...
  6. Would Bogdanovic's defense be any better even if he did try?
  7. Have to consider that after they get a game or two past the record they could really check out.
  8. it's not going to happen but it would be very rich if the Scotus were to find itself in opposition to an actual majority of the state Supreme Courts around the nation.
  9. IDK how you sum it up. Maybe it's that the internet has given us all permission to be our worst selves.
  10. yeah - the idea that forcing a #4 DB to go against a #1 level receiver would be a big advantage isn't wrong per se, but it ignores that a football team is a 'weakest link' enterprise, and that if you don't spend your draft capital to shore up your weakest areas, you will be the one being over matched in those areas of the game and you will never get to where your receiver mismatch wins you any games. And of course as noted, he was doomed anyway because he drafted bad receivers.
  11. well, to stay with the nautical metaphors - ANY PORT IN A STORM!
  12. This is a tough call. Russ Thomas may have been the most irritating, but Russ was actually succeeding in doing what he and WCF wanted to do, which was keep enough flash (Owens/Sims/Sanders etc) on the team to keep 'fannies in the seats' without he or WCF ever having to work hard at the actual details of team building. So his failure was as much by design. So it comes down to Millen vs Weaver - who have in common that neither had/has the slightest clue how to build a team for the league their team is in, always a solid 1st step toward ignominy for anyone arriving at a GM gig. Millen of course has the longer tenure to his (dis)credit, but three of Millen's teams were merely mediocre as opposed to terrible. Weaver OTOH, took a bad team and then managed to take it the rest of the way to terrible and then made it incrementally worse each year since, while simultaneously gutting the team's prospects to ever get out of the hole he has dug. This combination of feats, in the end, stands alone and above all the other GM ineptitude in Detroit history despite his having achieved it in a mere 4 yrs.
  13. yeah - I think I had his 22/23 stats reversed and was thinking he was coming off a 230 BA at AA. Lots of walks in his OBP, (esp at AFL) which is both good and bad. Great that he walks, always questionable how much of the walk rate will translate against better pitching. That they are grooming him for 3rd should help get him to Det quick. Tigers don't have much cooking at 3b unless Vierling is able to run with a chance there.
  14. They have a group of gifted young athletes, but not a one of them can shoot the basketball, which means that whatever else they may be, they will never be the 'core' of a competitive NBA basketball team until/unless they can.
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