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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's hard to conceive that Cunningham is willing to stay with the Pistons, in which case at some point they are going to have to preserve some value by trading him.
  2. And what is with all the breakaways they are giving up? Don't remember seeing that last season or even earlier this year. Yeesh
  3. 2-1 at the end of 2. Should be at least 3-1. Reimer has had to stop multiple wide open breakaways. And through two coaching regimes and a ton of players that have come and gone, and it remains true that the Wings are consistently terrible in the last minute of play of a period.
  4. He is one more made 3 per roughly 15 attempts away from being a great player. Doesn't seem like much when you put it that way, but it's a mountain he's having trouble climbing. (OK maybe he needs a better handle as well.)
  5. Well, that is a little complicated - it varies. Salmonella (biggest threat with Chicken) and their toxin is destroyed by cooking, Staph Aureus toxin (also common) is not.
  6. and they had the best years of Dennis Rodman's career, which was certainly something to behold, though whether iconic is appropriate I couldn't say.... TBF - someone else besides Detroit gave the Bad Boys props as 4 players from 88-89 are in the Hall of Fame -- though Dantley was gone at mid-season.
  7. need to mod that graphic to have thrown connecting rods....
  8. And that is why the Pistons and Lions get 'storied' - because they are pre-expansion/charter members of their leagues. Maybe 'legacy' would be the more accurate word but that's the sense in which many commentators use the language.
  9. What has changed that the consumer doesn't see is how meat is processed before you get it. I know where those train of thoughts come from because I'm old enough to remember when supermarkets actually butchered their own sides of beef, everything you bought in the store had been cut there and probably within the last few hrs. Under those circumstances things like whole cuts of beef were safe to the point of not worrying about it. Today almost everything is cut and packaged in a processing plant who knows where; contamination can get spread across huge volumes of product by bad washdown procedures or a sloppy employee. You don't even want to talk about the way chicken is processed in the US. So basically there is no such thing as too careful anymore unless you have a now rare corner butcher shop.
  10. A new GM could get a little creative - like hire a set of assistants to do what needs to be done and tell Monty he can either get with the program or sit and watch. There is always a way if there is a will, few smarts and little strategic ego massaging. But the Piston aren't close on 1 and 2 yet.
  11. And the thing is, where is the way out? They have no excess trade-able assets, and no accumulated draft capital. They really only have one conceivable path and that is a new coach who can completely break down the few young athletic players like Thompson, Duren and Ivey and teach them to how play the game they need to play in the NBA - which would probably also include the most intense shooting clinic in the history of the NBA. That coach is not Williams and the man to hire him is not Weaver.
  12. It's a long shot, but he's a pretty special bat. When you win in baseball it's often because you got some break or break through you didn't expect so here's hoping...
  13. Carpenter's power has been inconsistent but maybe he can do more this season - but he might not play every day. What they really need is for Keith make the team out of ST and provide the opposite side power bat to pair with Tork. The longer shot is Meadows, who also has plenty of power but hasn't proven he can produce.
  14. Hard to imagine he would entertain the thought of staying with the Pistons for more than about 10 milliseconds if Gores still owns the team and Weaver is still in place when his deal is up.
  15. still sad though. The players will carry the stigma but it's the management that put them into the losing situation. It's the equivalent having to go to work in an office in a sick building or waiting tables in a rat infested restaurant. The money may be a lot better but the working conditions being provided by your employer still suck.
  16. Brooklyn took themselves out of their offense by slowing down. Can't argue with Cunningham's work though.
  17. LOL - you start with Melody, Harmony, Rhythm and Lyric. Rap already pretty much discarded Melody and Harmony. Lose the lyric and the guys outside with sticks and 5 gallon buckets can do what's left....
  18. I find the PA at LCA just too loud to hear anything distinctly. I take 20db ear plugs with me to Wings games now. Definite improvement in the experience.
  19. and just like that they fall apart. 3 TO and a sudden coma on defense.
  20. the hilarious thing is that no-one on the 03-04 team averaged more than 18 ppg or 6 assists and the eFG% of their highest scorer was .462. Those are total failure numbers in today's game.
  21. yup- all the swooning about lithium the last couple of years has been uninformed. Li is not rare, it just hadn't been looked for very much. But we are already seeing the shift - the unfounded fear that e-vehicles would end up resource constrained is now giving way to the reality of a bottleneck at the consumer end. The early adopters already have their Teslas and now you have to persuade Joe six-pack and soccer Mom that an e-vehicle is practical and that remains a big lift. Battery tech is moving at the speed of light but sustainable fast charge tech is still more promise than reality. Also used e-vehicles are dead in the resale market until someone comes up with a system to validate/warranty remaining battery life.
  22. The get a little slack for 22 because they were doing a lot of sorting out but when it happened again last season it was more disturbing. The weird thing was that they were hitting OK in ST. It was almost as though the season started, the scouting reports started getting more detailed and the numbers guys maybe starting feeding the hitters more than they could process and everyone got too tentative. At least in Torkelson's case he sure looked too 'in-between' to me early in the season. I hope that isn't what happened, or if it was they are smart enough to avoid it happening again.
  23. QB is in odd position to rate overall because the criteria are so slippery. It's such a mix of brain performance and body performance and talent on one side can make up for talent or lack on the other. If you were to compare QB's on a physical or style similarity scale, Jerod Goff plays more like Tom Brady than Patrick Mahomes, but while Mahomes' physical abilities make him a better QB than Goff, Brady's mental abilities made him better than both of them. Montana another guy who whose play over time proved he was 'better' than other guys that threw better or ran faster. Then you have Jalen Hurts, who probably has the season's (maybe decade's?) first QB tackle (and PF!) of a CB after running him down from behind after an INT even if it did come too late in the end zone. Don't see that too often.
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