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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. again - there is no such single entity. There are many churches - many of them don't regard science as a subject of theological concern at all so they have no need or interest taking 'official' positions to accept or deny any of it. If you have a particular church with a particular doctrinal stance in mind, you should say who you are talking about if you care to be accurate.
  2. To me the story of 'the Fall' is maybe the most interesting in the entire Bible. So many possible ways to unpack it.
  3. On a related note, the US high energy physics folks are in the midst of some kind of periodic review of what they want to ask the Feds to fund and the hot item on the wish list now is a Muon collider that will get to 100 TeV. I could only laugh at the quote by one of the lead guys when he said that this kind of work was important because we all need/want to know *why* we are here (emphasis mine of course). Guess again fella.
  4. No question - scoring 20 in an 80 pt bad boys era win is equal to 32 in a 130pt win today
  5. Yeah - if SJ had better finishers this game would already be out of reach.
  6. I think the tell on Cade is how little he gets to the FT line. Teams don't have to respect his ability to at least drive and draw a foul when they close on him.
  7. So Chris would leave Weaver in place for several years, eventually buy out Williams and hire a better coach that is a better fit, finally fire Weaver and bring in a sucessful GM and maybe they win in 2030?
  8. and to be honest, the fact that it was the Dodgers that went public with what did come out, I would not be surprised if it was some attempt at a late modification or backdown on an implied promise by them to ERod etc, that killed the deal, and they were getting their story out as CYA for their FO.
  9. I think there are pretty much 4 possibilities: 1-Harris hadn't discussed trade options with ERod in enough detail to understand clearly what he would accept and so negotiated a deal he *could* have known ERod would refuse. (Fault Harris) 2-Harris did have detailed discussions with ERod to where he did think he understood him clearly but they simply hadn't connected completely so that despite good faith effort by both Harris and ERod, ERod ended up not liking the deal. (Fault - maybe both of them, maybe neither - stuff happens) 3-Harris did understand what ERod *said* he would accept accurately and ERod simply changed his mind. (Fault ERod) 4-ERod was non-committal in discussions with Harris, basically said "Bring me the deal and I'll decide" and things ran so close to the deadline that by the time they got back to ERod and he didn't like the deal it was just too late to do anything else. (Fault - any or all of ERod/Dodgers/Tigers) Unless someone spills the beans I find any of the above equally likely.
  10. Maybe Williams, having discovered he doesn't have the support of his GM and in general what a dysfunctional org he has signed on with is now already trying to get himself fired/bought out. Would explain his lineups as well as anything else......🤷‍♀️
  11. In all the years I've watched the 4 pro teams in Det, this team may well be the one that least looks like it even belongs in the arena with the teams they are playing. The Lions went winless in '08 but were still within 10pts in 7 games. The Tigers lost 119 but on any day with a good starting performance they still could still look respectable.
  12. A SOS that not a leader he ever talked to could trust to be telling the truth. Sounds right in tune for a Trump admin.
  13. Hronek was the only player that I cared they gave up and the return was more than fair so the Yzerplan has been tracking pretty well in my book.
  14. who goes out? None of the Dmen appear to be very much in the doghouse currently. Maata might be sitting at the bottom of the stack right now I guess..
  15. Off-season looking pretty good at the 1/4 mark. Four of the Wings top 6 scorers are off-season acquisitions: DeBrincat, Compher, Sprong, Gotisbehere
  16. True enough, but even that shouldn't buy you unlimited rope.
  17. Questionable strategy to challenge a mod to leave the site. 🙄
  18. Kant wrote a great treatise arguing that you couldn't resolve transcendental questions via empirical knowledge (Critique of Pure Reason), but then later shot his philosophical standing with posterity in the foot by trying to make an exception to his own prior conclusions in an attempt to prove the existence of God with some logical jujitsu starting from the Golden Rule (Critique of Practical Reason). The first work is pretty famous. You never hear much about the second. 😉
  19. actually I like the way the quote is excerpted: "What came before?" No matter..."
  20. "Steady State" was probably the prevailing theory for most of civilization. The discovery of the cosmic background radiation and the Hubble constant for red-shift blew up the possibility of Steady State. I suppose the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics argues against SS as well, but so few people (including scientists!) know anything about Thermo it probably doesn't have much traction in any other field....
  21. There are many naturally occurring radioactive elements that produce positrons when they decay - they just annihilate themselves pretty quickly. They have a machine at CERN that can generate anti-protons.
  22. It's more the problem of the logical regression. In the current cosmology, the big bang is the beginning of time. You both can't but can't help ask "What came before." No matter how many levels you regress on that the question just re-appears again at the next level.
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