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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I know athletes are not exactly interchangeable, but when you have that much talent on one side of the ball and so little on the other, you'd think there would be a couple of guys you could move to the other side get more balance.
  2. I wonder if Klatt is gonna get flack from the conference office for going along with Harbaugh having the trophy presented to Zinter. The bureaucrats won't like him colluding with a subversive act.
  3. this game is like Bo vs Woody circa 1972, except that no-one would be going for it on 4th down.
  4. that's all fine but there is no mechanism for conscious volition in any of that. Your arguments here are basically that our sense of ourselves is basically a fallacy - that consciousness is a self-delusion. Which is perfectly possible - I only raise the point to argue that there are some pretty fundamental things about our immediate existence that we do a lot of glossing for.
  5. How you square your ability to make decisions of your own everyday when every chemical process in your brain is completely determined by the laws of physics completely independently of whatever "you" believe your existence to be? As far as your brain chemistry goes - there is no "you". "You" as a physical entity able to 'make a decision' simply don't exist.
  6. weird game. Wings really didn't deserve it based on the lacksidaisical play in the second half of the game, but Larkin didn't let them lose.
  7. 4 goals in the 1st period, one a shorty by the Wings. 3-1 going into the 2nd.
  8. I would say your view of what both Science and range of beliefs about God/Deism are narrow. There is no fundamental contradiction between any finding of Science and the possibility that there are higher order existences. The scientific rejection of supernatural intervention in human affairs does not speak to any number of more fundamental questions. Metaphysical propositions such as teleology, the origin and nature of will/volition, are not subjects that Science has been able to speak to. The latter question is one we may be getting closer to, but the fundamental paradox between the determinism of chemistry and physics vs the fact that no human being alive believes they have no will of the their own so far remains.
  9. During a period break in the last game Yzerman made it sound like it would be a couple of games but that it would be up to Kane to tell them when he thought he was ready.
  10. Georgia should have started playing no-huddle after the 1st drive.
  11. There is no such thing as 'Science' in that sense - there are only individual Scientists and like any other group you will find a variety of views. In my experience of the scientific community you may not find many fans of organized dogmas, but a lot of agnosticism about transcendental questions.
  12. What kind of PCR would one expect? To see tiny Angels dancing on the Western Blot?
  13. Guilty as charged. My wife will pursue satisfaction to the ends of the earth - I'm much too prone to just taking the write off and moving on,
  14. You'd like the be able to say a counter example proves the negative, but the logic doesn't actually work. There are a ton of bad investments out there being hawked as good ones, doesn't prove that good ones don't exist.
  15. The Jesuits have been a big driver in the Catholic education movement and whatever else you may say about them, they are relatively dedicated to the value of knowledge and intellectual rigor, ergo Catholic education has generally not been adversarial to science in the way some Protestant fundamentalists have become.
  16. LOL - That could be a grey area - maybe l'm happier if the guy just checks out quickly as opposed to giving me a run-around and only at the end of a couple of hours of wasted time fails to solve the problem! 🤔
  17. the problem with that formulation is that neither is particularly close to the mark. The OT is a national historical chronicle of the Hebrews. It's a series of records of how the those people understood their own history and beliefs. We need not take it literally but neither did the writers write it to be fairly tale. Much the same is true of the NT but the gospels are much closer to being personal eyewitness accounts than anything in the OT probably is. The letters in the NT are real letters that real people wrote to other real people - some of whose identities we are pretty sure of, other not so much. Again, how you view the writers' credibility is up to the reader. Contrary to popular perception, with a single exception I would argue that none of the writers of the NT make any claims as to their own infallibility, in contrast for instance to the claim in Islam that the Quran was dictated to Mohammed directly in Arabic by Angel Gabriel and therefore most properly its absolute truth is best not to be compromised even by translation to other languages.
  18. One would hope that in 5000 yrs we would have learned enough about the natural world we inhabit to tell better stories than bronze agers. But every creation story, as well as every scientific extrapolation to origins, still collides the at the same paradox - which is that any origin of the Universe must be outside the Universe in either space or time, yet nothing that is can be outside the Universe. This is a fundamental paradox of existence that the human mind is just stuck with. The brain cannot process any further than that.
  19. I find the degree to which the American Biblicist wing of Christianity gets hung up on both creation and eschatology myths is curious from a theological standpoint. Obviously from a more earthly standpoint, to posit divine inerrancy for a very complex collection of documents and then claim the exclusive right to the interpretation of said documents is a clear winner for the promulgation and preservation of temporal power and wealth. OTOH, what is about equally silly is to hold that the scientific illiteracy of Genesis in and of itself stands as some kind of refutation of possibility of God, one simply asks: For the sake of argument assume God does exist, then try to come up with a recommendation for just exactly what he should have tried to tell a band of semi-literate bronze age nomads about how to create a world of quarks, relativity and quantum mechanics? Seen from that perspective, Genesis 1-4 works as well as anything else would have.
  20. Spinoza decided that even God has to work within some kind of fundamental constraints and thus things were no better because this is "The Best of Of All Possible Worlds." Voltaire had a pretty good time with that one.
  21. Single face bar helmet is definitely 50-60s though.
  22. Is 'doubtful' and upgrade for Anzalone? I thought I heard this morning he was 'out' out.
  23. Sounds like the blind leading the blind. Monty has coached successful teams, you'd like to believe that was more than just lucking into so much talent he couldn't screw it up, but in basketball you can never ignore that possibility.
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