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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Will be interesting to see if they start using Lyon more.
  2. Not to dis Alberta's father, but you see in retrospect that his congregation was not built on community, or service, or even belief, though those things were probably there in the beginning. But as it exploded into a big church, in the end it was growing up instead based on the the self-validation of the membership. The worst trap of all for any clergman.
  3. this could go any number of places, but I just saw that Henry the K has shuffled off this mortal coil at 100. I wonder if they will declare tomorrow (well today already in that part of the world) a holiday in Vietnam?
  4. No shame in losing to the Rangers, but it sucks to have been within 5 minutes of a point and losing it.
  5. Sunk cost fallacy. If he holds it the value is just going to keep going lower. 😱
  6. I don't think I've seen a team so dependent on one player when that player is himself only a mid top talent. Wings just flail when Larkin is out or even playing through injury. And it might be nice to have some goaltending that steals a game here and there instead of the other....I think if they fall short this season we'll look back and blame in on the goaltending.
  7. I just don't see the talent here. You have one player with one standout skill level, and that is Thompson's defense. That's it. No-one else on the team does anything at average NBA or higher level. Cade scores a lot because Cade has the ball all the time (e,g., see Anthony, Carmelo) - you can't hang a hat on that. Weaver has drafted poorly and traded even more poorly. it's going to be 5 years with under 25 wins in a league where you only need to find two or three above average players to be a 500 team. Every day he keeps his job is just additional proof that ownership is just a hopeless.
  8. They need to broom the whole organization starting with Gores hanging a "For Sale" sign out on Woodward Ave.
  9. I tend to think the extremities - particularly on the losing side, have a lot to do with the way the current CBA drives all but the richest teams into a boom and bust cycle. In one sense, it's working as designed as it does make it hard for most teams to afford being good for more than a few years at a time, but I think the effects in the current system are too extreme. Teams should cycle some as their star players arc out of their best years, but I don't think you have to have a system that leads so many teams to feel they have to do total teardowns to get out from under the costs they incurred during their up phases. On that score I agree there are too many too good and too bad teams and that is a bad sign/result.
  10. Pretty close if not 'the' First Rule of being in a sales business is you don't pick public fights with potential customers. He's basically a two year old in a grown-up's leather jacket. I mean, it's fine if you don't want to be in a sales oriented business because you don't like having to be customer centric, but then get out the heII out that kind of business. Sell it to someone who has the ethos for it.
  11. I wouldn't say that's a silly measure, but I wouldn't take it as the best measure of the draft at distributing talent. That would better be measured by something like the average number of consecutive years teams stay over or under 500, or maybe better over 550 or under 450.
  12. definitely. He done a little decent forechecking now and then, but the rest of his game has gone poof.
  13. LOL - Wrong adults consenting.
  14. It couldn't even be the same agreement as Israel would have to walk away from a lot more of the West Bank than they would have had to then. 🧩
  15. Then again, what makes anyone think Abbas would sign on to deal that Arafat walked away from? On the the problems is too many cooks in the kitchen.
  16. I'd wager Manning would have to pitch himself out of the rotation in ST to not be in the rotation. Last Spring you probably couldn't get Wentz through waivers, based on his last season this year you might! Everyone loves Olson right now, for good reason, but he's probably the next TJ on the staff.....
  17. My guess is they hold Mize to 5 inning starts, skip a couple of starts around the ASB to give him a rehab break, then either move him to the BP late in the season or shut him down - all of course assuming he doesn't go down before any/all of that happens.
  18. I'm sure they were all hitting baseline 3s, just like Drummond used to in practice.
  19. And I suppose the sun is coming up in the East again tomorrow?
  20. IDK, hard to believe a guy would want to dog it more than take advantage of the chance to play with his kid brother. I worry more that at his age the onset of psychological problems might be something as serious as the front edge of a developing schizophrenia, which could be pretty tragic.
  21. But what is probable and what is moral cannot simply be the same thing. I may be taking a risk of some sort to do a good work, that certainly doesn't make it an immoral act and absolutely to do what is 'safest' is certainly not always moral. Laws/Rules must exist to maintain social order and security, but there is no law anywhere that under some circumstance it isn't moral to violate, and there is no legal act which under some circumstance isn't immoral. The Hebrews tried to build a moral culture around law and Jesus told them that their project had been a failure. Law always fails as an ultimate arbiter of morality, and morality as the basis of law is a slippery slope to theocracy/tyranny
  22. This, sadly. Impact players make an impact, no matter who is on the court with them. Cade's return has produced exactly nothing over what Ivey, Duren, Hayes, et al were doing without him.
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