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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Does he have a buyout? Maybe that ties UCLA hands. They bolted to the B1G because they needed the money. They've lost $90 million in the last two years.
  2. I expected a big strong Euro like Moritz to play the placid enforcer type in the NHL, but instead he's turned into maybe the edgiest player on the team. I guess that's fine as long as he can stay out of the box. If he develops too much of a rep that might get more difficult.
  3. Regression to the mean. They had a bad D last year and only improved it marginally - they are a good team but never were as good as people were able to start hoping based on the 1st half record.
  4. Harbaugh's first presser after re-instatement and he immediately stumps for more revenue sharing for players. On one level he is completely correct that justice in the abstract demands the players get the same kind of slice of the pie they get in say the NFL. The problem is that kind of professional sports has nothing to do with being in college and there is no natural fit for universities to remain the caretakers of the those teams under the kind of economics that Harbaugh is arguing for. I don't disagree with him in main about what players deserve, but I don't think he realizes that in the end it simply can't be college football and professional football at the same time. It has to be/will eventually be one or the other. Either Congress makes legal exceptions to more or less return college sport to the some level of the status quo ante, or revenue college sports as we know them will/must inevitably morph into something very different from what they have traditionally been. https://www.mlive.com/wolverines/2023/11/suspension-over-jim-harbaugh-renews-call-for-revenue-sharing-in-college-sports.html
  5. It was interesting to see Hartmann really having an extended 'discussion' with Seider when they went to the box. Redmond thought it was Hartmann arguing it was unintentional and it looked like Mortitz basically telling him he didn't care if it was or wasn't.
  6. There is a downside to using portable inflators, which is that you can end up with wet air in your tires - especially if you use one in a humid climate like MI in the summer. A commercial compressor with a holding tank lets the water that condenses out of air as the pressure goes up fall out in the tank. While aluminum/magnesium wheels don't rust per se, they still build up surface oxidation that can lead to leaky rims. You do what you have to do to keep rolling, but dry air is best if you can get it.
  7. The Wings still look bad against the fastest teams in the league (who doesn't) but if the goaltending holds up their depth should carry them into the playoffs. And maybe Edvinsson can add a little more to the mix.
  8. Raymond driving the slot on the PP seems to be a new wrinkle. I like it.
  9. The lead assistants do a lot of recruiting, or at least are tasked to, so M probably does have a handle on what kind of recruiting chops Moore has. But no doubt recruiting is a set of talents all of its own and any overlap with having a strategic in game management mind is purely serendipity.
  10. Well, why bother with what is a pretty high bar when you can just shout a few stock phrases and get on with your own self.
  11. It's always a dilemma when evil people must be removed from power. It's immoral to leave them in control of other people's lives, it's equally true that they will never be dislodged by conventionally 'moral' means. And often their replacements will only nominally less evil. And what's worse is that in the middle of a situation it's very hard to tell how it will come out and whether you are going to end up doing more good or harm. You may not not know for 20-30 years. For me, I think Vietnam vs Iraq are the historical counterpoints. We thought we knew what 'had to be done' to protect the western world in Vietnam but we were absolutely wrong and if we had never sent a single boot I would challenge anyone to provide a believable story of why the world would be a worse place. OTOH, the near term verdict on Iraq was that it was a unmitigated disaster, but guess what - with time in distance it's beginning to emerge that things are beginning to hold together bit by bit in Iraq maybe the door was opened for a better future there even as badly as the neo-cons bungled the management of it.
  12. Cade's putting up a lot of points but like early Kobe - usage driven, there hasn't been all star level efficiency to it yet. Probably couldn't be anyway with this cast around him.
  13. I think what the man actually said on the matter is that you'll know a tree by it's fruit.
  14. Why bother doing the production if you can't rewrite the story the way want people to think it went? 🙃
  15. Other than deBrincat, Gotisbehere was Yzerman's find of the off-season. The guy is everywhere, all the time.
  16. pre-destination is one of those wonderfully self-leveraging theologies. They say you can't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps - theology is probably a salient exception to the rule.
  17. When it goes right, I actually like Manning's stuff better than Mize's - or at least what Mize's stuff was way back when, but Manning has to shake that black cloud that seems to follow him around.
  18. Jeez - he better not! He'll be almost 2yrs out when the the '24 season starts. If he can't pitch by then he's probably going down as a bust.
  19. at 18 games, the NFL season is getting to be more about surviving attrition than building your starting line-up.
  20. I think that is too strong a statement. Presidents don't do much to control short term and cyclic factors, but things they do can have huge impacts on the economy - it just usually happens after they are gone - esp tax and entitlement policies they support. Reagan tax cuts, Clinton tax increases that balanced the budget etc. The more favorable tax policies for the rich that Reagan backed have been echoing through he US economy increasing economic disparity ever since. OTOH, the infrastructure and Covid recovery spending is having a considerable effect on middle class employment and those programs could have been vastly different under a different President.
  21. The are both listed as 6'7" but Thompson seems smaller than Rodman to me. Maybe the NBA just keeps getting bigger in general.
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