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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. OK, that's fair as a specific response. I just haven't seen a role for him since the deadline and would rather be looking at someone else. I guess they are so thin they feel they are out of bodies, but if they can come up with guys like Montero, I'd have thought they could score at least one more reliever they'd like a look at.
  2. At this point it looks like one of two things are true, either they are coaching against where his talent actually is, or the talent isn't there. Unfortunately the only way that question gets resolved is if/when he goes somewhere else and either succeeds or fails.
  3. I didn't think there were going to be very good but I always hope they don't get embarrassed. Moore going to need to pull a rabbit out of his hat for the 2nd half.
  4. actually Tx called the TO, but regardless, Orji was not a good call.
  5. except they have to do more than replace him, they need one or two effective RH power bats. Depending on what you think of Torkeson that's probably a higher bar than just replacing him.
  6. LOL - Heck yes I would have used him before Miller. If I lose with Vanasco at least I've learned something about someone that's still in play. Miller is a lost cause.
  7. there are times it's easy to lose the forest for the trees. Not many guys with a sub one WHIP fold like a cheap suit with a game on the line like Miller. 7 BS is a real measurement too.
  8. That may well be true but you don't want that argument to be misapplied - which it will be. That fact that he ameliorated the situation is not a valid argument that increasing school security is an answer to what happened. That's the same argument as saying more firemen was the answer to people falling asleep in bed with a cigarette and starting their house on fire. We have to prevent the event, not keep responding to it after it's happened/ing
  9. I doubt it has any impact beyond one more thing they can put in a montage ad to run in a red market. But again, I think any 2016 Trump voters that he was going to lose he lost by 2018. Since then the people voting for Trump (2020) have all known exactly what they are voting for and chosen it anyway. It's not going to make any difference in terms of motivating D voters to register and show up, and that's where the battle will be won/lost. At 50,000 ft, every old line GOP leader that makes the irrevocable break is a small ray of hope for a reconstituted GOP in the future, but that's over the horizon somewhere - irrelevant to this election.
  10. The power arm is definitely still there so Fetter has got something to work with.
  11. except that they can't go into next season with zero RH power in the line-up. He's not looking like the answer but they can't go into next season not answering the question. Matt V is nice player, but he's not going keep you in games against LHP. If you are going to go 6+ LH bats the remaining RH guys must be able to reliably destroy LHP with power or you are doomed to lose to every team that can toss a couple LH relievers at you.
  12. the funny thing is that to be fair to the neo-con intellectuals, some of them were making the case for military action to remove Hussein without the lies. Before the WMD machine cracked up and Hans Blix hadn't been libelled, guys like Wolfowitz were arguing that the sanctions regime was a failure. That they were more effective at killing Iraqi children with poor medical care and malnutrition and destroying what was left of Iraqi civil society than they were at dislodging Saddam. There was a reasonable argument there, but of course it wasn't one that was moving US public opinion very much, so that's when when the Bush admin decided to crank up the false WMD marketing, and for that, I agree completely that in a reasonable world Bush, Cheney, Tenet and Rumsfeld should all have gone to jail because they knew exactly what they were doing. Well that Shrub knew what he was doing is probably an overstatement, but he was certainly much too eager to be misled.
  13. completely true. But the race's lizard brain apparently needs these catharses.
  14. Meh. Don't need apologetics here. Hinch is fine in general but when a guy who doesn't even work regularly with saves on the line has 7 BS, he has to be your absolute last choice - maybe even after McKinstry. But if you want to deflect for Hinch, give me one good reason Miller is even still on the team. He just a dead-end now anyway. They might as well be looking at some-one/anyone else.
  15. still don't know why Hinch even considered using Miller, but it is what it is. If he is still on the roster tomorrow it will be a real FO fail. Basically one guy over the coarse of the season is why we are still behind the Twins/Royals.
  16. Torkelson finally gets his bat on a baseball and BaBIPs
  17. god Riley has such a noodle. You have to be able to throw a guy out from half way depth in a small park.
  18. well, walk is what should have happened anyway.
  19. have to walk him and play for the force, and Hinch isn't going to do it.
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