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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The collapse of the RSNs is going to make a number of teams less active, but as long as there are even half a dozen out the 30 teams still willing to bid against each other, the numbers will still go up.
  2. strong game from Seider. At the other end, it would be nice to get more out of Rasmussen.
  3. The 'Bobby Layne' curse meme was easy to get off the ground given the parade of non-discript QBs that followed him. Greg Landry was passable, but still not a guy you were going to win anything with.
  4. The problem with people who basically get paid by the word is that they may ask you for (...checking..) 12 minutes and 47 seconds of your time for what you only need 5 seconds to hear: The pistons are a bad team with an unworkable roster and directionless management. 🙉
  5. what's the last word on the prognosis for his arm? Is he supposed to recover 100%?
  6. Not that this has anything to do with stadium financing, which is a different set of issues, but NW making the commitment to the upgraded venue got me wondering - maybe one of the unintended consequences of opening up outside sources of direct funding to players (NIL et al) is that it may be a beginning of a trend where the money available to a program like NW gets uncoupled from the resource base of their smallish university and instead flows more directly from the size of the media market it can command. If an effect like that turned out to real, it would tend to level the playing field between schools as the extremes of the big school/small school - urban/rural distribution, like say like PSU and NW
  7. Does the backup program copy by file or by sector? and if by sector, are the sector sizes on the disks the same ( 512 vs 4096)?
  8. Philly shut out KC in the 2nd half. Would not have taken the odds of that going into half-time
  9. Ausur did not have a TO. Cade got to the line 11 times. Even when they do a few things right it's not enough.
  10. Maybe makes him less desirable as a major league signing, maybe wouldn't discourage a team from offering a minor league deal with ST invite. How much is anyone going to care if they retain a minor league option for the following year on a 31 yr old?
  11. If Spencer was actually concealing the neck injury earlier (i.e. if you can believe McCosky's report), then even apart from everything else I can sympathize with management taking a position that any player that won't be straight with the team about injuries is just too big a risk to give any contract. Of course that won't keep Harris from looking pretty silly if Turnbull has a big year! 🤷‍♂️
  12. Terrible last two minutes of the half for Philly. Used up their TOs on a KC TD drive to get the ball back, only to go 3 and out and leave KC time and a short field to pick up an additional 3.
  13. so in practical terms what does this mean for Spencer? If he still had 5 days (or whatever) to go to reach 5 yrs, does that mean if he accepted a ST invite deal he could have been optioned but now he can't? (or can refuse). In which case might that actually make him a less desirable signing - or not?
  14. Good point! The general idea of trying to play through the injury sounds like it could be the case though - Turnbull certainly wasn't right.
  15. McCoskey column with a little more on the relationship breakdown with Turnbull. Apparently he had hidden the neck injury trying to gut it it out till he reached his service time goal. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2023/11/18/mccosky-inside-the-spencer-turnbull-saga/71634423007/
  16. The pattern of a man who knows what he needs to do but keeps hoping against hope he won't have to but then having to anyway.
  17. I didn't have a problem with Trump talking to Kim. I was less enthusiastic about him kissing his ass.
  18. I assume Barnhard is usually a guard? He was just being abused by speed ends playing tackle. They can't play another game like that.
  19. I think coming to the Tigers in the middle of them jumping on the 'control the strike zone' campaign was probably a mistake for Javy. It may be a better approach for a team in general, but you just don't want Javy to be tentative at the plate. Even if it does end up two feet outside, Javy can hit those if he stays with it. I don't want him second guessing himself halfway through the swing. I've said before I think the 'control the K zone' mantra is spot on for pitchers but questionable for hitters depending on what it means at the second level. Almost no hitter is trying to swing out of the zone. Few hitters need to be told to try and stay in the strike zone, OYOH most hitters can use any kind of help you can give them figuring out how to stay in the K zone. It may be a small but I think it's a real distinction between telling a hitter "You have to stay in the K zone" vs "We are going try and give you tools and strategies that will help you with pitch recognition." There is a significant shift in the responsibility on the coaching side depending on the formulation.
  20. Sounds counter intuitive but if you look at his fangraph data, Javy's contact rates are not what has changed, while his HR/FB ratio is way down from his better years, so you can make a reasonable argument that he is not hitting the ball as hard when he hits it. I think we spend too much time fretting over Javy's zone control. That is all about pitch recognition and there is little a hitter can do change his ability to see the ball, all he can do try to get better hitting what he swings at - no matter where the pitch ends up. And strength to get the bat to the ball is a piece of that. Now that said, you can get quicker to the ball, which helps with the recognition problem, and I think Javy does have a fair amount of excess wind-up in his swing he might work on eliminating and if he comes so ST without any changes in his swing I won't be optimistic regardless of what he accomplishes in the weight room.
  21. talk about all the intangibles you want, the game is going to hinge on the very tangible question of whether UMs O-line gets healthy.
  22. IDK, whatever is going on I can't help thinking he might be in pretty bad shape - I really thought he would show up for Parker making the club and when the entire Meadows family showed up without him that seemed a story in itself.
  23. actually I was thinking more about whether any of either episode would have any traction outside the Tiger org, where the players they might be interested in would be. I'm sure some of the Tigers knew what was going on with ERod. The very fact that none among the players talked about it 'out of turn' so to speak, is probably fair evidence none of them had issues around it.
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