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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The acrobat elephant swinging the bat is the best logo in baseball. They better not lose that!
  2. LOL - sure, but that's only a symptom, not really a cause. While success may be accidental, sustained success seldom is - it represents a commitment of effort and resources by large numbers of people and a sustaining internal culture. They do that at OSU, just like they do it a Michigan, but I don't think we quite match their priority level for football as an institution, which is actually OK with me. I don't think football needs to be quite as important to a University as it is to OSU, but it's their school and it is what it is.
  3. That program has so much institutional inertia that Brutus Buckeye could probably coach them to 11-1. Jon Cooper had to have been a really bad HFC to have struggled like he did.
  4. they've stayed the A's though 2 previous moves - I guess I'd go for 3. They can tie the Braves that way.
  5. Gun deaths in America distribute in a severe dumbbell with the worst areas around 40 and most everywhere else at or below 1.5 to 3. This is why as bad as the numbers are, gun deaths are not a political liability for gun rights activists - for those mostly rural and suburban people, guns deaths are something that happen somewhere else. As mass shooting incidents just keep getting more widespread that is not quite as true as it used to be, but it's still pretty true because total numbers remain dominated by street crime numbers, which remains highly localized.
  6. Maybe. For my money PSU on the road was the tougher game than OSU at home. Franklin does make it a fair argument of course. There is certain pressure that builds just with being undefeated, but on the 25th both teams are likely facing that.
  7. I don't think I'd call an 87.5% completion rate a bad day. He didn't have a bad game, they just didn't use him.
  8. More likely his wife. But otherwise correct.
  9. I wouldn't argue he benefits from the DC regime being more player supportive, but don't undersell the OL. If you look at the time this OL gives him, any QB would be in hog heaven in Det right now.
  10. bottom line though - he's not been on the sideline 4 times and they haven't really missed a beat.
  11. If it were a full suspension, it would be a stiffer penalty. But a head coach in a system program like UM is 90% spectator on game day. He will still be the one putting it all into motion before the bell. If a game comes down to one 4th down call, they'll wish he was there, but otherwise I don't see Harbaugh carrying any great increment of strategic brilliance over Mintor and Moore in terms of real time decisions.
  12. If all the shouting is over all they have to do is 'let' Moore manage the sidelines two more time, they are probably a head net/net.
  13. But that's the thing isn't it? BIG cannot turn into a super conference because there is no legal mechanism to jettison the 2nd tier teams and they will never leave on their own, so B1G as it stands is dead man walking as a future conference as far as I can see. I would guess a guy like Ono who spent more time on college athletics issues than your average academic can see this as well. Everyone is predicting super conferences - and for good reason, but they aren't seeing that those super-conferences are going to have to be new organizations. You can't get there from the old orgs.
  14. My bold ass prediction is that Harbaugh will be at UM till he retires. He'll let the rumors fly anytime he want's to extort a little more green out of the U, but he's not going anywhere unless they have to fire him - and I don't think that is likely either.
  15. WCF loved him some 1st round running backs but Barry was just about the only one that ever stayed healthy out of Eddy, Farr, Owens, Sims, Saunders.
  16. His glove hand may have been overrated as a shortstop, but I guess his right hand does OK signing checks. The Captain has done a good turn for his old hometown. https://www.mlive.com/sports/2023/11/jeter-gives-back-from-hopping-fences-to-building-a-5m-baseball-complex-at-his-alma-mater.html
  17. And just to complicate matters for SD, owner Peter Seidler just passed away yesterday.
  18. LOL - Thanks for that! Ironically, the only people I've ever argued about this with were all born post word processor. I remember doing a lots of search and replace for two spaces back to one on final assembled copies of bid documents when we had several people working on them. The other tidbit is that IIRC, the IBM 'Selectric' typewriter was capable of proportional spacing even before the word processor era, though I couldn't tell you how it actually did space after a period.
  19. Yup. A lot of fine players on the team at almost every position. Unfortunately WR and QB were not strengths. Not sure Landry would have been good enough even with better receivers and Munson definitely wasn't.
  20. Playing with players good enough that he couldn't be triple teamed there? Even if you believe he is better than the TO's bricked shots and inability to get the foul line argue right now, there is no way for Cade to star in the role of one on 5 basketball!
  21. Plus the thing is there is no team. There is a roster and rotation, but in no way does this collection of players represent a team. No evidence of logic or planning in this roster that I can see. Maybe Cade just missed his time. Maybe he would have been more successful in the man defense era when he could have gone iso against generally smaller guards.
  22. If you think McCarthy is mad now, wait until he sees that the conservatives have no appetite for vacating Johnson for doing exactly what they bounced him for.
  23. The Gov apparently has a reprieve until mid January. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/us/politics/government-shutdown-vote-mike-johnson.html "The legislation would fund federal agencies at current spending levels with two different expiration dates: Jan. 19 for one set of government programs and Feb. 2 for another set. That timing would allow lawmakers more time to try to finish off the individual annual spending bills, as many conservatives have demanded. The bill did not include any military aid to Israel and Ukraine."
  24. It's the government's business to create an environment where business wants to stay enough to take care of their workers as well as society demands. There are lots of details to that but that basically a big piece is that everything you do to create a better all round society helps. That's the job. That's why 'kill the beast' and 'starve it till you can drown it in the bathtub' is such lunacy. A well run gov at each level is the key to a lot of things Americans want but they've been brainwashed into thinking they can get those things by magic instead.
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