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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Seriously Tater, everything Valenti does is for the entertainment value - don't look to him to say anything attached to reality. If you think back about his predictions - proscriptions for any and all the Det teams over years he is almost never actually right about anything. But that's not what he's trying to do. I don't know where this will end up but wherever it does, it's not likely to be near where Sports talk radio thinks.
  2. team looked night/day better than the other night. Maybe Lalonde lit some kind of fire under the #1 line - Larkin and Raymond both with big games. Sieder becoming quite the edgy player.
  3. The risk is Canha is more is age than his resume. At 35 he might have ~3 good yrs left or he might come to ST and find its gone forever - you never know about hitters in their mid thirties.
  4. The quoting in this doesn't make sense. You don't quote yourself when you are writing someone.
  5. maybe, maybe not. You really have no idea how much the AI will weight your correction compared to the thousands/millions of other inputs that go into its probability matrix. After all, you can't just program the AI to accept any and all corrections because it doesn't know if people might be mis-correcting it maliciously. And it's certainly not hard to imagine malicious actors, or even just market competitors, letting loose armies of bots with the express purpose of undermining the reliability of a targeted AI service. It we can think it up, you can believe someone is trying it as we speak....
  6. true, but the way the world works is that people with layers below them are generally innately sympathetic to other people with layers below them and since those are the people that make liability decisions, assignment of responsibility upward in our society in generally is weak, and I tend to believe JH will probably be a beneficiary of general situation. And to go back your example, I think it would be unlikely any plant manager in the US would be fired if a bunch guys on his factory floor got busted, unless his profitability was already low. T0 expand the last point, often by the time things in a management regain get to where people are being arrested, it can be a symptom of wider mis-management where there are multiple issues. Sure - a guy at the top of that food chain is going to be bounced. But when you look at whether a football program is well run, you look at wins/losses and how the players are going and by those measurement that are primary keys for a sports program, you can't call UM mismanaged in any general way. That's what will work in Harbaugh's favor. Or the TL,DR version might be: JH is no Matt Patricia.
  7. Maybe. We don't know if Harbaugh hired him or if he reported to Harbaugh. In theory JH could still skate depending on how many layers of management insulation there are between. Two would probably be enough.
  8. The thing that may be different now is that Ono is sort a big sports guy (witness his support of the program upgrades at Cincy) - certainly way more so than Schlissel or Mary Sue were. I don't think Manuel is running quite so unsupervised anymore. What kind of difference that makes is an unknown unknown. The BOR is also full of professional litigators, which might lead to a more aggressive legal approach.
  9. To finish the thought, it's hard to dismiss the notion that the Biden admin is deliberately acting to drag out this war and achieve the maximum possible bleed-out of the Putin Regime.
  10. Inge is still listed on the UM Baseball team coaching pages.
  11. The recent news was the Russians counter attacking and taking losses. TBF, I don't think many analysts thought the Ukrainians could dislodge the dug in Russians without effective air power and the long range weapons to destroy Russian rear guard supply lines. The miscalculation was how slow the US would be to supply either. US 'pacing' has added another year, or possible more, to the war - probably unnecessarily.
  12. True, though I think you'd have to put them in a second tier in terms of cultural presence - they had a loyal following but not a huge one. Granted that wasn't an explicit criteria in the question.
  13. of course part of the reason he wasn't a 20 minute player last season is because Cade was out. I could also believe they may be giving Hayes more time than he deserves explicitly because it's his last chance before they cut bait on him.
  14. We've had that same hope dashed recently in Daz Cameron.
  15. I doubt either Wingenter or Nevin are likely to make us regret letting them go.
  16. what bands from the 60's did survive? The Stones and the Who? The Who had unique musicians and Townsend had more than average compositional talent. The Stones I never got in the 1st place.
  17. Probably doesn't stand a chance. Didn't claim guns or Jesus.
  18. I only watched a little around the Hockey game, but in that short time Ivey was late on close outs multiple times and had one player waltz right by him on the way to an uncontested dunk. Lack of 360 deg awareness. My impression is he can't see/doesn't pay enough attention, to what isn't in his line of sight.
  19. hard to say if it was more of a splat, or just a thud,
  20. Lots of puck movement at the blue line but the interior wings players standing still way too much on their power plays - ergo nobody coming open. Florida's speed has Wings players intimidated, they aren't even challenging to get to what should be 50/50 loose pucks.
  21. Wings lucky to still be even after one. They're being skated out of their own rink.
  22. Ha - forget Chavez/Maduro. The truth has always, and probably will always be that in once you find yourself in a war, the imperative is to save the lives of your own people. Despite the all the analysis since, the logic of 1945 for the US was correct, even if the total casualties including Japanese were higher (which is very debatable) the bombs saved *American* lives and that is the only calculus that can matter to the people making the decision. The same holds true for Israel. By the normal definition - the 'good guy' will try to minimize civilian casualties, but in the end not to the detriment of the strategic imperatives.
  23. And the Germans 'voted' for Hitler (though not an absolute majority IIRC), the Iranians voted in one fair election for the mullah's (once) and the American's voted for Trump. It's absolutely true societies suffer for making bad corporate decisions. That hard part is that that doesn't make the fate of individuals any less tragic. There is no way to square that circle.
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