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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. LOL- mine is still kicking at over 30. In most areas the #1 determinant of tank life is water quality, which varies all over the map in SE MI if you are not on the Det or other large city system. Ten years is probably about right for many, but if you are serviced by a municipally softened system you should get a lot more than that. That said, how long a heater is actually likely to last is not the same question as the economic break even point for servicing it! Comically enough, I experienced the other extreme of that decision process when the warranty holder decided to replace rather than repair my *2* year old dishwasher! I kept the dishwasher, the warranty money, and fixed it myself for <$100. 🤷‍♀️
  2. It's too easy to say 'A pox on both your houses' in this conflict as there are toxic ideologies on both sides. There are militant zionists with messianic visions of driving all the arabs out of 'greater Israel' and there radical jihadi funadmentalists that want every jew driven into the sea. The distinction, which unfortunately has been growing smaller in the Netanyahu era, is that the radicals are a faction in Israel, they are Hamas.
  3. Maybe not as rare as back in the day when they were all passive piloted natural draft type. For an induced draft unit the fan, air flow sensor, igniter and interlock circuit are common serviceable failure points that can be worth repairing if the tank still has service life remaining.
  4. LOL - just saw that. Heck he should have been happy after helping to dump McCarthy.
  5. Do we know if Harbaugh hired him in person? But either way, Harbaugh is of a certain type. The way he sees the world, to love football and the Michigan program *is* virtue, thus anyone who does (or appears to) must be virtuous. Probably makes for an easy con.
  6. Maybe he thinks Cade needs to man up and learn to beat those triple teams before he's willing to put someone out there with him that the other team will have to guard....
  7. This guy seem to have gotten off on playing a character he imagined as James Lombardi Bond. I heard the clip from the Western coach who was clear nobody issued him a pass. So how did he get down on the field? They do check in most stadiums.
  8. FWIW, the NY post has a story about him. It you believe the Post and/or what the parents told them, it sounds like this is a young man who is losing it. His parents said they've been worried that he was suicidal, personality had been changing - he had taken semesters off to deal with depression, etc.
  9. Unfortunately, people can be nice and still believe in destructive things. And we have 40 million of them in a America!
  10. Multi-culturalism îs a fine thing - to a degree. But to pretend there are no differences in culture that matter or that don't demand value judgment amounts to ethical/moral nihilism and is a dangerously naive outlook.
  11. Frank Bruni (who is also a professor at Duke) had a great column in the NYT about how the modern University's need to constantly be massaging the sensibilities of their student bodies has finally put them into a complete no-win situation. I'm finding it laughable that after every world event in recent years I'm getting public responses from every Tom/**** and Harry in the University admin. Frankly I don't give a flying **** what my Dean of Engineering thinks about the ME and would just soon never have to hear him opine about it. Not where I care about his competence. But here we are in 2023. I'm hoping the by the 2030's that we reach a new era of 'Stay in your Lane'. Should I live long enough to see it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/opinion/israel-palestine-college-campuses.html?searchResultPosition=1
  12. I understand what you mean here, but you don't want to overstate it either. Kaline didn't keep a 300 over 20 years just because he was a luckier guy than his buddy Jim Price. 🤣 BA may be more flawed than other stats, but it still correlates with other measures of good hitting. And probably, in the pre-HR era - when the ISO component of everyone's OPS was lower and nobody struck out 100 times in a season, it probably correlated better!
  13. This is really the best argument for a swing at the fences right now instead of staying on 'the plan.' And it goes back to the same debate that goes on endlessly about team sports - how much to you value one championship vs long term competitiveness? Everybody has their own answer to that question. It could go either way with anyone. But the discussion has so far left out one important person. I can easily imagine that SHF, after so many decades of Lion futility, could think that bringing her team back to respectability as an upper echelon team over a long term is as important to her to prove her ownership credentials as any single Championship - ergo you stick with the plan that got you where you are. Or not. 😉 But the decision to stand pat sort of speaks for itself.
  14. the other question is "what is the marginal value?' If you are a GM or manager game or trade planning, that is one thing, but if you are watching a game and you want the PBP to give you some idea how good the hitter at the plate is, how much real marginal value would you get from being given the guy's RC24? Especially considering the highly random nature of the outcome of any individual AB. The PBP situation doesn't really merit that much precision of analysis. Once you get to OPS, the strength of correlation between all stats for hitters is pretty high. Plus, in truth, even a relatively sophisticated fan may be just as interested in counting stats - what has the guy accomplished in the season - even knowing they may be highly flawed indicators of his theoretical quality as a player - because the old adage still applies in the end - "you are what you did".
  15. Maybe. Removing ISIL from Iraq was a bloody mess too, but the situation there is now better than it was and Iraqi's don't seem to be pining for its return. Hamas has to go and the Palestinians themselves either would not or more likely could not do it. Sure it possible and maybe even likely that in the end they will resent the fact that an non-Arab intervention did it more than they will be glad Hamas is gone, but you never know. The biggest problem I see is that Netanyahu will almost certainly bungle the aftermath of this war even worse than Rumsfeld did in his.
  16. I suppose BA is more meaningful with 2 out and man on second. A walk is nowhere near as valuable as a hit in that particular situation unless you have a really good hitter on deck.
  17. actually, as a real time/in game stat, while watching I'd rather see OBP than OPS. The only value to me of a stat when a guy comes to the plate is seeing the probability of him making an out vs extending the inning - thus OBP. If I'm a PBP guy I'd talk about a guy's OPS, but I don't care in the moment about how he keeps a rally going, only if he will or won't. The other thing I think would be an actually addition would be more use of real trend stats. Here is a guy's OPS, and this is his dOPS/dt over the last month say. This would clearly take a lot of fan training of course! But now you have some idea if he's trending hot or cold or holding steady. They sort of approach that when they talk give streak stats, but saying a guy OPS's 895 in the last month still doesn't tell you which way he's trending. Maybe he's a career 900 OPS hitter......
  18. yeah - this is becoming more and more a pain. >Don't trust ChatGPT yet. There are structural reasons that kind of AI may not be capable of being trustworthy. It's a regression in a sense. Before the internet, you generally wanted printed matter when you wanted to know something for certain, as opposed to asking a person, who might well be intelligent but give you the wrong answer without even knowing their own knowledge was flawed, whereas depending on the source, your confidence in what had been committed to print (say the encyclopedia) had been vetted to your satisfaction. AI is like your intelligent but untrustworthy friend, it doesn't and in current systems can't, know when it's wrong either.
  19. from whatever. just that while whatever sanction Harbaugh might face will depend on whether he knew what was going on or not, whatever sanction if any, the U is hit with, likely won't. The institution can be penalized for lack of control even if no-one at a pay grade above Stalion is held responsible for him individually.
  20. I don't mind hearing "we like out team" from a GM as long as his team is better than it was last year. When it's getting worse each for several in a row, not so much.
  21. Don't hate Buck but he would be deep into the bottom third of my 'like to listen to' rankings. I guess I'd turn it around, what does he bring to a broadcast? Obviously he works for a lot of people or he couldn't have kept his gig but for me he's just not a very engaging guy to listen to.
  22. that may help Harbaugh survive but won't spare the program.
  23. I don't care if it's not the whole loaf - half a loaf would still be a big improvement.
  24. Either Manuel knows a lot more about the parameters of the Stalion situation and knows its full scope it limited, or they are whistling past the graveyard - or maybe they will build in an escape clause if it turns out he was more involved in this mess. Or else Ward will have to find his version of Branda Tracy....
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