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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. A few of those I saw were sloppiness, but some were because has to give up the ball sooner before he's triple/quadruple teamed. So the combination of Cade passing sooner and his teammates getting somewhere that they are reasonable targets to pass to.
  2. Weird game for Sieder, some good plays, some bad ones. He was beat like a drum on short handed goal, Ozzie said you can’t blame him because he was gassed. If that was the case then put it on Lalonde for pushing his shifts too far. You can’t have d men out there less than one rush from being spent.
  3. Team looks like a lot less than the some of its parts so far. I guess that's so not unexpected with sometimes 4 guys on the court that could still be in college but it makes for some unentertaining games.
  4. Sieder looking very flatfooted tonight. Nursing an injury?
  5. This has nothing to do with what does or doesn't happen to Harbaugh and UM, but in general all I can say is if Stalion was the reason the D was getting the results it has, then there are a lot of coaches out there that should be fired for being too stupid to change up their signs!
  6. Harbaugh doesn't seem the type to out and out cheat, but he's eccentric enough he may have persuaded himself that since scouting was a long held practice that hadn't been illegal in his era, there is nothing wrong with it today, or the alternative is that he was oblivious to what Stalion had going. Until I see something that shows Harbaugh knew what was going on, I think that is most probably the case. But from the enforcement standpoint, that doesn't matter because if he didn't know then you get the 'lack of institutional control' hammer, which can be one of the heavier ones.
  7. I think the connection is that since there has been an increased political alignment between liberals and more pro-palestinian groups, which inevitably contain antisemetic factions/connections, that those factions feel they have achieved some level of standing or 'cover' or license to express the antisemitism present in their orgs. There is a certain parallel to the way US conservatism has increased the license felt by American racists.
  8. Agree- don't really see the Weber comp outside of the passing either.
  9. Antisemitism is one thing, but Israel has also lost a lot of left wing political sympathy apart from that based on their treatment of the Palestinians under Likud. I don't know any liberal person who has been to Israel in recent years that doesn't come back with increased sympathy for the Palestinians' cause. Hamas' barbarity now forces people to make another re-calibration in their assessments.
  10. Jalen Duren could hit a free throw at 19. That puts his development 8 yrs ahead of Drummond.
  11. yeah - the relaxation in the strict MtoM defense rules and 3 point shooting mean we're not likely to see a come back in that style of center play so those comparisons to players from that era aren't very apt anymore. Even if a guys comes up that looks like Ewing physically, he's not like to play the same kind of game. A star at that size today is going to have to play more like Embiid.
  12. salt water crocs for the playoffs!
  13. Duren with a shot would be something. Duren with a shot and Cade with high level 3pt % and you'd have your two requisite anchors for a championship team. We can only hope.
  14. a new definition of a 'squeeze' play.
  15. don't disagree in general, but there is a still a difference between a coach's public personna and his team personna. Hypothetically if he was a highly validating coach in the locker room, his players might not care what he 'performs' for the media. Not saying I have any reason to think that is true for Dieon, but it's the kind of thing that's always possible, and we know in general that it is very common for coaches to be Jekyll and Hyde wrt who they are in the media vs who they are to their players and their players know that perfectly well. As media gets more pervasive I think generally it's more common for people in all fields that have public media presence to have some intentionality in creating public personnae that optimize their marketability. How much connection those public personnae have to who they really are tends to be incidental. If Deion's players stay with him, that's the only way to know really. To your point about Narduzzi being panned for what Deion is lauded for, it's no different that different actors being appropriate for different roles. I wouldn't care for Humphrey Bogart as Hamlet, nor Olivier as Sam Spade, and watching either of them in either role tells me nothing about whether I'd want either as a mentor. Everywhere there are cameras, people eventually become actors.
  16. Yup. Winning in Hockey is a variable blend of talent and effort. In the regular season talent will usually rise to the top of the standing eventually, but once you get into the playoffs, less talented teams always have a shot to out compete more talented teams over a short haul.
  17. yeah - open question if they could keep up what they did the 1st week. Hopefully they find an equilibrium that's somewhere between that but better than the last couple.
  18. It was a great trade, its value equaled only by the deficits generated by the ludicrous Willis extension and the even more ludicrous Cabrera extension. You can't argue deductively about the absence of a thing, only speculate what kinds of roster and development value they may have generated or traded for with the money they spent on Willis and all the zero WAR yrs of Cabrera.
  19. the list of things in the OT to toss back to bible literalists has been around since long before the internet or the West Wing, so neither is particularly original on these points. The one caveat that an OT fan could throw back at you is that much of Leviticus is ritual purity rules for the priesthood ("Leviticus" = "of the Levites", Levites were the priests) and one could argue some number of these particular items were not meant to be applicable to the general population. That said, there are plenty of things such as slavery etc, that make good enough examples apart from those you could reasonably confine to some of the odder priestly rules.
  20. legal arguments over the chain of custody of these supposed computer resources might be interesting.
  21. one of great virtues of those late 18th century white males that cobbled together our governing systems is that they had no romantic illusions about the frailties of humanity. They tried to put together systems that could function with the state of humanity where it was. If all those conservatives really had any feel for how the founders really thought, they would agree with you that if you find yourself with a population that isn't safe with the available types of weaponry, don't count on perfecting the population, that's an idealistic bridge too far, solve the problem more practically - remove that availability.
  22. I have no idea what "channels" are anymore either. My 'guide' shows me sources in alphabetical order, not by channel number, so I never even see them. But the 'Captive' aspect is the key I think. As much baseball and hockey as I watch, I still don't watch that many games live from the beginning. > 50% of the time I start the beginning of a recording about an hour after the game started which gets me to the end of the game just about in real time. So that's basically just over one hour to watch a baseball or hockey game instead of 2 or 2.5. When I do watch a whole ball game in real time anymore I get kind of stir crazy...... I know it's just a matter of time before they find away to stop me from doing it this way*, but I'm enjoying it while I can. *we can see the seeds of the future with some commercials being streamed right into the game already.
  23. It's not showing up in the polling, but OTOH, the Dems success in recent special elections has been good. One can only hope that what we are seeing in polling data is just the continuing collapse in the efficacy of telephone based polling.
  24. Other than the unique Fox/Trump pathological parasitism, I doubt any journalist would accept asking a planted question at a press conference. The granter of the conference has all the time they want to say whatever they want to and get out any message they feel they need to get out before the 1st question so there isn't any actually need to plant a question beyond Sorkin's sense of the dramatic. 🙄
  25. Jeez Louise, I think the president has better things to do with his time than memorize the names and faces of the whole white House press corps and all their alternates. If he uses a photo sheet so he can be more polite to people and call them by name instead of asking them they are, good for him.
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