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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's hard enough to win with a front court player in the game who can't shoot, even harder with a back court player who can't. I can understand it being hard to find multi-skilled big men, in three years it shouldn't have been that hard to find a guard somewhere with a skill set that would better complement Cade's, he doesn't need to be an all-star. I can only conclude Hayes shows stuff in practice that keeps them hoping he will eventually produce in games.
  2. One can only hope that with Johnson, the Dems are able to score some of the success they hoped to have using Jordan as a foil to run against.
  3. A big problem is that identifiable mental illness won't get you there. The reason it's such a problem for this particular society to be highly armed is because it's not just mental illness, it's a level of alienation that has become endemic. We are a society where a low level sociopathy has become the behavioral standard. You don't have to stray far enough from that to generate a diagnosis before ending up a killer.
  4. And I think the sense of entitlement is about a lot more than his appointment - it's about the perceived sense of grievance he carries about his life in general. If you followed Coleman Young at all he was very explicit about this, you couldn't shame him over what he considered to be petty corruptions of power, because "it's our turn now." I see this dynamic at work in Thomas in pretty much the same way, he just adds an an Ivy league gloss on his. And what the heck, maybe he should be aggrieved, but no society can ultimately accept that as a valid excuse to being unethical yourself. To take on moral leadership in society, and where is that more the case than a judgeship, requires you to transcend your personal grievances, not play to your own lowest common denominator.
  5. Under the "Details matter" heading, the Pistons shot 60% from the charity stripe. They score 105 at 80%.
  6. I believe it's possible/likely that there are cases where psycho-active meds make things worse for some patients, have personal experience with people who have been through treatment and told me that. I challenge anyone to make a serious claim the we understand enough about brain chemistry and more importantly, even the nature of consciousness and volition, to be able to predict the actions of psychiatric meds with any great precision. That reality does make for a bad fit in a medical system that drives toward minimal doctor-patient time --> pharmaceutical intervention without adequate in depth follow-up. All that said, all mental health arguments are poor excuses and a trivially small part of the real issue for a nation awash in the instrumentality of death.
  7. You never say never because who knows who may offer what - but as a general propositions I tend to doubt you will see the Tigers move young talent in trades for expensive established players. Hard to ignore all the talk about building sustainable competitiveness that we have heard since Chris Ilitch took over. Whether we agree or not it is what it is. That was Ilitch's mandate to Avila and I think it's a good bet it was exactly the same mandate to Harris. I think under C.I. we'll continue to see willingness to make middle of the road forays into the FA market but hoarding of their own young players, at least until we get to a point where we have enough talent that good players are being blocked by other good players. We're still some way from there!
  8. Hard to understand how Killian can still be on the roster after 3yrs plus a 4th pre-season without any discernible sign of improvement. Only the FO's continuing inability to obtain any better talent.
  9. yup. The obvious play for any other team is Cade plays decoy and your #2 choice takes the shot, but for the Pistons #2 is more like #6. OTOH, at this point a performance like that from Cade is more significant than the loss.
  10. He also bought tickets non-UM games, SEC games etc. Sounds like maybe he was trying to build a little side business of his own.
  11. Today some hilariously terrible journalism on MLive about 'what we know about the story' in which after reporting that Stalion purchased tickets to lots of games (which is certainly relevant) they then go on to describe Stalion standing on the sideline next to coaches apparently trying to decode signals in real time, clearly implying this is also some kind of evidence, when of course anything he is doing in real time, live at the game is completely legal and has zero bearing on his alleged cheating scheme!
  12. But it would be consistent with his claim that whatever happened was without his knowledge. Or less charitably, with wanting to create the impression that what happened was without his knowledge - either way 😱
  13. First rule of ambition to enter the rarefied air of the 1%: "Never spend your own money when you can spend someone else's"
  14. So that's what crashed IT at UM in late August? Who knew? (huge outage - U cut all connection to the internet for days)
  15. It took the IRS to get Capone on tax evasion, maybe they can do us the same favor with Clarence Thomas https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/25/us/politics/clarence-thomas-rv-loan-senate-inquiry.html
  16. I will give Harbaugh big credit for one thing, he is always in the players' corner against the NCAA and other folks trying to make their living off of them. He was in the forefront supporting transfer rights and has been very vocal that the players should be benefiting more directly than even NIL from the income they are generating. I'm sure that position does not endear him to either the NCAA or other coaches who mostly want nothing more than to go back to the status quo ante. Harbaugh's position might be one that would lead ultimately to the destruction of college football as he knows it, but that doesn't seem to bother him.....🤷‍♀️
  17. Dems should have tried to get Emmer, they'll regret it if Johnson makes it and he isn't losing anyone so far.
  18. LOL - The 'integrity of the sport' is challenged by following a practice that was SOP everywhere in the sport until 1994? I need to go find some pearls to clutch.
  19. If 5 were actually ready to switch sides they tell McHenry they are ready to elect Jeffries and ask him to convene the house to order and recognize someone to nominate Jeffries and ask for vote. McHenry - apparently a straight shooter, would pretty certainly do it.
  20. Melber on MSNBC just said that ABC is reporting Meadows has a deal with Jack Smith. I didn't think it could happen, but they might yet convict Trump of something before next November. Immunity had been granted Meadows before the grand jury. That has to be disaster for Trump. https://abcnews.go.com/US/chief-staff-mark-meadows-granted-immunity-tells-special/story?id=104231281
  21. So all those times Cabrera rubbed his head for good luck didn't bring Alfredo any.
  22. Dems could have signaled a willingness to put Emmer in, but it appears they are playing for a bigger win. Hope they don't overplay their hand. this is such a weird time. In the past a situation like this would get resolved by a group bolting their party, but the tribalism is just too strong today.
  23. Trump will oppose anyone who voted to certify his defeat which will probably be enough to stop any of them.
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