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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. So this is the moment of truth (again...). The Jordan/Gaetz group will block whoever is put up that isn't there own, but so the sanity caucus has to again chose to go along because 'X' is not as bad as Jordan, or cross the aisle (Rubicon?) and ask for help to elect someone else.
  2. it would be fun if the GOP lost track of their count and got Jeffries elected, Of course nearly immediately the GOP would vote him back out because 'no' is the one thing the GOP can always coalesce around.
  3. he lost his previous 22 and they are only at 'R'. Going to be 25 or more.
  4. 60 votes in and he's already lost 4. Hope this gets ugly.
  5. I get that the RB can do better if he is back far enough to pick a hole. What I've always wondered is why they don't drill RBs to take snaps so short yardage plays could all be direct snap. I can see the point of letting the RB start a couple yds back, I don't see any point to the QB handling the ball. RB are expect to take hand-offs, pitches, laterals, and catch passes,\; you can't persuade me that you couldn't bring RBs to equal security taking snaps as a QB.
  6. Anybody has the right to demand it, ownership has the right to deny it. Don't think it would likely to happen. There are not many owners who would ever want one player enough to offer them a cut of the team and as a group the owners could never bargain it away because there would be enough owners completely and adamantly opposed it could never become a league bargaining position. A rare end of career deal to a HOF player looking to move into management long term maybe, but that's different situation from a rookie contract.
  7. Near as I can read this, the radicals don't want McHenry, they want Jordan. Hopefully they are pushing the 'moderates', OK, correct that, there may no 'moderates', lets just call them the 'sane' caucus, closer to the embrace of Mr Jeffries.
  8. LOLOLOL Deal for McHenry is apparently dead in the GOP caucus and Jordan is going to go for another vote.
  9. that's a pretty sobering list to be found in the company of.
  10. I would guess with Jordan's chances of winning the Chair directly evaporating, the Nihilism caucus has realized that it McHenry gets a bipartisan mandate they lose their leverage, so now they need to get out ahead of it - give him the gavel with just GOP votes and nothing will have changed, their leverage remains intact. Of course they may find McHenry to be a less feckless foil than McCarthy was -- maybe. In fact McHeny's power might inhere exactly in the fact he may not care if he loses the job - and thus be less willing to kowtow to keep it.
  11. And of course the obvious point is that what we do or don't believe about Manning's (or any other player's) future is good discussion fodder, and we all like to match our predictive power as observers/fans against the eventual outcomes, but if you run the team, you let need to let your final decisions be driven by what happens on the field. Manning will either earn a spot in the rotation by pitching well enough this Spring or even for some initial weeks in Toledo or he won't. That's the place the decision needs to be made.
  12. The single biggest tragedy was Arafat's refusal to take the deal at Camp David. The Palestinian leadership couldn't let go of their dream of reversing the UN mandate and here we are.
  13. I guess 'Slurve' has been banished to the dictionary's 'archaic' headings.
  14. Fate seems to conspire against some, but with pitchers career enders come out of the blue so often anyway how do you predict? In 2006, did Zumaya look like a candidate to be out of baseball in 3 yrs with a blown elbow? I think all you can do is see whether he pitches his way into the rotation and if he does you cross your fingers like you have to for every pitcher. If his inconsistency allows other pitchers to beat him out of a spot that solves your problem as well.
  15. he's been known to play a little D as well, something the Pistons have also lacked prior to this year but you'd hope that with Cade, Ausar and Duren out there and better fit in the coaches chair, that will change
  16. does what you are seeing discriminate between trying to throw harder sliders vs just harder fastballs? There has certainly been an uptick in very hard sliders in recent years, though the sudden rage for the 'sweeper' does seem to be a move back the other way.
  17. In the 3rd I thought it took them too long to figure out they were getting too many people too deep and leaving the trailer wide open on every Pit rush. They seemed to finally start picking him up after the 3rd Pit goal, plus it helped the Wings that the Pit #1 line was reaching their energy limit on their last shift or two. It was also sort of funny that each team's first goal was almost a mirror image of the same across the slot pass play, with the Pens losing track of Debrincat just like the Wings lost track of Malkin. So much bad passing by the Wings in the 1st period though. Need to be less sloppy opening the game.
  18. the Cavs won 41 games in two years before the 20 draft, the Piston had won 40. A big piece of why Mobley played on a better team is because he made it better. So sure, let's say outside the draft the Pistons' FO was more incompetent than the Cavs, that's still been cold comfort for the fans.
  19. injuries that cluster to one position have killed more than one football team. They aren't going to go 16-1 and if they do lose this one it doesn't have terrible downstream implications, as long as they get something back at RB soon. But it will be interesting to see what kind of rabbits Campbell can pull out his hat through. He's proving to be a creative coach so he'll have something cooked up, whether or not it works!
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