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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. if they had brought that energy from a point a couple of minutes sooner they probably have a regulation win, but better late then never.
  2. The story in the DetNews made it sound like Veleno was odd man out but it didn't actually say he had been sent down - I wouldn't have thought they could but I don't track that kind of stuff. At any rate, they said the line would be Soderblom, Rass and Fischer. If Ras is motivated to raise his game that could be tough group to play against - which of course is the point!
  3. Sort of like Sears could/should have been Amazon.
  4. OK - thanks - I misread it - thought at the 4th tier they had to pay multiples of the overage.....so still about $8M per team just from the Dodgers. Phillies, Dodgers, Mets and Yankees all over $275M AAV but the penalties depend on how many years they have been over and by how much so the total tax isn't a straightforward % of this year's overages. At any rate, it's interesting that the luxury tax payments are getting to where they are not trivial to the receiving teams.
  5. It's downright fascinating how people can constantly believe Trump is on their side only to find out he isn't on anyone's side but his own. Been going on for 50 yrs and people still fall for it.
  6. If Canada embargoed oil to the US gasoline would certainly go to over $5/gal probably more. The price of Jet Fuel would go up along with airline tickets. And trucking everything would cost more. In SE MI we'd stay warm because most heating here is nat gas, which is mostly domestic, but up North they use fuel oil a fair amount. And all for absolutely no reason. Trump is not only an idiot, he's an idiot who thinks in 19th century terms. It's not even to any advantage to the US for Canada to part of it - absolutely none. It's pure Napoleonic thinking from an age that should be dead an buried.
  7. Not to mention it will drive every country in the world right into Xi's embrace, or worse, Putin's.
  8. I used to spend a lot of time in Canada and I would say the idea of becoming part of US ranks somewhere between a joke and an insult to Canadians and while it's been a few years since I spent my time there, I can't imagine that sentiment has done anything but grown harder. They will not go gently into that good night.
  9. Per the link above, the Dodgers are expected to owe something like $400M in luxury tax. If there are 15 teams getting equity payments, that $26.6M per team just in luxury tax revenue, just from the Dodgers.
  10. We used to have the Canadians over a barrel (so to speak!) because there wasn't much they could do with the Alberta product but send it into the US Midwest. But they've completed a pipeline expansion project west to the Pacific and now can export at least a chuck of the product (~1 Mbpd) product that use to be fairly captive to the Midwest. They'd still suffer a lot themselves to cut off exports to the Midwest, but not as badly as they would have a year ago.
  11. way-Way back in the three yards and cloud of dust days under Bo, I was always persuaded that the one reason UM would fail so badly against West Coast teams in bowl games was because they didn't have a good passing offense to practice against. Hard to be prepared for what you just don't get to see. That M's D came to far from the beginning of this season without being able to practice against a good QB speaks well for Martindale.
  12. Angry man: WHADDAYOU WANT? Man: Well, Well, I was told outside that... Angry man: DON'T GIVE ME THAT, YOU SNOTTY-FACED HEAP OF PARROT DROPPINGS! Man: What? A: SHUT YOUR FESTERING GOB, YOU TIT! YOUR TYPE MAKES ME PUKE! YOU VACUOUS TOFFEE-NOSED MALODOROUS PERVERT!!! M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!! A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse! M: Oh! Oh I see! A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door. M: Oh...Sorry... A: Not at all! A: (under his breath) stupid git. (The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.) Man: Is this the right room for an argument? Other Man:I've told you once. Man: No you haven't! Other Man: Yes I have. M: When? O: Just now. M: No you didn't! O: Yes I did! M: You didn't! O: I did! M: You didn't! O: I'm telling you, I did! M: You did not! O: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes. O: Just the five minutes. Thank you. O: Anyway, I did. M: You most certainly did not! O: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh look, this isn't an argument! (pause) O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! (pause) M: It's just contradiction! O: No it isn't! M: It IS! O: It is NOT! M: You just contradicted me! O: No I didn't! M: You DID! O: No no no! M: You did just then! O: Nonsense! M: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!! (pause) O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! (pause) M: I came here for a good argument! O: AH, no you didn't, you came here for an argument! M: An argument isn't just contradiction. O: Well! it CAN be! M: No it can't! M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! 'tisn't just contradiction. O: Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position! M: Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'. O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says. O: It is NOT! M: It is! O: Not at all! M: It is! (The Arguer hits a bell on his desk and stops.) O: Thank you, that's it.
  13. This guy is like a 6 time loser at this point. Went to jail after the Parks robbery, after he got out he was busted again (2009), got out and busted again for a crime on the same MO in 2020. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2020/03/man-who-attacked-rosa-parks-accused-of-similar-crime-in-grand-rapids.html
  14. tl;dr version: the US didn't adequately resource or fund the program
  15. Trump sitting there with his "I'm working on a tweet to handle this joker" face on.
  16. That rings a bell. I think the story came out after she died but I wouldn't have remembered it if you had just asked me.
  17. good question. If it's been a matter of persuading the Afghans to let them out that's one thing, if it's because the Biden admin dragged it's feet because it didn't want the PR of lots of Afghans arriving when they already had a black eye on immigration that would definitely be pretty sorry.
  18. These good folks put their lives at risk to work with our Armed Forces folks (guys like TH) left out to dry. Very noble, very SemperFi. Just more suckers for the American oligarchy to use and discard I guess.
  19. Trumpers are sort of where Lion's fans were up until Saturday: Euphoric in the joy they had all the wins and all the answers. But in a few months when nothing has changed, prices are still increasing, the social fabric is still fraying, the rich are still getting richer and poor poorer, American schools will still be failing, the countty's infrastructure will still be crumbling, the debt will still be increasing, maybe the border will be closed but it will turn out not to have fixed anything that mattered at all, Trump will still have no policy answers, and suddenly it's going to feel like Saturday, Jan 18 at about 11pm.
  20. If it's still a Republic, the 2026 election. Our side is the one that supports the process, remember?
  21. Not to worry, they'll find a way to monetize that were it to catch on. There's track record there - remember indulgences?
  22. You meet a fair number of people on the spectrum at an engineering college, but I'm struggling to remember any Nazi style affectionate waves. Myabe just my failing memory....
  23. LOL - I was thinking about a post bemoaning that if they can't get more out of Elmer at this point than Motte or Fischer we need to write him off. At least now we get to see. I hoped two years ago that when they put him on the the 'big' line with Sundqvist for that short audition they might have had something if they had given it more time.....
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